DuckDuckGo Gone Rogue
from to on 27 Feb 23:00

They’ve decided to incorporate ChatGPT.


threaded - newest on 27 Feb 23:12 next collapse

Yeah DDG has been serving up AI slop lately, it’s really annoying.

Ducky see, ducky do. It’s kind of pathetic… on 27 Feb 23:15 next collapse

I switched to using searxng instances a while ago. Its getting the job done. on 28 Feb 08:56 collapse

I think searx is using POST or something, which means you can’t bookmark searches, they’re broken in history, and if when you restart a browser, your search tabs get completely lost.

It’s been the worst search UI I’ve seen in the nearly 30 years I’ve used web searches.

Still use it, because of the alternatives. on 27 Feb 23:16 next collapse

I’m open for alternative suggestions. The ease of wiping browser data while excluding preferred sites in duckduckgo is really nice. on 27 Feb 23:17 next collapse

searxng, I use disroot. on 27 Feb 23:53 collapse

You can achieve a similar thing in Firefox with auto delete browsing data in settings, then adding excluded websites. on 27 Feb 23:16 next collapse

I mean, this seems like a really stupid gripe. You can completely disable it for your searches:

In addition, it gives you a way to interface with ChatGPT without an account, or using the API, and maintaining privacy… I see this as an absolute win. They stay competitive by including AI for people who can’t live without, while making it completely optional. Offering is a smart move, too. I just don’t see the issue here.

[deleted] on 27 Feb 23:35 next collapse


[deleted] on 28 Feb 00:36 collapse

. on 28 Feb 01:50 next collapse

Defaults matter. Every time you open a private browsing window, that’s what you’re going to get. Every time you use LibreWolf or Firefox Focus or any other browser that disables/clears cookies by default (which is a good practice), that’s what you’re going to get.

I don’t want anything I search for going into OpenAI. Ever. I’d feel fine about this if they hosted their own models. on 28 Feb 01:56 next collapse

This. I fucking hate that it’s opt out. Every goddamn time I open Firefox and run a search I gotta disable the stupid AI bullshit. on 28 Feb 02:02 next collapse

I don’t think it AI’s your search immediately. It just shows you the option to generate an AI response. At least that’s how it’s been working for me. It’s not doing anything unless you hit that button. on 28 Feb 06:17 next collapse

It’s been hit and miss for me. It feels like there’s some cached queries that it presents the AI results for without user interaction. But it’s very clearly marked. on 28 Feb 09:29 collapse

Sometimes it is a button, but oftentimes it is just there by default :( on 28 Feb 13:02 collapse

use ddg light, it has no AI on 28 Feb 03:01 collapse

Like, sure. That’s a valid argument. But it’s not the end of the goddamn world because they make you click a button to use a completely free service.

If you’re that pissed about it, then setup SearX yourself. Not sure why every “technologist” feels like their opinion is the only that matters and gets butthurt about shit like this. on 28 Feb 12:09 collapse is so good, I don’t bother with anything else on 27 Feb 23:17 next collapse

Duck search has never been good at actually finding results. on 27 Feb 23:25 next collapse

On second thought, maybe they’re doing the right thing. Offering what the competition does with improved privacy and the option to switch it off completely. I personally think LLMs are pretty bad at real-life queries, but ultimately the users will have to decide. on 28 Feb 00:32 collapse

They’ve helped me figure out some nested spreadsheet formulas that were pretty complicated to me.

What typically happens is that they mess up, but their malfunctioning code still has something in it that I hadn’t considered, which leads me in the right direction. They have their place in terms of helpfulness when you can’t or don’t want to wait for someone. on 27 Feb 23:42 next collapse

I use ducks AI chat to help me with small tasks and its honestly pretty great. Always worked and has provided me with useful results.

They claim its anonymous, maybe they are lying, maybe they are not. I make sure to rinse anything I put in there first just in case. on 02 Mar 03:23 collapse

I really worry about places that claim that AI access is anonymous.

The models they’re using aren’t super cheap to run and they don’t get a lot cheaper with scale.

When you are the product, and the anonymize the data that they sell to people, They still have your correlations there somewhere. If they get hacked, or sold, with a simply change their business model you are at risk. on 28 Feb 01:19 next collapse

Am I the only one noticably receiving more adds on duck duck go last few days/week?

I feel like the adds and the AI response thing make it much worse.

Have to scroll a whole screen untill I see a organic result. on 28 Feb 01:28 next collapse

You see ads? on 28 Feb 01:54 next collapse

Hey! I remember people saying the same thing about a different search engine! on 28 Feb 04:39 next collapse

You can turn off ads in DDG settings. Better yet, use an adblocker like everyone should. on 28 Feb 05:43 collapse

Just FYI, duckduckgo has an agreement with Microsoft regarding ads.…/ads-by-microsoft-on-duckduckgo-p… on 28 Feb 02:57 next collapse

“Educational purposes”… because everyone knows it’s good educational practice to spout utter bullshit at people wanting information. on 28 Feb 12:45 next collapse

Well, I think it’s time to move to SearXNG as my main choice of a search engine… on 28 Feb 21:11 collapse

I just did, it’s really good! on 28 Feb 21:42 collapse

I also did it. I did need an extension for it for Firefox for some reason. on 28 Feb 20:25 next collapse

Not phrasing your queries as a question makes it more likely you will find what you are looking for in a traditional search on 28 Feb 20:25 next collapse

Openai has open models now on 28 Feb 21:39 collapse

Has something changed? This isn’t news. Also why is this privacy related? No data is being exposed.