Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3 (
from to on 28 Jul 2023 01:45

Today, I am publishing a guest post from Andy Warfield, VP and distinguished engineer over at S3. I asked him to write this based on the Keynote address he gave at USENIX FAST ‘23 that covers three distinct perspectives on scale that come along with building and operating a storage system the size of S3.

I’ve worked in computer systems software — operating systems, virtualization, storage, networks, and security — for my entire career. However, the last six years working with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) have forced me to think about systems in broader terms than I ever have before. In a given week, I get to be involved in everything from hard disk mechanics, firmware, and the physical properties of storage media at one end, to customer-facing performance experience and API expressiveness at the other.


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