ISPs Should Not Police Online Speech—No Matter How Awful It Is. (
from to on 29 Aug 2023 23:59

threaded - newest on 30 Aug 2023 02:39 next collapse

As always the EFF is 100% right, that’s not their job and their position of power is really dangerous if they try to do it! on 30 Aug 2023 13:31 collapse

Isps don’t want to do this, but governments force them to. on 30 Aug 2023 14:46 collapse

I don’t know how many other countries are in a similar situation but in Germany ISPs do it themself and aren’t forced at all… on 30 Aug 2023 13:51 next collapse

Title II them and call it good. on 30 Aug 2023 14:50 next collapse

Things I want from an ISP:

  • fast speeds
  • consistent service
  • transparent billing
  • optional features like public IP routing

That’s it. If they want to provide any more features, they need to be optional. If I want censorship, sell me a router or something that can filter content. But that should be a separate piece of equipment that competes with other similar devices. on 30 Aug 2023 15:20 collapse

Ethics aside, my ISP can’t even give me the speeds I’m paying for or a connection that doesn’t go down semi regularly. Who the hell would even think that they’re the ones to implement this from technical standpoint?