Pakistan - Firewall being installed to rein in social media (
from to on 08 Jun 2024 13:04


threaded - newest on 08 Jun 2024 13:13 next collapse

I know people will cry “free speech” but this is t a bad idea.

We all know Russia china and North Korea run propaganda campaigns on the west. Maybe a west (EU Canada UK) only firewall would work. Maybe block the US and some of their shit on 08 Jun 2024 14:02 collapse

Its a terrible idea. See: North Korea. on 08 Jun 2024 14:42 collapse

For dictatorships yes it is. For the rest of us maybe not. Something needs to change in how we allow companies to manipulate us and all for profit. See Myanmar…/rohingya-refugee-meta-facebook-1.6276183 on 08 Jun 2024 14:40 collapse

On a separate note I think the social media giants are the ones we need to block. Specifically Facebook and any others that use algorithms to feed tailored posts to you. These companies shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind free speech protections. Their “speech” is processed and tailored to audiences for corporate profit.

Apps make money from you staying on their apps and interacting. It can be through comments, clicks or simple by pausing to look at posts. Adds are either fed to you or you become the material for adds through data scraping.

The longer you spend on the app the more revenue is generated. Therefore it f they can send you tailored media to engage you more you’ll stay. The longer you stay the more adds you see. However things aren’t as simple as they used to be. Some advertisers aren’t selling consumer products, they’re selling ideas, political parties and options. Their methods are becoming highly organized and they use a lot of psychology to do it. I believe it’s Stanford who offers a masters program for app design along these lines. Netflix did a documentary on it.

Algorithms seem to have no morals, they’ll feed you anything to keep you engaged or increase your engagement. There are class action lawsuits against Facebook over promoting genocide. All for clicks.…/rohingya-refugee-meta-facebook-1.6276183

These companies shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind free speech protections. Their “speech” is processed and tailored to audiences for corporate profit. If it’s wrong to yell fire in a crowded theatre then how is it allowed to push hate speech using advanced psychological tools designed to sell these ideas to us.