They're Looting The Internet (
from to on 18 Apr 2024 23:36

This is the state of the modern internet — ultra-profitable platforms outright abdicating any responsibility toward the customer, offering not a “service” or a “portal,” but cramming as many ways to interrupt the user and push them into doing things that make the company money. The greatest lie in tech is that Facebook and Instagram are for “catching up with your friends,” because that’s no longer what they do. These platforms are now pathways for the nebulous concept of “content discovery,” a barely-personalized entertainment network that occasionally drizzles people or things you choose to see on top of sponsored content and groups that a relational database has decided are “good for you.”


threaded - newest on 18 Apr 2024 23:59 next collapse

This was great, thanks for sharing! on 19 Apr 2024 01:52 next collapse

sponsored content and groups that a relational database has decided are “good for you.”

I don’t think they could possibly care less what’s good for you. on 19 Apr 2024 02:16 next collapse

I now want you to go on Facebook, scroll down, and see how quickly you hit an advertisement.

Nah, I stopped using facebook after college and I don’t really associate with people who do use facebook (or Ig, or any others.) on 19 Apr 2024 06:22 collapse

That would actually be an ingenious way to make people try facebook again… urgh on 19 Apr 2024 05:20 next collapse

Nice write-up!

It’s been crazy to see the AI hype train amusement park ride lately. on 19 Apr 2024 16:31 next collapse

Redefine the internet and the definition of web 3.0 - the future should be decentralized and interoperable, not a bag holding contest for the ultra wealthy. on 19 Apr 2024 16:48 next collapse

Just for funsies, the Instagram profits for 2021 are roughly half of the Department of Education budget. Which is one of the larger federal programs. on 19 Apr 2024 20:42 next collapse

Why u c ads tho? on 20 Apr 2024 14:36 next collapse

A rant about ads shoving me pop ups for a newsletter in my face. How ironic. on 20 Apr 2024 14:53 collapse

I always thought that facebook got a bad rap. I mean, it was stupid, but I always enjoyed it because I could catch up with old friends, who might not be actively in my life at the time, and for that it was special.

However, sometime recently (as in years, I guess) as people have left or become more private, my feed has slowly been taken over by suggested content. It’s always pushed front and center. Literally unavoidable because there is no setting to say “don’t suggest anything to me.” and no matter how often you hide shit, they’ll just keep feeding more. I’ve all but completely abandoned using facebook now…I just go on to check my local buy nothing group, or post things myself. Occasionally I go to see what stupid shit my previous good friend, who got totally sucked into Trump world, is saying.