Mobile OS maker Jolla is back and building an AI device | TechCrunch (
from to on 29 Feb 2024 10:33


threaded - newest on 29 Feb 2024 10:46 next collapse

Saarnio himself built the first product mock ups, after spending the last 1.5 years learning to program — upskilling from his former finance-focused background to close in on the AI opportunity.

It’s so hard to find programmers nowadays that this entrepreneur had to learn to program to create this raspberypi in a box. on 29 Feb 2024 13:41 next collapse

1.5 years? So this dude without formally learning programming wants to build an OS. Curious. on 29 Feb 2024 14:31 collapse

He is coming from a finance background, so the math and logic part of programming should have been easy for him. I guess he was also familiar with Excel formulas, from there to learn python is not an unbelievably big step, 1.5 years should be enough.

On the photo you can see the phone connects to a webpage(, which I guess running on the black box, so it’s just a website actually. There are literally tutorials on the internet to create something similar, first result:…/how-to-create-an-intelligent-c…

The article also mentions 40 people working for Jolla, I just don’t understand that line, why the manager had to learn to program, if he had 40 programmers to do this?

Actually their Sailfish os is not bad, it’s based on Linux, originally developed by Intel and Nokia, and they have a proprietary Android compatibility tool which can run Android apps very well on their phone. There was an article about this tool recently, compared to waydroid by a Gnome developer:…/a-dive-into-jolla-appsupport/

Maybe all the programmer had better things to do, everyone could see that this current AI hype will just disappear in some years, and they just wanted to show something on MWC, and only the boss had time to dive into this bullshit. on 01 Mar 2024 01:28 collapse

Sailfish oh yea on 29 Feb 2024 14:19 next collapse

It’s practically impossible to find good programmers now because most of them are either laid of because of AI, or crippled by depression, because they’re stuck at a dead end job, that will eventually be replaced by AI. No one truly knows the cause or the solution for this problem whatsoever but if we ask chatGPT, we might /s on 29 Feb 2024 22:48 collapse

He wanted to get into it himself, I think that’s pretty cool on 29 Feb 2024 13:51 next collapse

Man… We just want a smaller phone with removable battery and audio jack… on 29 Feb 2024 16:12 collapse

For me, the S22 size is perfect! Miss the headphone jack a lot, though on 29 Feb 2024 16:12 next collapse

Sounds like Jolla has found a new, international investor. on 29 Feb 2024 23:13 collapse

Bro, just make a truly open linux phone instead of trying to sell this kind of shit. IIRC they were bought out by a Russian company and “open” went out of the window.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 on 29 Feb 2024 23:28 collapse

Apparently Rostelecom owned about 45% when the Ukraine war happened. Jolla were trying to get out of this arrangement which took some time,. on 01 Mar 2024 09:05 collapse

Thanks. I still find it a little ridiculous to call them “opensource” when their main product isn’t even opensource.