Nigeria & Romania Ranked Among Top Cybercrime Havens (
from to on 18 Apr 2024 12:12

A survey of cybercrime experts assessing the top cybercrime-producing nations results in some expected leaders — Russia, Ukraine, and China — but also some surprises.


threaded - newest on 21 May 2024 16:14 collapse

Cybercrime Index

Ranking countries by cybercrime threat level

Ranking Country WCI score
1 Russia 58.39
2 Ukraine 36.44
3 China 27.86
4 United States 25.01
5 Nigeria 21.28
6 Romania 14.83
7 North Korea 10.61
8 United Kingdom 9.01
9 Brazil 8.93
10 India 6.13
11 Iran 4.78
12 Belarus 3.87
13 Ghana 3.58
14 South Africa 2.58
15 Moldova 2.57
16 Israel 2.51
17 Poland 2.22
18 Germany 2.17
19 Netherlands 1.92
20 Latvia 1.68

Anyone else shocked India is this low considering data/identity theft and scams are in the top 5 categories?