Intel Launches Arc A580: A $179 Graphics Card for 1080p Gaming (
from to on 14 Oct 2023 06:11


threaded - newest on 14 Oct 2023 06:35 next collapse

intel is making insane Ws with that pricing on 14 Oct 2023 06:56 next collapse

It’s normal pricing if we go back a few years. The prices of nowadays’ cards are going to kill PC gaming if they remain so high. on 14 Oct 2023 06:59 collapse

I’m hoping Intel can really compete with AMD and Nvidia and their high end cards with this sort of pricing. should hopefully bring it back down to reasonable levels on 14 Oct 2023 09:53 collapse

Even if they just carve out the lower end/budget end for themselves, would be a huge W for gaming. on 14 Oct 2023 10:14 collapse

Intel, AMD and Nvidia are for-profit businesses. Their goal is to make money.

Competition is only a good thing, but that’s not enough. Seeing the price ranges of AMD and Nvidia - there is no way Intel wouldn’t increase prices. on 14 Oct 2023 17:30 collapse

I mean probably in the future, but for now they are trying to capture a new public, with better prices. on 14 Oct 2023 20:18 collapse

Yes, logical step now is to be attractive now to a new customers and that’s done by offering a low prices. on 14 Oct 2023 06:39 next collapse

I hope Intel can get a solid foothold between AMD and Nvidia. There really needs to be more fairly priced competition in the GPU market. on 14 Oct 2023 07:56 next collapse

Oh, I wish it was launched a year ago. on 14 Oct 2023 08:14 next collapse

Love the pricing! But why do they have to bundle mandatory telemetry in their installer and graphics utility 😭 I would have made the jump for this if they had an option to install drivers only on 14 Oct 2023 09:31 next collapse

Because they’re new, they really need that telemetry data to improve arc. And they’ve clearly been using it cause of how much they’ve improved since launch on 14 Oct 2023 10:12 collapse

Well said. Can’t argue with that. on 14 Oct 2023 10:15 next collapse

On the Linux side, you get people installing debug builds of drivers, bisecting to identify which commit broke something, doing apitraces, capturing crash dumps and opening bug reports to submit that stuff to driver devs.

You don’t really get that sort of thing on Windows, so the drivers try to do it through telemetry. It’s how the devs know which games or hardware configs are crashing and need fixes. on 14 Oct 2023 13:09 collapse

I would if I could. on 14 Oct 2023 17:05 collapse

Use Linux? on 14 Oct 2023 17:56 collapse

Simulator gear not compatible ☹️. I use Linux on my laptop though 😁 on 14 Oct 2023 20:28 collapse

Damn that’s tuff on 14 Oct 2023 08:15 next collapse

That power consumption though... The price difference against the 3050 will be eaten up by the electricity bill really fast on 14 Oct 2023 08:36 collapse

If my math is right, the 50W difference, at my power rate of $0.15/kWh, will take 2666 hours and 40 minutes to make up the $20 difference in price. on 14 Oct 2023 08:40 next collapse

0.15 o.O

0.4€ for me :( on 14 Oct 2023 16:19 collapse

Yikes, in Québec we have hydro electricity that’s owned by the government, everyone gets the first 40kWh of the day at 0.065$CAD and the rest is like 0.10CAD. I think the energy situation in Europe is too dependent on private companies that decide what price they want between each other and they agree to keep the prices high, kind of like here we have that with internet and cell service… on 14 Oct 2023 08:42 next collapse

In europe that situation will be wildly different. Here in germany you won’t get under 0.50$/kWh (edit: more like .30 now) so it’s more like 500 to 800 hours

Edit 2: wow, thanks for the hint! I just halved my prices by switching on 14 Oct 2023 09:00 next collapse

True, but that’s still on the order of time that you may never reach the price difference in the lifespan of the GPU.

[deleted] on 14 Oct 2023 09:21 collapse
. on 14 Oct 2023 09:05 next collapse

wait what? i’m paying ~0.30$/kwh at the moment in germany on 14 Oct 2023 09:34 next collapse

I'm at about 27ct. on 14 Oct 2023 09:37 collapse

Dang! I must have missed the prices dropping. I’ll change my subscription then i guess on 14 Oct 2023 10:08 next collapse

Germany is an outlier though. Most of Europe is around 10 cents. Today’s price in Finland is <0.5 cents. on 14 Oct 2023 10:59 next collapse

Those were last year’s prices during the height of the energy crisis. I was paying 0.60€/kWh last year (new contract). I renegotiated this year and got it lowered to about 0.27€/kWh. on 14 Oct 2023 11:18 next collapse

I switched to a half hourly tracker earlier this year. So it’s like 10-15p/kWh (and sometimes as low as negative so they pay you to use the electricity) and jumping to 30-40p between 4pm and 7pm.

As someone working from home with pretty much constant electricity use all day, it’s saved me tons. on 14 Oct 2023 16:16 collapse

Could you give me a name? Which provider? on 14 Oct 2023 16:58 collapse

Octopus. I think the plan is just called Agile Octopus.

I think the price goes up over winter, so might be worth switching in and out of it depending on the time of year. on 14 Oct 2023 17:08 collapse

I live in a rural part of the US (Which is honestly most of it) and electricity runs about $0.12/kWh. Ya’lls prices are mind blowing. Especially since we heat with electric heat pumps. At those rates my electric bill would be about $625/mo instead of $250/mo. on 14 Oct 2023 15:54 collapse

That’s only one gaming session! on 14 Oct 2023 09:49 next collapse

This would have sold really well if they had the sorcery to have done it during peak covid on 14 Oct 2023 10:02 next collapse

Do they have a 1440p card yet? on 14 Oct 2023 11:21 collapse

Isnt that prety much what the 16gb a770 is. on 14 Oct 2023 13:49 next collapse

I have a A770 and run 1440p ultra wide. Works great. Very happy with the card, particularly now that you can disable their software stuff. on 20 Oct 2023 07:35 collapse

I dunno, I hadn’t looked into it, but I’ll have a look now on 14 Oct 2023 11:22 next collapse

Yeah, but how is it for older games? Because last I looked there were games that wouldn’t even run on it.

I’d love to see Intel compete properly but AMD/ATI and nVidia have been fixing broken games at the driver level for decades now, and I doubt even Intel can catch up with that. on 14 Oct 2023 17:04 collapse

Old games have always worked if you just use dxvk on 14 Oct 2023 14:28 next collapse

When they say energy crisis do they mean we need another million dollar mansion in Hawaii crisis? Or is there a legitimate energy crisis? on 14 Oct 2023 22:40 collapse

I mean, climate change is kind of a global energy crisis. But this is just to buy new mansions and jets. on 14 Oct 2023 16:49 next collapse

I’m sitting on an aging GTX 970. In no position to do a full new build but I wonder if it is worth taking a chance on one of these at that price point. on 14 Oct 2023 18:05 collapse

I replaced mine with a 275€ 6650xt about a year ago. Still really happy with the decision. on 14 Oct 2023 17:04 collapse

Like medium 1080p or ultra 1080p? on 14 Oct 2023 18:06 collapse
