Microsoft AI Image Generator Blocks 'Disney' After Viral Movie Poster Trend (
from to on 27 Nov 2023 02:32


threaded - newest on 27 Nov 2023 02:54 next collapse

“Reproduction of the Disney logo is clear trademark infringement. I would imagine that is why the AI might be jumbling the logo,” Andrew White, partner at IP law firm Mathys & Squire, tells The Financial Times.

Doesn’t seem clear to me.

I’m allowed to sketch out the Disney logo by hand, right? But I’m not allowed to place their trademark on any of my own products or services.

Microsoft’s tool reproduces the Disney logo. Searching “Disney logo” in Google Images also reproduces the Disney logo. I can print the logo from my shitty black and white printer to my heart’s content, right?

From Bing’s terms of use, section 7:

Use of Creations. Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, the Microsoft Services Agreement, and our Content Policy, you may use Creations outside of the Online Services for any legal personal, non-commercial purpose. on 27 Nov 2023 08:05 collapse

I think they are arguing that using disney stuff as training data would be the infringement, and if the logo showed up in generated images, that would be proof they did that.

But I’m guessing because it is phrased weird if they meant that. Idk. on 27 Nov 2023 08:57 next collapse

Seems like the lawyer thinks that AI models deliberately jumble the Disney logo rather than specific text/artifact/logo generation just being a weakness of these types of models. (He’s wrong, he’s attributing intent to something janky/buggy) on 27 Nov 2023 09:25 collapse

That is always a dumb argument. People are also „trained“ by watching at the logo. You want to remove the logo from the world? on 27 Nov 2023 10:08 next collapse

Haha, let’s not be silly. Everyone in the world just needs to pay for the logo! Individually as well as the collective.

Then we train 🥷 on 27 Nov 2023 10:08 collapse

People have rights machines don’t. on 27 Nov 2023 03:41 next collapse

It’s a little ironic that they protect SOME copyright and artistic styles (from giant corporations producing media) but not other copyright and artistic styles (independent artists and creators)

So all the reasons they listed here, it’s ok to do that to everyone else just not Disney 😒

Time to switch to the open source / self hosted / jailbroken creation tools instead

[deleted] on 27 Nov 2023 03:44 next collapse
. on 27 Nov 2023 04:06 next collapse

It's not that ironic. In this case, the tool was creating a near-identical replication of the Disney logo. Generally, AI hasn't been able to convincingly reproduce a logo like that with any degree of reliability (for instance, the jumbled logos in the Getty Images situation). It looks like the AI has actually advanced to the point where it actually violates Disney's trademark. That crosses the line of fair use at that point. on 27 Nov 2023 05:02 next collapse

I noticed some of these posters had a much better Disney logo than the ones I was seeing before, there’s been some horrible monstrosities lmao on 27 Nov 2023 10:26 next collapse

I find that differentiation fir a logo silly though.

copy pasting a logo on top after the ai generated the rest really isnt that difficult.

So how would Disney know reliably that the memes are indeed made with a violation by MS? on 27 Nov 2023 23:01 collapse

They don’t need to determine on an individual basis. It’s simple enough to prove that the tool can do it, so they are enforcing that Microsoft make sure it can’t. on 27 Nov 2023 23:30 collapse

Photoshop can violate every trademark on the planet, Disney hasn’t slapped Adobe for copyright theft. on 28 Nov 2023 14:25 collapse

And Disney didn’t slap Microsoft for copyright theft either.

And no, you can’t ask Photoshop to generate the Disney logo. You’d have to do that yourself. on 27 Nov 2023 22:03 collapse

Meanwhile the Shutterstock logo is all over sd on 29 Nov 2023 03:58 collapse

This is a trademark issue isn’t it? Not a copyright.

[deleted] on 27 Nov 2023 03:48 next collapse
[deleted] on 27 Nov 2023 04:59 next collapse
. on 27 Nov 2023 05:21 next collapse

I have no faith in a boundless new well for imagination and creativity named AI if it is going to be squashed by the polemics of the billionaire class while stripping humanity from the rest of us. on 27 Nov 2023 05:29 next collapse

Never let the capitalists control the tech, only misery can follow if we do… oops, too late! on 27 Nov 2023 05:36 next collapse

* cracks knuckles * Time to roll out a federated, truly open source generative AI and use it to ((checks notes)) mock Disney. on 27 Nov 2023 05:46 next collapse

give it a month and someone will have a Disney Pixar Poster Style LoRA for SD on 27 Nov 2023 09:24 collapse

There already is I think. on 28 Nov 2023 03:28 collapse

I don’t see one on Civitai (though that doesn’t mean someone hasn’t published one somewhere else). Though if you want 2000s Movie Poster Style (American Pie/Road Trip Ensemble) style, I guess you can do that, at least. on 27 Nov 2023 19:45 collapse

Open source generative AI

Disney model


Mock away :D on 29 Nov 2023 01:41 collapse

Disney model

Looks promising but i’m not touching that until they use safetensors format. Is anyone able to confirm if it can do pixar poster parodies? on 27 Nov 2023 11:52 next collapse

Absolute fuckin corporate losers. Can’t have anything fun or some company might have a little whinge on 27 Nov 2023 22:01 next collapse

Welp, time to switch back to stable Diffusion on 28 Nov 2023 00:05 collapse

Steal millions of small artist works and no one bats an eye.

Steal works from a mega corp and everyone loses their minds. on 28 Nov 2023 16:54 collapse

If only common artists could enjoy 1/100th of the protection megacorps get…