RIP Session Messenger (
from to on 05 Aug 2024 01:46


threaded - newest on 05 Aug 2024 01:48 next collapse

Misleading title… Session is not shutting down at all. This is just an opinion piece. Also OP’s post history is mostly heavily-downvoted political stuff. on 05 Aug 2024 01:49 next collapse

Not long… Once the rug pull happens on 05 Aug 2024 02:46 next collapse

That’s comment history, not posts. Also irrelevant, but nice try attempting to deflect from the reality that Session messenger is dying. on 05 Aug 2024 06:21 collapse

I agree

If people keep down voting you because of your comment history I can post the link instead. on 05 Aug 2024 06:13 collapse

Not relevant here as nothing about this post is political.

Read the article as I think the authors stance is sound. This community has upvoted people who are far more political and extreme. on 05 Aug 2024 11:04 next collapse

No, the whole project was flawed from the get-go and if anything, the buy-in of people like OP into it is to be bemoaned. That is to say, how I wouldn’t want Session to “rest in peace”. In pieces, maybe. No rest though. Eternally in anguish. on 05 Aug 2024 12:53 collapse

Unfortunately, everything is political to someone, whether you like it or not. Even doing nothing. on 05 Aug 2024 06:16 next collapse

Who would of guessed a crypto based messager would have issues

Crypto is unstable by nature and tying it into critical software like communications is problematic and create a centralized dependence.

With that being said it is always sad to see something as big as Session crumble on 05 Aug 2024 17:12 collapse

Who would of guessed

…would have guessed. You may be thinking of the sound of the contraction, “would’ve,” a joining of would and have that sounds similar to “would of.” on 05 Aug 2024 09:13 collapse

Session (and also Loki and Lokinet) always has been a weak project. It’s just a bunch of forks. Its incentive scheme for nodes is unsound, coin distribution is disastrously bad, and the whole project lacks of transparency but focuses more on marketing. But the most important thing: they have been stagnated for years with literally zero improvements of the fundamentals. And the latest changes with a new token is degradation.

From their blog:

Notably, Session Token is also not a privacy coin — but that doesn’t mean that Session is less private.

Oh, it does! And also shows that the team is incompetent, because private transactions is not magic anymore. Every time when I see projects which try to use crypto/tokens but avoid understand the tech such projects are worthless. Session tries to mix a private messenger with a blockchain and cryptocurrency and it is actually sucks in both areas.