"They used his passcode to change the 46-year-old’s Apple ID password. They also enabled a hard-to-find Apple security setting known as the “recovery key.” In doing so, they placed an impenetrable lock on his account."
Because OP is a lazy fuck that wants us to read clickbait headlines.
on 11 Jun 2024 15:39
so edgy
on 11 Jun 2024 22:56
I’m getting really fuckin sick of attention span-lacking lobotomites acting like everything that requires more than 5 minutes of skimming is a personal affront. You are NOT SO IMPORTANT that five minutes of your time is costing you money.
What you failed to bring into your edgy-assed complaint is that this isn’t an isolated incident, but part of a confirmed pattern of malicious action across multiple people and multiple states that highlights how Apple’s mechanisms for supposed privacy are half-assed enough that the most vulnerable userbase of technology-- old fuckers-- are getting suckered by a rising tide of cybercrime that doesn’t even need specialized software to pull off. But y’know, I guess all that’s just a clickbait headline to you because it’s ‘not your problem’, isn’t it, you “lazy fuck”?
Don’t answer that; I’ve already pre-emptively decided anything you post is spam and clickbait since that’s what we’re doing now, apparently.
threaded - newest
"They used his passcode to change the 46-year-old’s Apple ID password. They also enabled a hard-to-find Apple security setting known as the “recovery key.” In doing so, they placed an impenetrable lock on his account."
Because OP is a lazy fuck that wants us to read clickbait headlines.
so edgy
I’m getting really fuckin sick of attention span-lacking lobotomites acting like everything that requires more than 5 minutes of skimming is a personal affront. You are NOT SO IMPORTANT that five minutes of your time is costing you money.
What you failed to bring into your edgy-assed complaint is that this isn’t an isolated incident, but part of a confirmed pattern of malicious action across multiple people and multiple states that highlights how Apple’s mechanisms for supposed privacy are half-assed enough that the most vulnerable userbase of technology-- old fuckers-- are getting suckered by a rising tide of cybercrime that doesn’t even need specialized software to pull off. But y’know, I guess all that’s just a clickbait headline to you because it’s ‘not your problem’, isn’t it, you “lazy fuck”?
Don’t answer that; I’ve already pre-emptively decided anything you post is spam and clickbait since that’s what we’re doing now, apparently.