The Miseducation of Kara Swisher (
from to on 05 Apr 2024 18:13

Silicon Valley was supposed to be “different,” or so veteran tech journalist Kara Swisher wanted to believe. Facebook was going to bring people together, in the process strengthening our communities, our democracies, our world; Google was going to deliver the vast stores of human knowledge to our fingertips; Tesla was going to save us from fossil fuel-driven ecological collapse, etc., etc. For years, Swisher held onto a dogged faith in these companies and their “gauzy credo to change the world” for the better.

But then, in 2016, Silicon Valley “went off the rails.” Swisher dates this cataclysm to December 10, 2016, when the heads of the most powerful tech companies—including Amazon, Tesla, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Alphabet, Google’s parent company—were “summoned to tromp into Manhattan’s Trump Tower and meet the man who had unexpectedly just been elected president and was the antithesis of all they supposedly represented.”


threaded - newest on 05 Apr 2024 18:29 next collapse

When somebody tells you things will be different, they’re usually lying. on 05 Apr 2024 18:50 next collapse

Edward Ongweso Jr. is one half of the This Machine Kills podcast. Every other episode is available for free on many podcast apps & sites: on 05 Apr 2024 18:46 next collapse

Hindsite is 20/20, what a hit piece. How about just go after the tech industry instead of a journalist. I read the book and she was never a pushover that’s why most of the tech bros respected her. on 05 Apr 2024 20:39 collapse

How is it a hit piece when it illustrates how crocodile her tears are? “i was wrong uwu sowwy” after 10+ years of softball interviews and puff pieces with all the consistency of a lotioned-up handjob? Actual, honest, heavy-caliber investigative journalism across all sectors is in the goddamn toilet if not outright dead because of a mass proliferation of hacks like her, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, and Don Lemon; and we’re not supposed to call her and her cohort for it? You’re just as complicit in the establishment of silicon feudalism if that’s rly what you believe. on 05 Apr 2024 21:00 collapse

“Uber was covering up bad things, how dare she not uncover things that were being deliberately hidden!”

Tech journalist != investigative journalist.

We don’t really have investigative journalists anymore, it takes too much time, too much money, and what they deliver is too involved for the 24/7 TikTok cycle to regurgitate effectively.

As a culture, we don’t have the attention span for investigative journalism anymore.