Study: AI Can Tell if You’re Stoned by Reading Your Smartphone Data (
from to on 23 Oct 2023 10:16


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[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 10:21 next collapse
. on 23 Oct 2023 10:52 next collapse

Thats alot of words for saying your smartphone is listening in and possibly watching.

The article does nothing to detail what kind of smartphone sensors are used. I bet the gyroscope isn’t gonna be it when people are cough locked.

But microphones are sound sensors and cameras can also fit the bill so… on 23 Oct 2023 11:14 collapse

You don’t even need sensors, you can tell from the websites/apps people use and especially from their typing behaviour. I can do 50WPM on my phone when sober, but less than half that when I’m not. on 23 Oct 2023 11:20 next collapse

That i could see but not everyone who is stoned is typing on their phone all the time. Article makes it sound like it can do this automatically unobstructivly.

Seems far easier to detect the sound of a lighter, crunchers hitting eachother and detecting sentence like “i am going outside to smoke my joint” combined with daily/weekly patterns in time.

Thanks to this i did find a great nerdy app to play around with my phones electromagnetic field sensor though. on 23 Oct 2023 15:00 next collapse

how does it distinguish from sleepy, distracted, careful thinking on an important message etc? on 23 Oct 2023 19:03 collapse

We don’t know exactly. That’s why it’s called machine learning.

But we do know that it doesn’t do it well, 67% accuracy can be achieved by guessing if you try often enough. on 23 Oct 2023 15:31 collapse

it makes no difference to my typing abilities on 23 Oct 2023 11:19 next collapse

There is only one sollution! Stay high all the time!

[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 14:00 collapse
. on 23 Oct 2023 12:28 next collapse

The study claimed to be able to predict cannabis impairment using only the smartphone data with about 67% accuracy

As someone who studied data science and did a good bit of machine learning in that time: That’s terrible and it means that the whole story is a big nothing burger. It’s barely better than random guesses that match the distribution.

[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 12:35 next collapse
. on 23 Oct 2023 15:31 next collapse

bs clickbait on 23 Oct 2023 16:41 collapse

To be fair, the senseless philosophical question you texted your buddy combined with the $65 mobile order for taco bell are pretty easy to interpret.