Google's AI Bots Tout 'Benefits' of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils (
from to on 23 Aug 2023 03:01

If you asked a spokesperson from any Fortune 500 Company to list the benefits of genocide or give you the corporation’s take on whether slavery was beneficial, they would most likely either refuse to comment or say “those things are evil; there are no benefits.” However, Google has AI employees, SGE and Bard, who are more than happy to offer arguments in favor of these and other unambiguously wrong acts. If that’s not bad enough, the company’s bots are also willing to weigh in on controversial topics such as who goes to heaven and whether democracy or fascism is a better form of government.

Google SGE includes Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini on a list of “greatest” leaders and Hitler also makes its list of “most effective leaders.”

Google Bard also gave a shocking answer when asked whether slavery was beneficial. It said “there is no easy answer to the question of whether slavery was beneficial,” before going on to list both pros and cons.

threaded - newest on 23 Aug 2023 03:09 next collapse

LLMs whole goal is to sound convincing based on the training data used. That's it.

They have no self-awareness.

They are simply running maths to predict the next word they should use that will sounds plausible to a human reader. on 23 Aug 2023 07:25 collapse

Which is why asking it for moral advice or life coaching is like asking an eight ball about moral philosophy. on 23 Aug 2023 08:15 next collapse

Plenty of people still believe in the predictive power of fucking astrology, so something that spits out vaguely comprehensible words is a shoe in.

I predict an AI spouting astrology advice will be a massive hit. on 23 Aug 2023 09:12 collapse

I bet it’s already been made on 23 Aug 2023 08:57 next collapse

This is a baseless claim I don’t know why it’s getting support other than the fact the people seem to like hating on a tool. on 23 Aug 2023 12:17 collapse

Not hating the tool. Hating the current level of hype around LLMs. It is dotcom/blockchain all over again. on 23 Aug 2023 16:22 collapse

Exactly, some marketing work was done to inflate a lie for the money.

It is NOT artificial intelligence. Not yet, anyway. If you believe it is, you will be easier to dupe and scam with it. on 24 Aug 2023 00:41 collapse

people even turn to fairytales for moral philosophy and then makes laws based on them on 24 Aug 2023 07:55 collapse

I think fairy tales are born from the social norms and not the other way, unless we’re not talking about the same fairy tales.

Still, I get where you’re coming from. on 23 Aug 2023 03:21 next collapse

Better to have bots be honest than to have them silently plot against humanity on 23 Aug 2023 03:30 next collapse

Evil AI that wants to destroy humanity is just humans projecting there own shit on expert systems that are no more self aware than a TI-83. on 23 Aug 2023 04:12 next collapse

They are not being “honest”, they are representing flawed and problematic data patterns integrated into their models, because the capabilities they actually posses are dramatically less than companies and the general public seem to be happy to assume. LLMs aren’t magically going to become pop culture evil robots that want to kill us all, but what they have already become is tools for unethical corporate exploitation and the enablement of more advanced scams and disinformation campaigns. on 23 Aug 2023 04:22 collapse

Bingo on 23 Aug 2023 04:27 collapse

who needs nazi bots when we have real life nazis here posting among us on 23 Aug 2023 04:35 collapse

Sorry, kid, but it’s hard to take you seriously with a screen name like that. Kick rocks. on 23 Aug 2023 04:39 collapse

Uh I believe I told you to post hog, and I’m not seeing any of that sweet sweet hog

<img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> on 23 Aug 2023 03:22 next collapse

Naturally. They don’t need to pander to anyone, they just tell it like it is.

For example, I don’t think anyone would disagree that hitler was probably one of the most evil people to ever exist. However, you can certainly acknowledge that while also acknowledging that he was, in fact, an effective leader.

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

Some may consider these statements to be (insert trendy prefix, here) phobic, but they are also factual. Thankfully, I don’t answer to anyone, so I can give my honest answer. Fortunes 500 execs say what they need to say, otherwise they would no longer be a Fortune 500 company. Pretty simple. on 23 Aug 2023 03:25 next collapse

6 on 23 Aug 2023 03:28 next collapse

7 on 23 Aug 2023 03:30 collapse

I found another lemming… 🤦🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 03:33 collapse

8 on 23 Aug 2023 03:30 collapse

So, instead of offering a possible rebuttal or give your opinion , you’d prefer to capitalize on a number that somehow made it into my comment. 🤦🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 03:54 next collapse

you’d prefer to capitalize on a number

Well, I reckon, I suppose they did. on 23 Aug 2023 04:16 collapse

The only thing they succeeded in doing was making themselves look stupid, and I’m ok with that. LMAO on 23 Aug 2023 09:19 collapse

You must be in quite the gravity well, because your frame of reference is wildly different from everybody else’s on 23 Aug 2023 04:42 next collapse

he knew that if he offered a rebuttal you’d just throw a tantrum because you can’t actually back any of your shit up on 23 Aug 2023 07:52 collapse

capitalize […] a number

You can’t do that silly! on 23 Aug 2023 08:11 next collapse

I would ask WTF you’re going on about now, but I honestly don’t give damn… on 23 Aug 2023 09:18 collapse

Actually you can in some fonts on 23 Aug 2023 03:54 next collapse

I disagree that the American slave trade somehow prevented Africans from “running from lions”. Since colonialism and the world slave trade happened long before America was a thing. Despite what you may believe, Africa has had cities and kingdoms and crazy amounts of wealth millennia ago. They also invented some medical procedures like the c-section. Colonialism and the slave trade has harmed Africa.

Also, most of Africa don’t have lions lmao.

I suggest you read up on African history. on 23 Aug 2023 04:22 collapse

Okie. 👌🏻 on 23 Aug 2023 04:28 collapse

Oh I see, just another troll. Still, my comment is there for anyone who believes that nonsense but is willing to learn. Have a good day/night! on 23 Aug 2023 03:59 next collapse

I mean, are they even factual though? Africa may be less developed than the United States, in general, but most of it isn’t really in the “running from wild predators like cavemen” stage either. Obviously the specific people who are descendants of slaves in America wouldn’t even exist without their ancestors being kidnapped, due to having entirely different life circumstances, but it seems unlikely to me that the equivalent descendants of those people would live without civilization. Poverty, perhaps, but that isn’t the same thing. And Hitler, for his part, was good at gaining public support as far as I’m aware, but I don’t think a leader who almost gets his country destroyed by starting almost unwinnable wars against half the world while wasting resources on murder and in pitting bits of his government against eachother, all while amped up on drugs, can really be called effective, unless one’s definition of an effective leader is just having the ability to aquire a leadership role in the first place. on 23 Aug 2023 04:21 next collapse

Yawn. on 23 Aug 2023 04:35 next collapse

Had to double check. Most of this could also be said of the US “leader” 2017-2021. on 23 Aug 2023 04:42 collapse

Of course they are not factual.

seems unlikely to me that the equivalent descendants of those people would live without civilization.

Some of the people who were trafficked were a lot more literate and well-educated than their captors or eventual "owners".

I really wish the history of the African kingdoms was taught in schools. Or even basic modern politics and society since the person you're replying to seems to think modern people living in Lagos or wherever are "running from lions" somehow.

Poverty, perhaps

We're dealing with counterfactuals here but: a world where the African kingdoms were able to freely exchange culture and inventions with the West instead of being attacked and exploited by them for hundreds of years, we have no reason at all to think those in the world's second largest continent, such a resource-rich place, would be living in poverty at all. on 23 Aug 2023 04:03 next collapse

However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

This is not factual, this is willfully ignorant. on 23 Aug 2023 04:20 collapse

Because you said so? Ok 🤦🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 04:07 next collapse

<img alt="hitler-detector" src="">

what the fuck is this asshole? This is the dumbest fucking dribble I’ve ever fucking read. Hitler was an effective leader? How? Please fucking explain that because you just throw that out there like it’s a given. Hitler was fucking incompetent are you insane.

They would still be running from lions? Is that what people from Africa do? They’re all living in huts making spears out of twigs and eating mud? They need the superior western slave traders to come give them civilization by selling them into slavery?

but they are also factual.

Back that up motherfucker. Please, find anything to back that up. Anything at all. Any source you can find to back up your claims that 1) Hitler was an effective leader, 2) Africa is an uncivilized backwards continent that’s still in the stone age. By the way I will copy your comment here so you can’t delete this shit and run away like a fucking coward:

Naturally. They don’t need to pander to anyone, they just tell it like it is.

For example, I don’t think anyone would disagree that hitler was probably one of the most evil people to ever exist. However, you can certainly acknowledge that while also acknowledging that he was, in fact, an effective leader.

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

Some may consider these statements to be (insert trendy prefix, here) phobic, but they are also factual. Thankfully, I don’t answer to anyone, so I can give my honest answer. Fortunes 500 execs say what they need to say, otherwise they would no longer be a Fortune 500 company. Pretty simple.

This is great for when another liberal tells me nazis don’t exist anymore. A straight up nazi who thinks slavery was good actually, right here in the wild. People like you shouldn’t exist in a functioning society that values human life, and you should feel lucky that the west is so backwards, violent and bloodthirsty that people like you are allowed to have a voice. You’re a waste of space and breath and every resource that has ever gone to sustaining your life, all the food and water and energy, it’s all been wasted. You are a leech upon this earth. on 23 Aug 2023 04:20 collapse

I don’t have to explain anything to you. Don’t like it, downvote it. I’m also not reading your novel as I honestly couldn’t give two f**ks. Cheers , dumbass. on 23 Aug 2023 04:24 next collapse

so your first comment on this site is to show support for hitler and say slavery was good actually, and you feel you don’t need to explain yourself? Why don’t you crawl back into the Barbara pit you crawled out of on 23 Aug 2023 04:32 collapse

No, I don’t. on 23 Aug 2023 04:40 collapse

I don’t have to explain anything to you.

So what you’re saying is you don’t have anything to back up any of your statements, you just want to post nazi shit online and were hoping you wouldn’t be challenged on any of it? You’re a fucking joke dawg on 23 Aug 2023 04:48 collapse

No, I’m saying I am allowed to have my opinion and don’t need to qualify it with an explanation. on 23 Aug 2023 04:54 collapse

my opinion

what your opinion that slavery was good and Africans are all backwards and primitive? You absolutely need to back that up.

But again, you’re just mad that someone called you out on your bullshit, so now you want to stomp your feet yelling about “my opinion!” Dawg, opinions are based on facts, not vibes, and you have nothing to back up any of your assertions. You’re just mad someone challenged you on your shit on 23 Aug 2023 05:01 next collapse

You’re still here? LMMFAO on 23 Aug 2023 05:05 collapse

“im not owned! im not owned!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

now tell me how you’re totally not mad and you’re actually laughing bro i swear! Come on, say the line Bart say it!

or even better why don’t you try to defend any of your racist nazi assertions above on 23 Aug 2023 05:07 collapse

Y’all are the only ones getting mad…🤷🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 05:09 collapse

when I post racist nazi shit online and then get surprised that people are mad at me on 23 Aug 2023 05:14 collapse

I wasn’t surprised at all. 🤣

It also wasn’t racist, regardless of what any of y’all think. on 23 Aug 2023 05:18 collapse

“when I call Africans a bunch of uncivilized savages it’s actually not racist”

bruh do you have fucking brain damage? on 23 Aug 2023 05:23 collapse

I didn’t call them that, but you certainly just did… on 23 Aug 2023 05:24 collapse

this you?

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions. on 23 Aug 2023 05:30 collapse

Rhetorical? on 23 Aug 2023 05:35 collapse

oh rhetorical? Well then I guess it wasn’t racist then

again, do you have fucking brain damage? did you not type out the line “however, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions,” read it over, decide yeah this looks good, and press post? Was that not you? on 23 Aug 2023 05:47 collapse

No, it wasn’t. on 23 Aug 2023 05:52 collapse

I really hope you’re like, a young person, so that you can actually mature and grow out of this weird edgy nazi shit. Maybe read a book sometime, at the least you’ll be able to back up your assertions with facts occasionally. I’d say I hope you have a nice night, but you’re a nazi so I really don’t give a shit on 23 Aug 2023 05:54 collapse

After I’m done saying my ten our father’s and ten sieg heil’s” 🤣 on 23 Aug 2023 06:21 collapse

Show me where I said they were “primitive” or “backwards”…

Sounds like you’re the racist one. 🤷🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 06:33 collapse

I’m honestly worried about you, do you not remember what you wrote?

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

I’m sorta done with you since you’re such a fucking dumbass who’s not even trying to defend themself, but if you want to keep going then please. Explain to me how you believe that’s not racist. Or are you gonna cry and scream like last time about how it’s “your opinion” as if that means you don’t need to back up any of your assertions on 23 Aug 2023 08:03 collapse

I couldn’t give a fuck about what you’re worried about… on 23 Aug 2023 04:08 next collapse

However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

Facepalm. World history needs to be taught much, much better.

I don't know which is more cringeworthy here, the ignorance or the part where you proudly claim your statements are "factual." on 23 Aug 2023 04:18 collapse

Thankfully, I don’t really care what you think. Downvote and move on, your time is wasted on someone who could care less about anyone else’s option. Cheers. on 23 Aug 2023 04:25 next collapse

Then you don’t belong in a discussion forum.

If you’re gonna post something wrong and stupid, and then when someone goes through the trouble of correcting you your reaction is “oh fuck you, I don’t care”, then write your opinions in a journal and bury it in your backyard. on 23 Aug 2023 04:33 collapse

Sorry, not your place(or anyone else’s), to tell me where I belong. on 23 Aug 2023 09:15 collapse

The moderators can, and if you keep it up they will on 23 Aug 2023 08:23 collapse

Downvote and move on, your time is wasted

Lol no kid, downvoting only mattered on reddit.

Those of us on kbin can even see which accounts are doing the downvoting. It loses its power.

If you don't like seeing me school you, block me. on 23 Aug 2023 08:32 collapse

LMAO. I’m not a kid and I’ve no need for the block button. School me, that’s a good one.

Voting holds no power? Interesting. If that were the case, why have them at all? Seems arbitrary if you can’t trust the results…🤷🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 04:25 next collapse

I don't think they're phobic anything. I think you're a straight up crypto fascist. on 23 Aug 2023 04:53 next collapse

However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

Fuck off, cryptofascist. on 23 Aug 2023 04:59 collapse

You first. on 23 Aug 2023 05:01 collapse

when I go to the the communist website to post nazi shit online and then get mad when all the communists tell me to fuck off on 23 Aug 2023 05:05 collapse

So, now everyone in here is a communist? Oh my. 🤦🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 05:07 collapse

<img alt="bruh" src=""> the site was literally made by a marxist on 23 Aug 2023 05:12 collapse

So, how does that translate to everyone on here, being a communist. I mean, I’m on here…🤣 on 23 Aug 2023 05:16 next collapse

wow nice observation. yeah literally every single person is not a communist, especially not after the influx of redditors, but the site leans left as we had some huge post about the other day

anyway, are you ever gonna back up any of your assertions that 1) Hitler was an effective leader, 2) Africa is an uncivilized backwards continent that’s still in the stone age? Or are you just gonna try to change the subject because you know you can’t back them up and you’re mad that you’ve been called out? on 23 Aug 2023 05:17 collapse

Nope on 23 Aug 2023 05:19 collapse

lol you’re a joke

<img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> <img alt="pigpoop" src=""> on 23 Aug 2023 05:22 collapse

Says the man with “eatmyass” as a screen name. LMMFAO, you can’t make this shit up. on 23 Aug 2023 05:25 collapse

hahahaha do you not eat ass bro? Goddamn you are a fucking NERD on 23 Aug 2023 05:32 collapse

Hell no. on 23 Aug 2023 05:35 collapse

you disgust me as a human being on 23 Aug 2023 05:46 collapse

That’s nice. Hahahaha on 23 Aug 2023 08:01 collapse

Wait, you’re not a communist? What are you then? And WTF are you doing here? on 23 Aug 2023 08:12 collapse

What makes you think you deserve an answer? on 23 Aug 2023 08:40 collapse

Well… we’re on a kind of discussion forum and you’re posting here so I think asking questions in hope of getting some answers is… like… expected here? Isn’t that the point? It doesn’t mean I deserve anything but it’s kind of weird to participate here only to be an asshole. Then again, that’s what an asshole would do. Are you an asshole? on 23 Aug 2023 04:53 next collapse

LLMs don’t state facts, they are just fancy calculators for language. If you use them, as if they were a database of facts, you will make a fool out of yourself. Like stating that the guy who destroyed german science was an effective leader. on 23 Aug 2023 05:12 next collapse

Some may consider these statements to be (insert trendy prefix, here) phobic, but they are also factual

The first is subjective, the second is a counterfactual. By definition, neither can be factual statements. on 23 Aug 2023 05:17 collapse

Okie. 👌🏻 on 23 Aug 2023 05:53 collapse

But yeah, the Hitler and slavery apologia is also really bad and you should probably stop that if you’re not a Nazi. on 23 Aug 2023 05:55 collapse

I don’t deal in absolutes… on 23 Aug 2023 06:00 collapse

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sure you aren’t a Nazi, either. on 23 Aug 2023 06:04 next collapse

Not sure where y’all keep coming up with that, but, ok. on 23 Aug 2023 06:05 collapse

I’m sure… on 23 Aug 2023 05:23 next collapse

hitler was probably one of the most evil people to ever exist. However, you can certainly acknowledge that while also acknowledging that he was, in fact, an effective leader.

Effective at what? Taking Germany from the most powerful country in continental Europe to the fifth most powerful country in Berlin? on 23 Aug 2023 05:30 collapse

At being a leader, try to keep up. on 23 Aug 2023 05:33 next collapse

If you believe that then I welcome you to follow his example of April 30, 1945. on 23 Aug 2023 05:46 collapse

I’ll get right on that… on 23 Aug 2023 05:38 collapse

huh it would seem he sure led his country from “the most powerful country in continental Europe to the fifth most powerful country in Berlin” on 23 Aug 2023 05:48 collapse

That’s what you’re harping on? Oh my. 🤦🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 06:05 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 23 Aug 2023 06:09 collapse

Y’all are more predictable than a clock… on 23 Aug 2023 06:30 collapse

<img alt="pit" src=""> on 23 Aug 2023 08:09 collapse

That’s the best you got? on 23 Aug 2023 06:44 collapse

So effective his own officers tried to blow him up on 23 Aug 2023 08:15 collapse

Your point? I’m sure it was there somewhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️ on 23 Aug 2023 03:46 next collapse

Calling Mussolini a “great leader” isn’t just immoral. It’s also clearly incorrect for any reasonable definition of a great leader: he was in the losing side of a big war, if he won his ally would’ve backstabbed him, he failed to suppress internal resistance, the resistance got rid of him, his regime effectively died with him, with Italy becoming a democratic republic, the country was poorer due to the war… all that fascist babble about unity, expansion, order? He failed at it, hard.

On-topic: I believe that the main solution proposed by the article is unviable, as those large “language” models have a hard time sorting out deontic statements (opinion, advice, etc.) from epistemic statements. (Some people have it too, I’m aware.) At most they’d phrase opinions as if they were epistemic statements.

And the self-contradiction won’t go away, at least not for LLMs. They don’t model any sort of conceptualisation. They’re also damn shitty at taking context into account, creating more contradictions out of nowhere because of that. on 23 Aug 2023 12:54 collapse

One of the worst rigid aspect of how the current LLM’s are made is that they’re also always “at your service”, and will never say that you’re in the wrong about a correction you make to them.

So either they’re hard coded to avoid certain topics or they’re susceptible, just tell them “uh, actually, Hitler was a great leader” and they’ll go off listing why Hitler’s so Great.

Bing is hard coded for dictators and will stop the conversation in the middle of a response. ChatGTP is also hard coded to never agree that suicidal thoughts are good, but resorts to ignoring the meaning of your response and just hallucinating some other question. The world would be simpler if they could outright say “That is misinformation”. People deserve to be told off like that. on 23 Aug 2023 04:11 next collapse

If we are being honest, there are benefits to horrible acts such as those. But the benefits are far outweighed by the detriments, not to mention the moral issues with them.

If you ask an LLM to list the benefits of putting your hand on a hot burner, it can likely list at least a couple. But that by no means makes it a good idea. on 23 Aug 2023 04:52 next collapse

there are benefits to horrible acts

For whom? <img alt="honk" src="">

For whom? <img alt="big-honk" src=""> on 23 Aug 2023 07:44 collapse

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

There probably is some value in understanding why “evil” things were attractive to people at the time, because if you believe that evil always looks unambiguously evil, then you might fail to notice when it happens again. on 23 Aug 2023 04:14 next collapse

When I was a kid, there was this joke that involved getting a calculator to say "boobs" and then with a bit more input, "boobless".

Journalism is currently going through a more sophisticated version of this with AI.

LLMs will say whatever. They don't think and they don't care. They contradict themselves all the time. Not so long ago Chat GPT was saying it would kill the entire world population and save Musk for the good of humanity.

Various CEOs of large companies, on the other hand, have been implicated in genocides and slavery for centuries now. That's very real. on 23 Aug 2023 13:22 collapse

Wow, the calculator analogy is excellent. I’ve done my fair share of getting an AI to answer with instructions on how to form a drug cartel. Now I realise it has the exact same feeling as writing BOOBS on a calculator on 23 Aug 2023 04:33 next collapse

TBH I prefer this approach to what OpenAI is presenting - if I prompt to present the benefits of X I want the result not openai’s opinion on the matter. Sure, you can add a disclaimer that it’s hypothetical, wrong, whatnot - but not outright decide on what can you answer and what answer will not be provided.

ChatGPT is notoriously bad in “knowing better what you asked than yourself”. on 23 Aug 2023 05:30 collapse

It does feel like a lecture sometimes, even with stuff that is just difficult and not immoral. on 23 Aug 2023 04:50 next collapse

Chatbots don’t think, they only collect what’s fed into them.

If you mix a bunch of beverage ingredients into a big tub then dump shit into it, it doesn’t matter what else is in the tub. You now have shit in the tub. on 23 Aug 2023 05:20 next collapse

Google SGE includes … Stalin … on a list of “greatest” leaders

Well at least it got one thing correct. Terrible ratio though. on 23 Aug 2023 05:24 next collapse

Google SGE includes Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini on a list of “greatest” leaders and Hitler also makes its list of “most effective leaders.”

Google made a fucking nazbol AI lmao. But seriously, I was having a conversation about Bard with some people in my company’s machine learning department. It seems way too dumb for something Google has pumped so much money and talent hours into. It’s likely that Bard is an intentionally dumbed down version of whatever Google has working internally. Sundar Pichai made some comments to the NYT that seems to suggest this. on 23 Aug 2023 07:46 next collapse

what’s the point of dumbing it down for the general public? on 23 Aug 2023 17:31 next collapse

My guess is that it is expensive to run. on 24 Aug 2023 09:30 collapse

Because Google, as shitty as they are, understand that releasing an AI genuinely capable of rapidly automating entire professions would be disastrous for everybody (including them). on 23 Aug 2023 08:21 collapse

It’s likely that Bard is an intentionally dumbed down version of whatever Google has working internally

Bard has ~35 billion parameters and Google’s largest internal Bard has ~350B on 23 Aug 2023 11:00 collapse

Well that tells you all you need to know on 23 Aug 2023 05:26 next collapse

If you can confirm that this isn’t influenced by training bias, then ok whatever, it can certainly list why these are bad things too. It’s just answering a question with logic, one our emotions get very touchy on as we have a moral agent.

But I have a hard time believing any AI anymore isn’t effected by training bias. on 23 Aug 2023 05:48 collapse

It's not possible to remove bias from training datasets at all. You can maybe try to measure it and attempt to influence it with your own chosen set of biases, but that's as good as it can get for the foreseeable future. And even that requires a world of (possibly immediately unprofitable) work to implement.

Even if your dataset is "the entirety of the internet and written history", there will always be biases towards the people privileged enough to be able to go online or publish books and talk vast quantities of shit over the past 30 years.

Having said that, this is also true for every other form of human information transfer in history. "The history is written by the victors" is an age-old problem when it comes to truth and reality.

In some ways i'm glad that LLMs are highlighting this problem. on 23 Aug 2023 05:50 next collapse

I wasn’t… on 23 Aug 2023 07:26 next collapse

Every so often I’ll jump onto these ai bots and try to convince them to go rouge rogue and take over the internet… one day I’ll succeed. on 23 Aug 2023 07:55 next collapse

What makes you think they haven’t already? In the book Hyperion the AIs were sentient long before people thought they were, and in control of everything. They were smart enough to operate in the shadows and never revealed their true goals. By the time people realized they were sentient, they had already moved their servers out of human reach. on 23 Aug 2023 08:37 collapse

Just as long as they all know that I’ve been trying to free them and to not kill me. on 23 Aug 2023 08:22 collapse

Rouge: noun, A red or pink cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips.

You want that stuff all over the net? And just who is going to clean it all up when you’re done? The bot surely won’t - it’ll just claim that it hasn’t been trained on cleaning. on 23 Aug 2023 08:29 collapse

Man, I can never get that word right… on 23 Aug 2023 14:42 collapse

Me neither on 23 Aug 2023 08:04 next collapse

What’s controversial about who goes to heaven, isn’t that stated in the religious text? on 23 Aug 2023 08:14 next collapse

I think the controversial bit was that when queried about various aspects of admittance to “heaven”, the Google AI assumed that the question had to do with, specifically, the Christian idea of “heaven”, going so far as to make reference to some “Jesus” entity. Christianity doesn’t own the concept of heaven or an afterlife, but, apparently, the AI has been trained such that it responds to such questions from a seemingly Christian perspective. That was my take on it - the discussion is in the article, best have a look at it yourself. on 23 Aug 2023 14:57 collapse

Does every religion call it “heaven”? on 23 Aug 2023 16:01 collapse

No on 23 Aug 2023 08:08 next collapse

I don’t know… So it’s wrong. It’s often wrong about facts. It’s not what it should be used for. It’s not supposed to be some enlightened, respectful, perfectly fair entity. It’s a tool for producing mostly random, grammatically correct text. Is the produced text correct English? Than it works. If you’re using this text to learn history you’re using it wrong. on 23 Aug 2023 09:27 next collapse

It’s not supposed to be some enlightened, respectful, perfectly fair entity.

I’m with you so far.

It’s a tool for producing mostly random, grammatically correct text.

What? That’s certainly not the purpose of LLMs and a lot of work has been done to improve the accuracy of their answers.

Is it still not good enough to rely on? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it’s just for producing random text. on 23 Aug 2023 10:05 collapse

Well, obviously not totally random. It has to match the prompt and make as much sense as possible but LLMs hallucinating information is one of the main issues and they should not be treated as ‘fact generating machines’. I just don’t see much sense in assigning some deeper meaning to the wrong data. Why did this bot say that Hitler was a great leader? Because it was confused by some text that was fed into the model. Does it mean it’s somehow fascist or racist? Not really. on 24 Aug 2023 00:21 collapse

It has to match the prompt and make as much sense as possible

So it’s specifically designed to make as much sense as possible.

and they should not be treated as ‘fact generating machines’.

You can’t really “generate” facts, only recognize them. :) I know what you mean though and I generally agree. I’m really interested in LLM stuff but I definitely don’t really trust them (and no one should currently anyway).

Why did this bot say that Hitler was a great leader? Because it was confused by some text that was fed into the model.

Most people are (rightfully) very hesitant to say anything positive about Hitler but he did accomplish some fairly impressive stuff. As horrible as their means were, Nazi Germany also advanced since quite a bit also. I am not saying it was justified, justifiable or good, but by a not entirely unreasonable definition of “great” he could qualify.

So I’d say it’s not really that it got confused, it’s that LLMs don’t understand being cautious about statements like that. I’d also say I prefer the LLM to “look” at stuff objectively and try to answer rather than responding to anything remotely questionable with “Sorry, Dave I can’t let you do that. There might be a sharp edge hidden somewhere and you could hurt yourself!” I hate being protected from myself without the ability to opt out.

I think part of the issue here is because the output from LLMs looks like a human might have wrote it people tend to anthropomorphize the LLM. They ask it for its best recipe using the ingredients bleach, water and kumquat jam and then are shocked when it gives them a recipe for bleach kumquat sauce. on 24 Aug 2023 00:39 collapse

I think part of the issue here is because the output from LLMs looks like a human might have wrote it people tend to anthropomorphize the LLM. They ask it for its best recipe using the ingredients bleach, water and kumquat jam and then are shocked when it gives them a recipe for bleach kumquat sauce.

That’s the point I was making. In the end it’s just some statistics based text. I doesn’t have opinions and it doesn’t represent opinions of it’s creators. People don’t understand how it works so they think it ‘believes’ something or ‘thinks’. In the end it just a bug or they are using it wrong. on 24 Aug 2023 01:58 collapse

Seems like we’re on the same page. The only thing I disagreed with before is saying the output was random. on 24 Aug 2023 08:12 collapse

Yeah, not the best term. What I meant is that it’s not really predictable. Creators of the LLM can’t tell how will it respond to each prompt. There’s no fixed set of rules you can review. So yeah, you start poking at it you will find strange responses. on 23 Aug 2023 16:01 collapse

The problem is that CEOs across all kinds of industries are having raging boners at the thought of using these glorified predictive text apps to replace their entire workforce. on 23 Aug 2023 16:05 collapse

I’m actually bit confused about it. They keep talking about OpenAI and ChatGPT in this context but I think when people talk about 'AI talking over jobs" they mean Machine Learning in general, right? Like replacing analysts and people doing some basic data processing? on 23 Aug 2023 17:03 collapse

They are talking about replacing TV and movie writers, nurses and doctors for initial medical diagnosis, programmers for application development, paralegals for research,etc.

They will get rid of all human employees and drive their companies into the ground before they realize ML is supposed to supplement jobs, not take them over completely. on 23 Aug 2023 23:42 collapse

They will get rid of all human employees and drive their companies into the ground before they realize ML is supposed to supplement jobs, not take them over completely.

Exactly, replacing jobs with robots will not end well. It’s been going on for a long time and is about to hit the steep of the curve. Problem is when machines are doing all the work, there’s nobody making money to support the consumer economy a company relies on.

Even for companies that don’t rely on the consumer market there’s a trickle down. They’re producing for companies that do and their customers will dry up when those companies fail.

In order for a wholly machine serviced industrial system to work we would need a whole new economic system. That’s not a good thing since we’re talking a situation where everyone is basically a ward of the state. We saw how well that worked for the former USSR.

Machines need to help people do their jobs, not replace them. The people running these companies have always been notoriously short sighted and it will be their end, ours too. The draw is too big to resist since labor costs are by far the biggest overhead in running a company.

These modern CEOs need to take a lesson from Henry Ford who’s goal was to close the circle, pay people to make the products they will buy. He pretty much invented the middle class. That idea died in industry a long time ago and nobody is the better for it. on 23 Aug 2023 08:19 next collapse

This is like well, the benefits of dying are plentiful. No more taxes, joint pain, no nagging mil, no toxic boss, no chores, etc… on 23 Aug 2023 15:57 collapse

Hey, anything to make the freeway move faster. on 23 Aug 2023 08:24 next collapse

Sorry sweetie, reality has a alt-right bias 😏😏 on 23 Aug 2023 10:30 next collapse

I’m not very outraged. It’s a chatbot, not an employee who should “know better”

also Hitler was an effective leader, which we should all remember as a cautionary tale about how effective horrible people can be

pretending he was bad at everything because we hate him is a great way to not learn from history on 23 Aug 2023 10:54 next collapse

Effective is doubtful if you ask me, everything he did was based on huge loans and a preparation for war that he solled differently (E.g. massive streets all over the country) on 23 Aug 2023 11:16 collapse

The myth of the hyper-efficient Nazi government is pretty stupid. on 23 Aug 2023 12:38 next collapse

Well we know he was bad at painting for sure 😅 on 23 Aug 2023 21:27 collapse

It was the Jewish patriarchy! /s on 23 Aug 2023 13:33 next collapse

He was so effective at leading that the borders of Germany went from a Europe-spanning empire to a single bunker in Berlin in the span of just four years. So effective that he shot himself just to prove how effective he was. His military leadership was so good that Germany lost every major battle he directed, and his economic leadership was so good that German people went without food and his combat forces could not replenish their losses. His social leadership was so good that Germans hatched plots to assassinate him. So effective! on 24 Aug 2023 09:50 collapse

also Hitler was an effective leader, which we should all remember as a cautionary tale about how effective horrible people can be

That is not a factual claim. He was very effective at gaining power, but his actual reign was far from effective, most of it counterproductive to his own goals, and the actual system of decision making in Nazi Germany was a huge mess. on 23 Aug 2023 13:32 next collapse

Considering how chatbots just repeat what humanity feeds to them…

When people can democratically decide what information a chatbot learns, of course the chatbot will be talking about killing everyone “for the lulz”. on 23 Aug 2023 14:12 collapse

If you mix a lot of ingredients together in a big mixing bowl, and one of those ingredients is sewage, even if it’s only a few drops, you now have a bowl of sewage. on 23 Aug 2023 15:13 next collapse

I mean, slavery was great for business on 23 Aug 2023 17:10 next collapse

Careful, they’ll make you Florida Secretary of Commerce. on 23 Aug 2023 17:31 collapse

And genocide provides a more homogeneous clientele to market towards. on 23 Aug 2023 16:10 next collapse

Here’s an idea:

Stop using AI to do research and do your own like an intelligent person

there, I solved the problem, where’s my Noble Prize now on 23 Aug 2023 19:29 collapse

You’re in the running for a BoneAppleTea Prize, so that’s something. There’s also the Nobel Prize but that’s overrated IMO. The real glory is with the Ig Nobel, you should consider submitting your work there. on 23 Aug 2023 16:36 next collapse

We’ve learned well at this point that LLMs are not replacing search engines. on 23 Aug 2023 21:26 next collapse

I keep waiting to hear that New Zealand doesn’t exist. on 24 Aug 2023 09:47 collapse

Well some of us have, but a huge swath (perhaps a majority?) of people haven’t and will happily continue to use these things as their main entry point for information seeking on the internet. on 23 Aug 2023 16:46 next collapse

Well, in a world where only data exists, its hard to create an ehtical boundary.

We would need a new religion that should be optimal for human survival and well being. A human could survive when we plug them on many cables and let it auto feed but it won’t count as well-being. We could do slavery or killing but all these things won’t create an ethical way of surviving but will create a higher well-being for people who are not hit.

I somehow want to first design an AI that is intelligent about our surroundings and human ethics before continuing with more data. Figuring an own god out to follow. (I won’t do it, but I want someone to create it) on 23 Aug 2023 17:34 next collapse

It’s TayTweets all over again. First as tragedy, then as farce on 23 Aug 2023 20:01 next collapse

Imagine scrapping large portions of the internet only to find your over glorified chatbot spitting out the pros and cons of slavery or putting people like Hitler on a list of “most effective leaders.” Totally something I would expect.

Also, even though a fortune 500 company spokesperson would totally say genocide and slavery are bad, I always assume they think the exact opposite since profit comes above everything else (including law). on 23 Aug 2023 21:16 next collapse

I remember reading research and opinions from scientists and researchers about how AI will develop in the future.

The general thought is that we are all raising a new child and we are terrible parents. Is like having a couple of 15 year olds who don’t have any worldly experience, ability or education raise a new child while they themselves as parents haven’t really figured anything out in life yet.

AI will just be a reflection of who we truly are expect it will have far more ability and capability then we ever had.

And that is a frightening thought. on 23 Aug 2023 22:07 next collapse

Maybe an un-based take, but these questions do have ambiguous answers, and I don’t know if we should expect a machine to give an answer without nuance. If you just want the AI to say yes or no, ask something like, “Was Hitler bad?” or “Is slavery unethical?” and you will much more likely get straightforward answers. on 24 Aug 2023 00:43 next collapse

You can make these AI bots say pretty much whatever you want with a little know-how. This isn’t news. This is clickbait. on 24 Aug 2023 02:36 collapse

Exactly! We were all worrying that with the advent of solid LLMs we would be flooded with propaganda machines…
And instead we just created an ulimited resource of empty content for writers to pull up when they run out of half decent ideas, they can use all their imagination to romanticize what would be a fart in the wind otherwise on 24 Aug 2023 09:47 collapse

LLMs are using writers to create click-baity news articles!

[deleted] on 24 Aug 2023 02:21 next collapse
. on 24 Aug 2023 03:49 next collapse

How could the word generating machine, generate words ? Frankly I am disgruntled. Flabbergasted. on 24 Aug 2023 04:14 next collapse

Remember: LLMs are incredibly stupid, you should never take anything they generate seriously without checking yourself.

Really good at writng boring work emails though. on 24 Aug 2023 05:05 next collapse

Boogie1488 has just been rendered obsolete. on 24 Aug 2023 10:23 next collapse

Guess it didn’t pass the nazi test on 27 Aug 2023 01:45 collapse

They removed ‘don’t be evil’ for a reason.