Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. (
from to on 22 Aug 02:01


threaded - newest on 22 Aug 02:13 next collapse


It’s barely been two days… on 22 Aug 03:53 next collapse

Joke’s on you. Many of us stopped buying TVs years ago. on 22 Aug 07:37 next collapse

This. We have not owned a TV since the very early 00s, when we realized they wanted us to pay in order to watch… ads. More and more of them. on 22 Aug 08:18 collapse

When I moved, I just didn’t plug the TV in at the new place. Instead, I started using it exclusively as a monitor for my HTPC. Watching online videos on a bigger screen is just so much nicer. Besides, ublock origin is doing a good job blocking all the nonsense a smart TV is designed to show you. When visiting friends and family, I end up watching normal TV a little bit, and I can’t say I miss any of that. on 22 Aug 07:46 collapse

I haven’t owned a TV since they became “smart.” I hated the idea then and I hate it now. on 22 Aug 10:23 next collapse

Pro tip: computer Monitors are, for the most part, still dumb. on 22 Aug 14:06 next collapse

Just don’t connect your TV to the internet. I’ve been using it as a monitor for years. on 22 Aug 15:27 next collapse

Yeah my TV will never get internet access again. Using my computer with my TV as a screen is way better. on 22 Aug 23:05 next collapse

LibreELEC and Kodi say otherwise. on 22 Aug 23:35 next collapse

Why would anybody connect their tv to the internet? on 23 Aug 05:50 collapse

My TV set is a 7 year old Dell All-in-One PC running Linux Mint. It works great. It doesn’t try to sell me shit. Ads be hella blocked.