One surviving Reddit app plans to charge based on how much you use it (
from to on 18 Aug 2023 03:16

threaded - newest on 18 Aug 2023 03:16 next collapse

I'm done with that place. on 18 Aug 2023 03:23 collapse

Agreed. This place ain’t 100% the same but it’s been a fine replacement and it will get better over time. on 18 Aug 2023 03:44 next collapse

I like the communities around here. Different ones are larger here than on The-Site-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named which gives it a different feel. And people seem to be more apt to have discussions instead of getting crabby. Also seem to be fewer bots. on 18 Aug 2023 04:42 next collapse

what bots we have here are usually super helpful, like our good friend autotldr :) on 18 Aug 2023 18:32 collapse

Definitely a different vibe of people here, I have to actively tell myself to be less snarky and more positive to fit in. on 18 Aug 2023 04:52 collapse

IMHO it’s so much better. I’ve had better discussions, less stupid comments (no pun comment threads so far for example).

I don’t want Lemmy to turn into Reddit. on 18 Aug 2023 03:33 next collapse

Imagine paying for reposts every month. Lol! on 18 Aug 2023 04:05 collapse

I can get reposts every couple of hours on here. on 18 Aug 2023 04:40 collapse

For free! on 18 Aug 2023 03:46 next collapse

Fuck that little alien and his cold dead eyes. on 18 Aug 2023 04:23 next collapse

I used Relay back when I was a redditor.

Ship sailed. I get the dev trying to recoup costs and keep the thing running. But ultimately reddit made their call and that market isn’t really there anymore. on 18 Aug 2023 04:52 next collapse

I can honestly say that I don’t give a fuck about anything Reddit related. I’m very happy with my Lemmy experience thus far. This place seems fresh. on 18 Aug 2023 05:10 next collapse

Seriously, the handful of times I've checked back in on Reddit recently just made me think, "Wow I hate it here."

I'm so much happier on the Fediverse. on 18 Aug 2023 05:44 next collapse

Right? Scrolling through /r/all is just a combination of ragebait, low quality trash and circlejerking. I’ve been increasingly unhappy with the platform over the past years and the great time I’ve had on Lemmy has really driven the point home how bad of a site reddit has become. on 18 Aug 2023 13:48 collapse

Literally the only reason I occasionally go back every 3 or 4 weeks is to check if my old app moved to the subscription service yet, and so far it hasn’t on 18 Aug 2023 06:22 next collapse

Only wish there were more comments on 18 Aug 2023 06:31 next collapse

I think there’s a lot of people who got turned off from commenting.

It was so easy to gain the attention of some deranged Redditor when you commented, it was often just not worth it. Maybe that mindset came here and people are still warming up to the idea. on 18 Aug 2023 08:06 next collapse

Funny comments and local jokes was my favourite thing about reddit on 18 Aug 2023 19:52 collapse

Comments on articles and memes is okay, but comments and discussions on Reddit subs about specific topics and interests were very useful. Lemmy would definitely be better with more of that here. on 18 Aug 2023 06:35 collapse

I have been writing a lot of comments on lemmy and people are so quick to upvote or downvote or try to start an argument. I can see why lots just lurk on 18 Aug 2023 08:07 collapse

Oh, don’t say. Wrote an opinion on atheist forum and got myself almost crucified, lol on 18 Aug 2023 11:23 collapse

Yeah it feels really hostile here unless you want to circlejerk with everyone, it’s worse than reddit in this regard

Also mods tend to just ban whoever they disagree with on 18 Aug 2023 08:46 next collapse

Lemmy is my methadone. Not interesting enough to get me hooked but just enough to keep me from going back.

I swear even the memes on here belong in comedy homicide and I see maybe one interesting article per day at most. I started carrying a kindle with me and usually just read instead of browsing. I’ve gone from a book every 2 or 3 months to a book per week. on 18 Aug 2023 08:50 next collapse

I just need to start mirroring my fav book subreddits to my instance and I’m fully done with reddit on 18 Aug 2023 17:56 next collapse

Any good book recommendations?
I’ve just started reading more since a month or so as well, but I’m having trouble finding good books - especially sci-fi stuff

I read the children of time books (2 of 3) and although the idea is cool, the writing style and also the (later) story itself isn’t really good.

So I’ve looked into the Foundation series from Asimov. I started with the prelude and went on to the second book, but after Dune it feels very shallow and somehow written like an action movie (with easy/stupid solutions)

Isn’t really the thread topic, but if your have any good books in mind, I would really appreciate it :⁠-⁠) on 19 Aug 2023 04:55 collapse

If you haven’t read it, i really like The Expanse series, especially the last 3 books. on 20 Aug 2023 22:09 collapse

Thanks, will check it out!

Edit: just started the first pages and it reads great!
Thank you very much for the recommendation :⁠-⁠) on 19 Aug 2023 02:09 collapse

Been doing that too (though not at the same pace). Like project Gutenberg has a ton of good stuff if you just let go of your preconceived notions about “the classics”. Like you could right now drop everything and go read Ulysses. I wouldn’t reccomend it (go read Dubliners instead), but like you could. It’s like a call of the void. on 18 Aug 2023 12:37 next collapse

Reading about reddit for me nowadays is like seeing a tech news article for something that doesn’t concern me.

It doesn’t feel really relevant anymore. I think that’s a good thing given that I feel like I can find most of the content I used to go to reddit for on the fediverse. With higher quality even. People seem to be of more diverse options as well, which is great. on 19 Aug 2023 01:15 collapse

Since sync landed it’s like I just continued from where I was before because that’s the only client I’ve ever used on 18 Aug 2023 05:29 next collapse

Honestly, I was getting a good ad-free experience with RIF for many years and I enjoyed it. I don’t see how anyone could have made money off of me for that. If 3rd party app/API access were only available with Reddit Gold, it wouldn’t have been the most unreasonable idea in the world. This kinda sorta works like that. I’d almost consider it, but between the shit moves (read: outright lies) Spez was making, recent coin fuckery, and Lemmy content only getting better with time… Nah.

The way things are going, I’m pretty sure NSFW content on Reddit will be nixed within the next year. Hopefully that drives another influx this way. on 18 Aug 2023 05:46 collapse

Just wait until they axe old.reddit. I’m sure that will trigger the next exodus. on 18 Aug 2023 06:01 next collapse

Screw Reddit. Since my migration over here a couple months ago I’ve spent less than 1 hour over there.

If anyone is a College Basketball or College Football here on Lemmy come join. CFB and collegebasketball on LemmyWorld. on 18 Aug 2023 06:34 collapse

For clickable links: ! ! ^^ on 18 Aug 2023 06:53 next collapse

OT but related to the discussion: is there a way to track if and how the fediverse is increasing?

I looked on Wikipedia and it said it’s just about ~67000 users on Lemmy VS ~52 million users on Reddit.

I’m spending most of my time on my phone on Lemmy (and about 5 mins on Reddit) every day now, but it would be awesome to be slowly attracting more users from Reddit over time.

Sure, it’s better to be fewer users if it does lead to more quality conversations (which is what I find so far), but the fediverse still needs to grow!

Edit: fixed grammar and clarity in the last sentence. on 18 Aug 2023 07:50 collapse does a good job of monitoring. They also have a special lemmy+kbin section. on 19 Aug 2023 06:33 collapse

This is really nice, thank you! on 18 Aug 2023 07:34 next collapse

Right now I am still using Infinity for reddit. Will keep using it till it stops working. The app can also be built with your own key and the limit will not be hit for most users of reddit. For lemmy I like infinity for lemmy best. Its just like infinity for reddit but lemmy. on 18 Aug 2023 07:47 collapse

How come it didn’t stop working yet? on 18 Aug 2023 20:46 collapse

I think the owner is not done with making the paid subscription version of the app so till then it will keep working. on 18 Aug 2023 07:40 next collapse

Relay is an amazing app. Very smooth. And this is a good solution for his app to survive.

But besides the fact that almost all of the money will be going to Reddit. Everything you do on the app makes calls to the API, including voting. And each vote is equal to one call, just as much getting a batch of comments for a post, or getting a batch of posts.

So the best way to keep your API calls low is to not vote on any post or comment.

Maybe the dev will optimize this somehow by maybe batching votes and sending them at a later date, but you can see how the current situation, made possible by reddit, will decrease engagement. on 18 Aug 2023 08:45 collapse

i love the app, and u/DBrady has made a great thing. but i can’t support that place any longer. this doesn’t have the active communities i desire, and that place fucking sucks my heart out of my chest. I’m pretty jaded right now… on 18 Aug 2023 21:04 collapse

They also banned me for using a modded third party app, so now I can’t post or interact on Reddit. Which is honestly perfectly fine with me, since I don’t want it support the website by creating content for it anyways on 18 Aug 2023 08:14 next collapse

Apps that make fewer than 100 queries per minute using OAuth authentication

This is what Reddit allows for free, why is Relay asking for 1$ when using 50 queries a day?

Edit: Nevermind, reddit apparently counts access against the app-id and not the logged in user. So this would only work if you could use your own app-id within Relay which isn’t possible. on 18 Aug 2023 08:29 collapse

Because Relay has a few thousand users. on 18 Aug 2023 08:34 collapse

I mean the user initiates the login flow and gets the token, why does it matter how many users Relay has?

In order to make requests to reddit’s API via OAuth, you must acquire an Authorization token, either on behalf of a user or for your client

Maybe I am misunderstanding how API pricing for reddit works though. Do they count it against the app id and not the user? on 18 Aug 2023 08:36 next collapse

The app has is own API, not for individual user.

They are averaging out the cost. on 18 Aug 2023 08:37 collapse

What? That doesn’t make any sense, why would they suddenly ask for payment to use their own API? on 18 Aug 2023 08:39 next collapse

Because they are paying Reddit for that API use, they won’t be getting it for free. on 18 Aug 2023 12:05 next collapse

More like API Key I would say, still reddit API on 18 Aug 2023 14:31 collapse

They don’t have their own api, but they have a shared api-key to reddit which all user requests would use on 18 Aug 2023 08:44 collapse

Do they count it against the app id and not the user?

Yes, that. on 18 Aug 2023 11:40 next collapse

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Here is a link to their 14 day free trial. on 18 Aug 2023 11:57 collapse

I used to spend a lot of time on reddit. Now since middle of june i have spent like 10 minutes total their and came streight back here. Lemmy has totally replaced my reddit usage slot and i am really happy about that. Also, shout out to the fantastic Thunder devs as i really love this app. on 19 Aug 2023 01:43 next collapse

Just switched from Jerboa to Thunder. Thanks for the recommendation! on 19 Aug 2023 04:05 collapse

Same for me, and I was using SyncPro for 10 years on Reddit, switching to Sync for Lemmy is completely transparent