How i can stop this google nag banner to login in third party websites?
from to on 06 Jul 2024 11:22

In the browser, i didn’t login in the google account, and I didn’t accept the cookies on that site. Using privacybadger that supposedly should block the 3rd party spyware like that


threaded - newest on 06 Jul 2024 11:29 next collapse

I don’t know either, but keen to see what people suggest! on 06 Jul 2024 11:30 next collapse

Set your language to English: you’ll get the nag in English.



Seriously though, install Ublock Origin and block as many Google domains as possible. In Reddit, to get rid of that particular nag, block and

Alternatively, don’t do Reddit. on 06 Jul 2024 12:13 next collapse

Old reddit redirect or popup off could probably work as well (both are exentions on firefox). on 06 Jul 2024 12:49 collapse

Click the eye dropper symbol in uBlock, that opens the element picker.

Next, click the popup, and then preview > apply on 06 Jul 2024 14:41 collapse

*uBlock Origin or uBO on 06 Jul 2024 12:15 collapse

Alternatively, don’t do Reddit.

“Cpt. Obvious move” detected. I like it. on 06 Jul 2024 11:40 next collapse

I got annoyed by something similar (E: also a google sign in pop up, in the same spot, though looks a little different than yours) not too long ago and found this worked:… on 06 Jul 2024 19:12 collapse

I tried that multiple times. GOogle ignores my setting. on 06 Jul 2024 19:42 next collapse

That sucks. I had an issue at first with it only giving the option for android even though I’m on pc, but eventually I managed to get it right, I think there was another sub menu or something, I can’t remember exactly since it was a few months ago now… If that’s not it, I guess give some of the other options given here a try? on 06 Jul 2024 21:20 collapse

This is how the relationship is with them. I moved on 10 years ago, they fought my every step, e.g. suddenly exporting from Drive didn’t work.

Like all toxic relationships, you’re better off without them. on 06 Jul 2024 11:43 next collapse

There is a feature (permission) in new versions of Chromium that can help. I don’t remember the name though. on 06 Jul 2024 11:50 next collapse

Install ublock, add a filter to block the login prompt in the “my rules” section

Can’t find the exact rules I have but when I’m on my desktop i can reply with them, there’s a bunch of variants I found searching for it but they should all work (unless googles changed stuff) on 06 Jul 2024 12:15 collapse

I use this rule:* Is yours similar? on 06 Jul 2024 13:27 next collapse

That’s the one I use as well and it gets rid of the sign in popup without breaking or blocking other Google sites. on 06 Jul 2024 20:35 collapse


||^ ||$3p ||^ ||

Feels pretty overkill at this point, can’t help assume most of its redundant but I haven’t run into any issues yet. I got them from this firefox support thread a while back on 06 Jul 2024 12:43 next collapse

Firefox on its own blocks some of these popups (in some countries). Otherwise, add some annoyance filters in ublock origin on 06 Jul 2024 12:49 next collapse

Ah dude no1 has pointed u to the holy grail. Here u go my fellow human…

P.s. there is only ublock. Ublock is king/queen on 06 Jul 2024 15:13 collapse

Thanks, commenting to find this later. on 07 Jul 2024 01:33 collapse

There is a save comments function on Lemmy 😉 on 07 Jul 2024 02:26 collapse

There isn't on on 06 Jul 2024 12:52 next collapse
  1. Install UBlock Origin
  2. Click the extension’s icon
  3. Click the gears icon for settings
  4. Open the “My filters” tab
  5. Add a line with ||*

Steps 2 and 3 can be replaced by going to about:addons, finding UBlock Origin, clicking the button and selecting “Preferences”. on 06 Jul 2024 14:41 collapse

As an additional note this rule is already included in either EasyList – Other Annoyances or AdGuard – Popup Overlays. I recommend just enabling either full category for a more usable internet.

<img alt="" src=""> on 06 Jul 2024 19:12 next collapse

It must be the former because I have the latter enabled and still see them on 06 Jul 2024 22:08 collapse

I can’t seem to block them by just enabling annoyances blocks on my end.

“EasyList – Other Annoyances” has this:

! Google signin popup

“AdGuard – Popup Overlays” has this:

! Warning: check, if auth using Google is not broken
||^$third-party,script,domain=<several specific domains here>

My impression is that the rules want to avoid breaking Google sign-in completely, which this rule may do. on 06 Jul 2024 12:55 next collapse

For optics only:
Use uBlock Origin, choose the object picker and remove the banner.

For real blocking: Use uBlock Origin and block the Google domains as suggested in another answer. on 06 Jul 2024 18:16 collapse

I’ve tried to remove the banner with ubo on firefox and it has never worked. I think google is doing some weirdness with it. on 07 Jul 2024 13:57 collapse

You can always try out some premade blocking lists as someone who knows way better than both of us has probably already encountered the same problem.
You can also try to use wildcards with your blocking list as some ad and tracking companies add random alphanumeric characters to their URLs to circumvent blocking. on 06 Jul 2024 13:51 next collapse

As other people have mentioned, you can use uBlock Origin to hide these banners.

For Reddit specifically, I recommend using a private frontend called Redlib. You can install LibRedirect to automatically redirect all Reddit links to Redlib. on 06 Jul 2024 14:25 next collapse

Non usare chrome nel caso fosse il tuo browser e installa ublock su firefox on 06 Jul 2024 16:50 collapse

Don’t speak the language but 100% agree on 07 Jul 2024 11:52 collapse

Something something no Chrome something something install uBlock and Firefox.

Did I get it right? on 07 Jul 2024 22:44 next collapse

And they say italian is hard on 04 Aug 2024 11:37 collapse

Absolutely right on 06 Jul 2024 21:16 next collapse

I use Fennec for Firefox. Fdroid can then do updates. I disabled Play Store and Services. plugins work on Fennec.

For reddit, try with Vivaldi. It is chromium based so works on sites with chrome/blink bias, but also has built-in adblocker (needs to be turned on in prefs). For me, old reddit font scaling is better on Vivaldi than Fennec. on 06 Jul 2024 22:23 next collapse

noscript stops these dead.

also stops most other nefarious things sites want to do in your browser.

also stops many good things, so your day to day surfing will encounter more friction, but be safer. on 07 Jul 2024 01:26 collapse

Technically yes, but the Google and Googlegetmanager scripts are used in so many cases that you want to keep them active permanently. on 07 Jul 2024 21:06 collapse

those are two of my favourites to block, but that’s just me on 06 Jul 2024 23:38 next collapse

Worth noting, this isn’t really a Google thing. It’s something other websites do to allow you to login with various other credentials: Facebook, Google, Amazon – Twitter used to be common. It’s just that Google is obnoxious because when say Reddit allows you to login with your Google account, the login widget Google uses is an obnoxious pop-up. on 07 Jul 2024 07:59 collapse

It Is a Google thing. It’s a script that Google gives to third party to promote logging in with their account, and it can access Google cookies, so it can get populated with your name and email (which is absurd as some other malicious js on the same page could parse the HTML to extract the personal data of the user without consent)

If you’re logged in, there’s a setting buried in the Google account (really buried, very difficult to find) which hides this nag. on 07 Jul 2024 20:10 collapse

What I mean by it not being a Google thing is that it doesn’t just appear there on its own, like it might if it were a Doubleclick ad or something.

This is something that companies like Reddit see and think “Yes, I want that obnoxious thing on my site”. on 07 Jul 2024 22:19 collapse

I think it’s exactly the same as a Doubleclick ad as in it’s a 3rd-party script that adds obnoxious content (be it ads or a signin popup) to the site. I think Doubleclick is owned by google which ironically makes it even more similar than if it was, say, a Facebook popup. on 07 Jul 2024 22:23 collapse

Doubleclick has been Google for decades now. The difference is that (at least these days) most companies wouldn’t accept it if doubleclick ads had obnoxious pop-ups. But, they choose to have a Google sign-in form that has an obnoxious pop-up. Yes, it’s annoying that Google made an annoying login pop-up. But, much worse is that places like Reddit choose to go with that obnoxious pop-up instead of saying “we don’t want to force that on our users”. on 07 Jul 2024 23:02 collapse

Yeah. Also, it’s the difference between ads (a very obnoxious thing for 99% of users) and something potentially genuinely useful for a good portion of users like the sign in - I assume the popup isn’t there to annoy us Lemmy users, a large percentage of whom I assume use uBlock Origin and find it annoying, but rather for the ~2-5% of users who wouldn’t bother creating an account but don’t mind signing in with Google due to the convenience (and wouldn’t do so on the signin page). And eveb for us who find it annoying, it isn’t like ads where you’re not supposed to be able to get rid of the popup or the popup being a constant PITA on 07 Jul 2024 01:36 next collapse

I disable javascript by default (with a keybind toggle, I think noscript can do something similar in normie browsers), and I never get these. on 07 Jul 2024 16:01 collapse
