Pre-Crime in the UK
from to on 18 Feb 06:59
from to on 18 Feb 06:59
Police in the United Kingdom are using online content, referrals (prevent), and mass surveillance to identify people who may commit crime in the future.
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We saw these movies well before we were 16 or 18. Maybe today’s grown ups actually didn’t watch them and are braindead because of it?
Mandatory watching exercise for everyone:
The themes are always the same. Peak dystopia, sometimes facilitated by helpful idiots.
Or read some of Phillip K Dicks books I’d also add the film Brazil to that list
Oblivion? It was all right, and I recommend it, but I wouldn’t call it a mandatory watch, it didn’t have any special message
Oh? And you’re the authority on that?
The question you are trying to ask is “what special message do you see in that movie?”
Of course my friend, let me tell you.
Oblivion has this very nice plot twist where the main character was actually
Tap for spoiler
Helping the aliens gut the planet while thinking he was saving humanity. He’s one of the most planet sized helpful idiots I have ever seen. So yes, you don’t want to be him so think twice before you act on your assumption of reality but rather think for yourself.
I do agree though that its not necessarily the same league as the others. But seeing people acting the way they do, they must be submitted to 24/7 reeducation on freedom, privacy, healthy relationships, democracy, etc.
Well yes, I am the authority on my opinions, just like anyone else is on theirs.
That’s what I mean, I don’t think it belongs next to Matrix or 12 Monkeys. It’s a run of the mill Tom Cruise action film. Very enjoyable, but it doesn’t break any new ground, in my opinion.
Was Minority Report a documentary too?
Most sci-fi is. At least if you squint a little.
If you don’t like it, then move across the Channel or to Ireland.
You meant go to Europ? :o)