Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment (
from to on 18 Aug 2023 05:08

Archived version:

The Sotheby’s auction house has been named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed by investors who regret buying Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs that sold for highly inflated prices during the NFT craze in 2021. A Sotheby’s auction duped investors by giving the Bored Ape NFTs “an air of legitimacy… to generate investors’ interest and hype around the Bored Ape brand,” the class-action lawsuit claims.

The boost to Bored Ape NFT prices provided by the auction “was rooted in deception,” said the lawsuit filed in US District Court for the Central District of California. It wasn’t revealed at the time of the auction that the buyer was the now-disgraced FTX, the lawsuit said.

“Sotheby’s representations that the undisclosed buyer was a ‘traditional’ collector had misleadingly created the impression that the market for BAYC NFTs had crossed over to a mainstream audience,” the lawsuit claimed. Lawsuit plaintiffs say that harmed investors bought the NFTs “with a reasonable expectation of profit from owning them.”

Sotheby’s sold a lot of 101 Bored Ape NFTs for $24.4 million at its “Ape In!” auction in September 2021, well above the pre-auction estimates of $12 million to $18 million. That’s an average price of over $241,000, but Bored Ape NFTs now sell for a floor price of about $50,000 worth of ether cryptocrurrency, according to CoinGecko data accessed today.

Investors previously sued Bored Ape creator Yuga Labs, four company executives, and various celebrity promoters including Paris Hilton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Hart, Snoop Dogg, Serena Williams, Madonna, Jimmy Fallon, Steph Curry, and Justin Bieber. The original class-action was filed in December 2022, and Sotheby’s was added as a defendant in an amended complaint submitted on August 4.

Yuga describes its collection of 10,000 Bored Ape NFTs as “unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain” that double as a “Yacht Club membership card.” The website has some “members-only” areas. “When you buy a Bored Ape, you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably rare piece of art,” the NFT collection’s website says. “You are gaining membership access to a club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Bored Ape can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you.”

Lawsuit: Yuga “colluded” with Sotheby’s

The amended lawsuit alleges that “Yuga colluded with fine arts broker, Defendant Sotheby’s, to run a deceptive auction.” After the sale, a Sotheby’s representative described the winning bidder during a Twitter Spaces event as a “traditional” collector, the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit said it turned out the auction buyer was now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, whose founder Sam Bankman-Fried is in jail awaiting trial on criminal charges. Ethereum blockchain transaction data shows that after the auction, “Sotheby’s transferred the lot of BAYC NFTs to wallet address 0xf8e0C93Fd48B4C34A4194d3AF436b13032E641F3,77 which, upon information and belief, is owned/controlled by FTX,” the complaint said. Speculation that FTX was the buyer had been percolating since at least January 2023.

The lawsuit alleges that Yuga Labs and Sotheby’s violated the California Unfair Competition Law, the California Corporate Securities Law, the US Securities Exchange Act, and the California Corporations Code. The plaintiffs also claim that Sotheby’s Metaverse, an NFT trading platform opened after the auction, “operated (or attempted to operate) as an unregistered broker of securities.”

“FTX has several deep ties to Yuga such that it would be mutually beneficial for both Yuga and FTX (as well as Sotheby’s) if the BAYC NFT collection were to rise in price and trading volume activity. Upon information and belief, given the extensive financial interests shared by Yuga, Sotheby’s and FTX, each knew that FTX was the real buyer of the lot of BAYC NFTs at the Sotheby’s auction at the time that Sotheby’s representatives were publicly representing that a ‘traditional’ buyer had made the purchase,” the lawsuit said. FTX is not named as a defendant.

Ape prices soared, then plummeted

After the auction, the price of Bored Ape digital assets hit a new high and kept rising for months. It peaked at over $420,000 in April 2022 but plummeted to about $90,000 six weeks later, according to CoinGecko.

The class action lawsuit’s named plaintiffs are Johnny Johnson, Ezra Boekweg, Mario Palombini, and Adam Titcher. They are trying to get certification of a class consisting of “all investors who purchased Yuga’s non-fungible tokens (‘NFTs’) or ApeCoin tokens (‘ApeCoin’) between April 23, 2021 and the present.” There were over 103,000 account holders of Yuga securities as of December 1, 2022, the lawsuit said.

“While the Executive Defendants made hundreds of millions of dollars, investors were left with NFTs worth a fraction of their artificially inflated value,” the original version of the complaint in December said.

Yuga and other defendants have a September 12 deadline to file motions to dismiss the complaint. Sotheby’s told CNN this week that the “allegations in this suit are baseless, and Sotheby’s is prepared to vigorously defend itself.” Yuga Labs similarly called the allegations “completely without merit or factual basis.”

threaded - newest on 18 Aug 2023 05:38 next collapse

Who would’ve thought that an incredibly dubious claim to “ownership” of a JPEG image would fall in value so dramatically? on 19 Aug 2023 03:19 collapse

The amazing thing is that, although they have depreciated by about $190,000 each, they’re still selling for $50,000 each. How can they still be valued at that much? on 19 Aug 2023 10:36 collapse

Money laundering. on 18 Aug 2023 05:41 next collapse

Looooooooooooooooooooooooool on 18 Aug 2023 05:49 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 18 Aug 2023 12:52 next collapse

Also, the Dacia Sandero got DELAYED! on 18 Aug 2023 14:31 collapse

James May is inconsolable. on 19 Aug 2023 11:39 collapse

This NFT frenzy is just calling for memes on 18 Aug 2023 05:52 next collapse

This aged well.

<img alt="Cyanide Happiness om NFTs" src=""> on 18 Aug 2023 08:08 next collapse

The C&H people don’t fucking pull punches and I love it. A few weeks ago when elmo rebranded twitter he asked people for a new logo and a C&H artist replied with the confederate flag on 18 Aug 2023 10:25 next collapse

way too based from C&H on 18 Aug 2023 19:41 next collapse

So, dumb question, but that picture is tiny and I cant read it.

and its not clickable so i can view a bigger version.

and if I zoom the browser in, the image stays the same size.

how is everyone else reading this damn thing? on 18 Aug 2023 20:55 next collapse

It’s readable on my screen but just barely. But you can see the full size via Right click > Open image in new tab on 18 Aug 2023 21:10 collapse

Well, that works…but it is certainly bad design. Blah. on 19 Aug 2023 02:43 next collapse

Works fine on Jerboa (Android app), haven’t checked the web app. on 19 Aug 2023 03:10 collapse

I’m using the Sync app in my case, and tapping the image opens it full screen. on 19 Aug 2023 19:30 collapse

If you bought one the best thing to do (financially) is to immediately sell it off to another sucker, perpetuating the cycle of scams. (Make sure to hype it on Reddit or Twitter so you can sell it for even more) on 18 Aug 2023 05:52 next collapse

Can’t say they didn’t get what they deserved but of course any NFT scammer deserves some jail time too. on 18 Aug 2023 06:28 next collapse

I am content to watch everyone involved consume each other on 18 Aug 2023 08:37 collapse

NFT buyers were also scammers since their intention was to sell it off to the next patsy on 19 Aug 2023 20:03 collapse

I would draw the line at hyping NFTs on social media, actively turning poor desperate people into even poorer suckers. on 20 Aug 2023 01:17 collapse

Sure, in this case it was rich idiots spending millions, they’re only upset that they missed the opportunity to pawn it off to another idiot first on 18 Aug 2023 06:01 next collapse

So many things wrong the buyer was aware, starting with they sold too many for too much, future popularity overestimated, low artististic value, etc. What will become a priced collectible is not something you can easily predict, this is Beanie babies all over, the kind of history that likes to repeat. on 18 Aug 2023 06:17 next collapse

If only someone told them… Except you know, literally every person on every social media ever. How did these people just like not look at the social media around these at all?? on 18 Aug 2023 06:28 next collapse

They did see the criticism; in fact a lot of it was aimed directly at them. But they thought that they were right. on 18 Aug 2023 06:51 collapse

They’re going to have a tough time in court proving they were mislead with overwhelming evidence warning that they’re dumb as shit on 19 Aug 2023 19:47 collapse

IANAL, but I think that they would only have to prove that people were lying with the intent to commit fraud, not that they were not stupid for falling for it.

I have found literal thousands of posts made to Reddit and Twitter claims that these are good investments and some outright lying about NFTs and shitcoin s, and I don’t have millions of dollars at stake. on 18 Aug 2023 14:30 next collapse

Because when idiots see criticism they take it as haters just hating and it strengthens their convictions. on 18 Aug 2023 14:42 collapse

You don’t even need to be told. NFTs were very obviously stupid. I guess it’s true that the fool and his money is easily parted. on 18 Aug 2023 18:11 collapse

Even they knew it was bs. Their supposed confidence in nfts was just them trying to drive the market up so they could unload it on the next sap. They didn’t consider that they were the sap all along. The collapse was faster then crypto because nfts don’t even have a real utility. And yes, crypto does have a utility as currency in nitche communities, but most people treated it like commodity. on 18 Aug 2023 06:27 next collapse

It’s cool. It’s hip. It’s Blockchain! Come on, folks, let’s invest in boring and colorful monkeys. You WILL be rich beyond imagination! on 18 Aug 2023 08:36 collapse

They weren’t even uniquely drawn, they just mr potato head combined a handful of components on 18 Aug 2023 06:36 next collapse

How wonderful that it peaked at 420. on 18 Aug 2023 06:38 next collapse

Ponzi schemes are generally not good investments on 18 Aug 2023 06:39 next collapse

I personnaly think there are very genuine use cases for NFTs, like for owning music, movies or games just like they are physical copies. You would own them and could resell them when you want. But for ugly randomly generated drawings of monkeys, theres litterally no point. on 18 Aug 2023 07:05 next collapse

What benefit does that give over something vendor controlled like the Steam Marketplace? Of the NFT is some form of DRM it’s already going to be tied to a vendor to give you access to it. If the vendor stops giving you access to it via the NFT for whatever reason then you still have a worthless token. It’s something that can happen with or without the Blockchain. It’s just making it extremely more costly to do for zero benefits. on 18 Aug 2023 08:18 next collapse

Horizontal scalability mostly. Blockchain tech works on an international scale without you needing to manually go and setup servers all over the world. It’s good for the middleground of “We want our service to work on the international scale, without having to invest in standing up servers all over the place and writing the massive amount of code required to keep them all in synch with each other”

If you can afford your own personal servers all over the world, then its not much of a selling point. But typically it works out to being cheaper when you actually need it.

So for example if you wanna sell the deed/rights to to someone on the other side of the world, it works quite well.

It’s extremely difficult to horizontally scale databases and is notoriously the biggest challenge for going international.

For some perspective, even Amazon, the company that literally owns and operates AWS, uses a totally separate copy of Amazon for its various areas of the world with no crossover. You cannot use your US amazon account for the Europe version of Amazon, you must make a new account on the Europe server.

And if you have ever played a videogame that is international scale with multiple servers, you also likely know that the process of “migrating” your character from one server to another actually requires a bit of a small process.

There are some games that actually provide the ability to login to any server with the same account, but they are the minority and the actually use a similar algorithm to how Lemmy works, where all the servers act as a federation to stay in synch with each other.

Blockchain tech has its own methods it has used to solve these issues, its called the Byzantine Generals Problem if you wanna read up on it more. on 18 Aug 2023 10:40 next collapse

While some of what your say is true, the examples you give are not good ones. The Amazon example has far more to do with EU/US data residency requirements (e.g. GDPR), and practicalities about how things like local taxes are treated. In games it has more to do with latency and ping times and also you don't want 10,000 people waiting for one particular mob to spawn because of a quest or drop. on 20 Aug 2023 19:36 collapse

Feel free to try and horizontally scale your databases. If you figure out how to do it you will become a billionaire. on 20 Aug 2023 20:02 collapse

I'll just presume you agree with everything I said since you didn't mention any aspect of it. on 18 Aug 2023 15:06 collapse

I stopped reading at horizontal scalability. Go look up how many transactions per second various cryptocurrencies handle. on 20 Aug 2023 19:35 collapse

No idea what you are talking about. Ethereum can handle enormous TPS and the network hasn’t ever come remotely close to throttling since sharding and layer 2 rollups have been introduced.

If you understand what horizontal scaling is, it’s clear how trustless distribution is effectively horizontal scaling taken to the utmost limit.

Lemmy is an example of trustless distribution, and it demonstrates the infinite horizontal scaling that it is capable of. on 18 Aug 2023 08:40 collapse

The benefit is that you could have a distributed marketplace. Instead of having monopolies like steam where one company accumulates a bunch of power they can abuse you could have multiple small companies band together to support a common standard of ownership so you could buy from any company and all the companies supporting the standard would respect it. You could also tie it to a legal contract so it’s actually enforceable.

Of course you could just do that with an centralized standard that’s backed by multiple companies too. on 19 Aug 2023 01:48 collapse

Yeah it’s easy to forget that Steam is good only because we have an extraordinarily principled person overseeing it. If something ever happens to Gaben or he loses control of it, it’s going to turn into the flamiest garbage dump of shit you’ve ever seen. Monopolies are almost always bad. on 19 Aug 2023 07:39 collapse

Even still, they take 30% of a studio’s revenue which is a ridiculous amount that’s only possible through a near monopoly on 18 Aug 2023 07:56 next collapse

The only real use for nfts would be things like publically available deeds of ownership like land purchases or property deeds. And even that is… Kind of irrelevant. on 18 Aug 2023 08:29 collapse

Again, this is already being done infinitely more efficient and secure with existing technology. on 18 Aug 2023 21:03 collapse

Oh absolutely. I didn’t mean to say we should do that. Just that its the only place where it would even begin to make some sort of sense. on 18 Aug 2023 08:14 next collapse

You can already do all that without NFTs and NFTs don’t improve on any of existing ways to do that in any way on 18 Aug 2023 08:28 next collapse

NFTs doesn’t let you own anything but a link. And it is inefficient, insecure and energy wasting. Also you can already do what you are suggesting with existing technology. on 18 Aug 2023 09:37 next collapse

You’re as confused by this as all the NFT buyers. You don’t OWN the NFT. It’s not like the bits of the image/music/game are in the blockchain and you’re the only one that can access and decrypt them somehow.There are still going to be unlimited copies of this thing so everyone can own it same as you. NFT is only a record saying that you own something. I can set up an excel file that will record who owns what and write down there that you own this very comment. Would pay me for it? on 18 Aug 2023 10:26 collapse

I already know this, which is why I’m saying it could be of use for things like game licenses that you can then sell to an individual like you could with a physical copy of the game. It’s not for the exclusivity it’s for that it’s a good way to bring back some of the benefits of physical games to a 100% virtual system on 18 Aug 2023 10:50 collapse

I was buying licences for software long before NFTs and blockchains. There are simpler ways to do this and just as secure. on 18 Aug 2023 11:28 collapse

How? Specifically? Because I've heard this dozens of times, always for problems that already have generally accepted solutions, and when asked to elaborate, nobody could really explain any case where it's an improvement, or new functionality.

The blockchain is mostly just a ledger. You can get the same level of tamper protection, transparency and whatever other benefits with non-blockchain tech (or, if I'm wrong, someone please explain how). In the case of NFTs it is a big list of "X owns Y", which is functionally (and logically) the same as any other way of saying it. The crypto aspect could have just used decades old tech (public-key signing) and been functionally the same, too - but simpler and less resource intensive.

And, of course, just writing something doesn't make it true, even if you throw lots of encryption at it afterwards: NFTs aren't even access control, as far as I understand. Right click the ape, now you "have" the ape for all intents and purposes. You're not whoever happens to be "the owner" listed in the ledger, but that won't stop you seeing, distributing or changing it. I guess technically you could use that ownership to protect the data somehow, but then you'd be left with "hey, I have a really cool ape pic... in a safe, so nobody else can see it". on 18 Aug 2023 06:50 next collapse

Every day a sucker and a rascal leave home, and everyday they meet each other… on 18 Aug 2023 06:56 next collapse

! on 18 Aug 2023 07:24 next collapse

Now they can join the select club of people who are suing NFT makers after being conned into buying them. on 18 Aug 2023 08:46 next collapse

Seriously, fuck rich and stupid people.

"Oh no - we invested our money in racist monkey JPEGs ignoring any risk and lost some of it.

Now instead of accepting the loss like most individual investors, we sue to game the system in our favor in yet another way." on 18 Aug 2023 22:17 next collapse

Because, as always, the poor are kept poor and the rich are kept rich. on 19 Aug 2023 02:45 next collapse

Wait, are they racist? I haven’t bothered to look through them though. on 19 Aug 2023 19:41 collapse

I think most people that lose money in NFT and shitcoin scams are not the ultra rich, but normal people looking to grow their savings to avoid having to work multiple jobs just to break even. I know people that have lost years of savings and some even got evicted because of this crap. Most ultra rich know these are scams, after all, they have to get rich somehow. on 18 Aug 2023 09:02 next collapse

I’m gonna sue my grocery store, they sold me some ham I didn’t like on 18 Aug 2023 09:06 next collapse

You are joking, but every grocery shop I go to would gladly reimburse you if you bought some ham you didn’t like. They would even ask you what was wrong with it, if there might be a health concern they will do a full recall. If they get too many complaints, they will pull the product. The price of a single ham is easily worth the feedback on the product and the continued loyalty of the customer. on 19 Aug 2023 02:46 collapse

Yup. This is especially true for Costco, where you don’t even need a good reason to return something. Some grocery stores may refuse a refund, but Costco will pretty much always honor it. on 18 Aug 2023 14:21 collapse

I used to work at walmart, in college. I recall once we had someone return a more than half eaten rotisserie chicken. They said it tasted funny… after eating half… probably in their car. It was still luke warm. on 18 Aug 2023 09:24 next collapse

“Wait, these are just ordinary tulips!” on 18 Aug 2023 11:41 next collapse

I might switch from index funds to stock picking if I’m too able to get my money back for every bad investment I make on 18 Aug 2023 13:48 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 18 Aug 2023 15:34 next collapse

Who could have possibly predicted that? on 18 Aug 2023 16:08 next collapse

Now they “only” sell for about 50,000. There’s still plenty of people who don’t get why it’s not worth that much. on 19 Aug 2023 02:42 collapse

Yeah, I might pay a couple bucks for one as a conversation piece, but that’s about it. And I’m not sure if I’d actually pull the trigger. on 20 Aug 2023 02:33 collapse

Where are you going to display it, and why? Like why is it even worth a dollar to you? There are a lot of cooler NFT art pieces that sell for literally pennies… and I still don’t really get it. on 20 Aug 2023 02:59 collapse

I wouldn’t. If I wanted to display it, I would just grab the JPEG or whatever.

The point is that it’s a conversation piece. If someone talks about crypto, maybe I’d bring up that I own an NFT that people have heard of. Then I guess check the price, have a laugh, mention how stupid it is, then move on to the next topic.

That’s it. A couple bucks for an occasional laugh with friends sounds worth it. It’s just a weird part of the zeitgeist and is fun to talk about.

But I’m not willing to pay more than a couple bucks for a novelty like that, I would probably just generate my own at that point. on 21 Aug 2023 17:39 collapse

If you want to try a cool cheep chain, I suggest the WAX chain. There are a lot of fun projects. If your just interested in a more art type NFT, CryptomonKeys are kind of cool looking and they have cool distribution mechanics. For example each time they release a new monkey they randomly pull a monkey that’s already been released, anyone owning the monkey gets a free NFT of the new release. Then there is a trading game. If you complete monkey sets, you get coins to buy old monkey cards for free. There is a whole website where people temporarily trade cards to complete sets. There is also a bunch of other free ways and competitions to get Monkeys other than just buying them.

My cheapest Monkey is worth like 5 cents, and my most expensive is like $2. I probably spent $5 total and the collection is worth a minimum of $17. (It was worth a ton more before the entire crypto market collapsed). on 21 Aug 2023 19:24 collapse

Interesting, I’ll take a look. Thanks! on 18 Aug 2023 19:11 next collapse

This reminds me a great deal of beanie babies… on 18 Aug 2023 20:50 collapse

Or tulips from the 17th century

[deleted] on 18 Aug 2023 23:43 next collapse
. on 19 Aug 2023 01:17 collapse

But Gary Vee told me how important they are! on 19 Aug 2023 11:38 next collapse

No shit it’s a bad investment LOL on 19 Aug 2023 12:22 next collapse

Scammer: “Buy a Jpeg everyone can download”
Investor: “Sounds like I can get rich with that. How much does one cost?”
Scammer: “20,000 to 50,000”
Investor: “Okay, I take four!”
People download jpegs instead of buying NFTs and making fun of it
Investor: “I lost all my money. I sue you!” on 19 Aug 2023 16:16 collapse

They paid an average of $241,000 for each JPEG. on 19 Aug 2023 21:33 collapse

correction. they paid that much for a url, not a jpeg. the image itself is probably hosted on some server paid for by who knows. Not the buyer of the nft. so they have zero control. They could just stop paying for hosting. on 19 Aug 2023 22:52 collapse

I don’t get it, but I’m not sure this is my problem. on 20 Aug 2023 01:39 next collapse

You’re saying not your circus, not your apes? on 20 Aug 2023 01:42 next collapse

Imagine you would travel back to the 1990s and tell someone that in the 2020s people will pay about 200k for a link to a jpeg, but everyone can download the jpeg. They will not even understand why the future is so messed up, but they will ask if we have flying cars, yet? on 20 Aug 2023 06:48 collapse

you buy an nft from me, containing a link pointing to the image on my server.

I then decide to stop paying real money to maintain that server, so it goes offline. The image is gone.

now your link points to nowhere, but at least the link is still yours! on 19 Aug 2023 19:22 collapse

These are literally the worst investment possible, because all the value comes from speculation (people buying them to get rich quick). As soon as those buyers get spooked the cones crashing down to zero. With something like a share in a company, that entitled the holder to partial ownership of the company. Even if the company goes bankrupt, you would still get a share in the former assets of the company. You can of course lose money if you buy at a price that is much higher then the actual value due to speculation, but this is limited by the intrinsic value of the company’s assets.