alt. youtube frontend
from to on 18 Aug 10:06

Neither newpipe nor libretube work for me anymore for a while now. Is there an alternative?

Edit: when using my vpn it is blocked. Without von it works fine


threaded - newest on 18 Aug 10:16 next collapse

LightTube: on 18 Aug 10:23 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 18 Aug 11:20 next collapse

I use their mobile app and everything works like a charm. on 19 Aug 11:33 collapse

Have you tried a different instance? I was able to use the US one with no issues at all. on 18 Aug 10:22 next collapse

I’m happy with Pipepipe myself, it’s on the izzyondroid F-droid repo. on 18 Aug 10:26 next collapse

Have you tried Grayjay? on 18 Aug 13:58 collapse

I second that on 18 Aug 10:28 next collapse

I just tried Tubular, a NewPipe fork and it works properly. on 18 Aug 10:45 next collapse

Newpipe sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. I think your case was just lucky. on 18 Aug 12:15 collapse

NewPipe stops working whenever Google updates YouTube with a breaking change that NewPipe needs to integrate then, e. g. renaming parameters, changing URLs and the like.

NewPipe has been steadily working for years, with the expected interrupts as they have to play catch up with YouTube. That typically only lasts a few days, sometimes hours, though. on 18 Aug 12:28 collapse

The newest issue is different because YouTube started requiring login more and more often to “prove that you’re not a bot”. on 18 Aug 14:56 collapse

It’s been working for me most of the time. Tends to break when Google breaks something, but gets fixed pretty fast. For me it has been working for a couple of weeks after the last update. On TV I use SmartTube, and it has been incredibly solid. on 18 Aug 10:49 next collapse

Did you update them? I just tried newpipe and it works like it should? on 18 Aug 11:15 next collapse

Invidious, one good instance is on 19 Aug 22:40 collapse

Nope on 18 Aug 11:47 next collapse

The only other alternative I know is SongTube on 18 Aug 11:51 next collapse

I’d say that your best bet is FreeTube, which got ported to Android back in 2020. I’ve only been using it for a few weeks, since I only got ahold of an Android device this month, but it has never let me down.

It’s available on the IzzyOnDroid repo, and as an APK, so you can install it with F-Droid or Obtainium (or manually). on 18 Aug 14:55 collapse

That downloads directly from YouTube, and for that the best Android app by far is NewPipe and its forks, like Tubular. on 18 Aug 18:25 collapse

Neither newpipe nor libretube work for me anymore for a while now.

…except NewPipe doesn’t work. on 18 Aug 20:34 collapse

It works great these past few days, and I’ve used it today. It works. You might not use the latest version.

Don’t use F-droid official repos, use the NewPipe f-droid repo or the IzzyOnDroid one. on 18 Aug 13:09 next collapse

On chromecast I’ve been happy with SmartTube, which includes sponsor block and still allows me to log into YT so I get to keep my history.

In Firefox I’ve just discovered an extension called Lib Redirect, which works for YT, Reddit, Twitter, and other sites. Highly recommend. on 18 Aug 13:25 next collapse

Revanced is still going strong on android on 18 Aug 14:11 next collapse

For sure, because it’s fetching the content directly from the YouTube servers on 19 Aug 11:54 collapse

Am I missing something? Why is it being downvoted? I use it every day and it’s an alternative frontend. on 18 Aug 13:35 next collapse

Yeah, youtube breaks things all too frequently, and a lot of the time these projects can’t push out updates fast enough. A lot of invidious instances sadly don’t work (as of the last time I checked them, a few days ago), but a few usually work because they merge patches before upstream does. inv[dot]nadeko[dot]net comes to mind. on 18 Aug 14:02 collapse

Some other good instances: on 18 Aug 14:57 collapse

I almost thought you were that bot that changes youtube links to invidious ones, lol.

Yeah, those tend to be good (well, is a bit of an exception, it shows the error that the others fixed). It’s a little annoying that a lot of the invidious instances that work won’t show up when you do the “switch instance” thing on an instance that doesn’t work, but it makes a bit of sense, not wanting to get overwhelmed, or trying to not get too noticed. on 18 Aug 15:51 collapse

In most cases it’s just too annoying of a process to get on the list. But I understand why the invidious team prefers to vet instances rather then have something like a beacon system that auto populates all consenting instances. on 18 Aug 14:33 next collapse

Ive been using these front ends for a while now and there are constant issues.

Ive switched to

its now ad free, and Ive found that: mental outlaw, Louis Rossman, someordinarygamers, Brodie Robertson, tech lore, switched to linux, the Linux cast and loads of others are also on the platform. on 18 Aug 21:38 next collapse

Odysee is not a YouTube front end, is a hot spring for hate content and misinformation, was financially mismanaged, and was recently sold for parts to a blockchain company whose primary goal is bolstering its own blockchain on 18 Aug 22:36 next collapse

hot spring for hate content

As with every platform, even Youtube. Bc even the most advanced algorithmic moderation has its limits (i.e. they can’t pick up steganography nor subtle/creative language; in best case scenario, YT algorithms can barely understand a Caesar ciphered text), so it’d need manual reviewing, but there’s the catch: a platform can’t have strict manual reviewing AND be free, because human moderators have their costs. When a platform gets troublesome with excessive ads or oversensitive filters (Tom Scott has an excellent video regarding the problem with “vulgarity filters” when they’re set to pick up any “forbidden” words amidist a text without considering their context; e.g. a content that says about “cumulative sum” (a mathematical and statistical concept) gets blocked because how the three initial letters form a vulgar word, and this could get worse if one’s talking about NumPy’s method), two kinds of people will tend to migrate platforms: those who simply have zero patience with intrusive ads/excessive filtering (imagine a PHP developer not being able to upload/search for a video that uses the PHP function that breaks a string into array, because the function name is “explode()” and it could be seen by filters as “violence”), and those who want to distillate their hatred. If there’s a sufficiently well-known alternative platform, both kinds of people will tend to migrate there, until hate content becomes a gigantic problem and the platform starts to employ human moderators, turning the service into a costly service that’ll either need to be paid or need to have ads (except if they somehow manage to work the services through volunteering, such as GNU). Odysee is one of a myriad of video platforms where anyone can create an account and upload any video. Odysee is not the first only containing “dangerous contents” and neither will be the last. on 19 Aug 08:32 collapse

The blockchaim & finance topic doesn’t really affect me, as long as I can use it for watching videos then it works. (and I’m not helping google)

In regards to the hate content, I would rather have the ability to self censor these things (mute/block) then have the platform itself decide what I am allowed to see. on 19 Aug 11:26 collapse

I think the main problem with allowing hate content is how it fosters harassment to those who are against their narratives. on 18 Aug 22:45 collapse

What if I want to watch something other than the people who always show up at the top of the Youtube technology category page, or venture capitalist-funded yoga videos summoned to create the impression somebody is home? on 18 Aug 14:43 next collapse

Piped and Libretube stopped working for me, they’re requiring sign up now, it’s sad :( on 19 Aug 18:49 collapse

No, the error is coming from YouTube, not Piped. They’re working on a way to get around it, you can follow the progress here. on 18 Aug 15:01 next collapse

Grayjay on 18 Aug 16:26 collapse

i forget is this app proprietary? i know a lot of their apps are on 18 Aug 20:51 next collapse

It’s on fdroid so I don’t think on 18 Aug 22:27 collapse

It’s not on F-Droid, they have their custom F-Droid repository but that doesn’t really mean anything. Anyone can put any app in a custom F-Droid repo, it doesn’t have any meaning in regard to FOSS licensing or user freedom. on 18 Aug 21:14 next collapse

Custom license that doesn’t meet the FSF’s definition. Tldr restrictions on redistribution and minor restrictions on modification. It isn’t on fdroid’s main, but they host a fdroid compatible one with a out of date version of Grayjay on 18 Aug 23:20 collapse

It’s basically source available with rights to modify and redistribute for non-commercial purposes and without removing the ability to pay for the app.

Here is the license. on 18 Aug 16:19 next collapse

Newpipe works for me right now? on 18 Aug 22:41 next collapse

tubular , which is a fork of newpipe , works for me . AFAIK its maintained by the person who used to maintain newpipe+sponsorblock on 19 Aug 12:20 collapse

Are there Linux versions of this that aren’t apks? on 19 Aug 19:17 collapse

no , its made explicitly as an android application . on 19 Aug 11:00 next collapse

Mostly all officially endorsed invidious instances work in my experience. They are using at least one, maybe two techniques for evading youtube rate limiting restrictions that piped does not (yet?) use. on 19 Aug 18:11 next collapse

Newpipe is working. Just make sure you are on the latest update. YouTube broke it twice in a row not long ago. But latest update has been working for weeks now. Check the github. Looks like v0.27.2 is the latest. on 19 Aug 18:47 next collapse

LibreTube uses Piped, which currently is getting blocked by YouTube. They’re working on a way to get around it.

You can follow the progress here. It seems like they might have found a way. on 21 Aug 06:49 collapse

Invidious currently works for me. I use this instance: