John Oliver launches "Make yourself less valuable to Meta" website, suggests Signal, Mastodon, Pixelfed, and BlueSky as Meta alternatives (
from to on 24 Feb 13:14

John Oliver cited a 5000% rise in search queries related to leaving Meta and deleting accounts. Among the topics mentioned in the analysis, attention was drawn to early Facebook’s naivete with regard to moderation requirements, the constitutional framework, and a history of governmental interference.

Oliver debunks common right-wing “cry censorship” talking points, as well as the objective difficulty of moderation endeavors, and how direct threats by Trump may have influenced Zuckerberg’s turnaround.

Oliver went on to suggest Signal, Mastodon, Bluesky, and Pixelfed as alternatives that “do not seem as desperate to fall in line with Trump”. For those reluctant to completely ditch Meta, Oliver revealed a new site with step-by-step instructions to “make yourself less valuable to them”.

The guide was a collaboration with the EFF, and includes settings’ tweaks for Facebook and Meta, whose 98% of revenue comes from micro-targeting ads, the host previously cited, to increase privacy, and recommends Firefox, Privacy Badger, as “other measures” to take in order “to block advertisers and other third parties from tracking you”.

The segment culminated in a mock advert, in which the new Meta’s approach to moderation is coined as “Fuck it”, and hints to racism, internet scams, and calls to genocide running rampant on Meta’s platforms.

The clip reminds the origins of Facebook as a site to “rank college girls by hotness”, and its implication in genocide in Myanmar, which was more thoroughly discussed in an Oliver’s previous special on Facebook in 2018.


threaded - newest on 24 Feb 13:23 next collapse

good initiative but uh what’s up with that domain name? on 24 Feb 13:25 next collapse

I think is some in-joke having to do with Facebook moderation. Or his typical goofassery with domain names. Can’t help you there. on 24 Feb 13:59 collapse

It’s an in joke referencing some stuff he did in a previous season. I don’t think there’s any specific connection to Facebook. on 24 Feb 13:34 next collapse

There was a whole saga of him buying expensive rat erotica artwork at one point, which is a sentence I never thought I’d write. on 24 Feb 13:37 next collapse

sentence I never thought I’d write

🤣 🤣 on 24 Feb 14:06 next collapse

rat erotica

aah thank you! now I can make sense of those last jumbled letters, quite the unusual word combination for sure ^^

Newsweek - The True Story Behind ‘Last Week Tonight’s’ Rat Erotica Painting (archive link) on 24 Feb 15:57 next collapse

Fucken hilarious 😂👏 on 24 Feb 16:39 next collapse

Is that why my rat erotica artwork started selling at such high prices? on 24 Feb 17:35 collapse on 24 Feb 13:35 next collapse

Oh, he just had that lying around on 24 Feb 13:50 collapse

His team over at Last Week Tonight pull lots of funny stunts like this and have made quite a few hilarious websites. I wouldn’t be surprised if this one is featured on the next episode!

Edit: Hey look, it was! on 24 Feb 13:53 collapse

Remember “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption”? You can’t get stuff like this in stores! on 24 Feb 13:41 next collapse

Good, glad it’s getting some main stream attention. If more people start taking advantage of these settings and alternatives it’s going to hurt Meta’s bottom line eventually on 24 Feb 13:46 next collapse

They’ll just bury the settings, or remove them. Who’s going to stop them now? on 24 Feb 13:49 next collapse

I guess that’s what the alts are for on 24 Feb 13:54 collapse

one can always delete their accounts on 24 Feb 15:14 collapse

As if Meta actually deletes anything on 24 Feb 17:16 collapse

Haven’t “shadow” accounts been a thing for years even for people that don’t use meta? on 06 Mar 13:41 collapse

Makes sense if there are. Facebook knew my phone number in advance without me having provided it. Enough friends had given permission to access their contacts that they pretty much knew who I was in advance on 24 Feb 14:07 collapse

it’s going to hurt Meta’s bottom line eventually

Just hurting Meta’s bottom is good enough for me on 25 Feb 06:18 collapse

Meta has been quite naughty indeed on 24 Feb 13:52 next collapse

i like that people are leaving zucc platforms but why is that happening suddenly? did he do something exceedingly fascist? did i miss something? on 24 Feb 14:05 next collapse

He only now was able to catch up with all the news with Meta moderation from a month ago. He is only a couple weeks back on air. on 24 Feb 14:09 next collapse

AFAIK no, but it takes awhile for everything to sink in, and hosts like John Oliver only have so much air time. on 24 Feb 14:51 next collapse

He decided to kiss the ring. People don’t like that. on 24 Feb 15:18 next collapse

Zuckerberg hung out with Trump at Mar a Lago and attended the inauguration, then got rid of Facebook and Instagram’s fact checking, relaxed their rules on posting hate speech and discrimination, ended Meta’s diversity initiatives, removed bathroom facilities at meta for transgender and nonbinary employees, made speeches in defence of Trump and expressed gratitude for finally being able to have “a productive partnership with the United States government”, while removing communications channels for employees and threatening them with being fired if they talked to media about any of this. He has gone full MAGA.

This article covers most of it:…/mark-zuckerberg-meta-trump.html on 24 Feb 16:34 collapse

thats par for the course for facebook, no? they have always helped the fascists, in my country they literally helped elect one. they helped spread misinformation as if they already didnt care, and the diversity stuff feels just about the same brand of fake to me, so much hate in there.

beggars cant be choosers though so i guess im just glad people are actually mad this time. on 24 Feb 17:51 next collapse

This is the first time zuck has gone full ass-kisser with curly hair and a gold chain, though on 24 Feb 18:22 next collapse

They’ve gone full mask off, which is why there’s the sudden backlash. The hate speech rules now include a section that explicitly says that it’s okay to call LGBTQ people mentally ill. They’re the only group with a specific carve-out in the rules saying that it’s okay to post hate speech about them. on 24 Feb 18:56 collapse

my country they literally helped elect one

Huh? Source? What country? on 24 Feb 19:35 collapse

brazil. it was a cambridge analytica sort of deal, where the bad guys paid facebook to milimetrically target fascist propaganda, antivax sentiment, and a bunch of other bullshit to vulnerable people.

they were happy to oblige and even interfered when we tried to regulate this away, a few years later. i hear they abuse it even further on SE asia.

google did different but similarly heinous garbage to us.

edit: you might have a hard time finding it through all of bolsonaro’s accusations because hes a piece of shit who laid a lot of it too, but you might find something about the “milicias digitais” or how the far right has been paying off social media to have fascism be favoured in searches and recommendations throughout the country. oh and they still have plenty of influence because of these garbage apps. on 24 Feb 16:41 collapse

Meta declared hate speech is free speech. Lgbt folks and allies started leaving in droves on 24 Feb 13:52 next collapse

Why not just recommend adblockers? No ads, no revenue, no matter how much tracking. on 24 Feb 14:07 next collapse

  • Not easy for most users on app-based mobile/tablet devices.

  • (Puts on tinfoil hat) His parent company, Discovery-Warner Bros, probably wouldn’t like that? And John Oliver makes his living through ad revenue. on 24 Feb 14:19 collapse

Not easy for mobile devices? Firefox-based browsers on mobile can have Ublock Origin :/ on 24 Feb 14:27 collapse

“Normal” people don’t use Facebook through the browser. Heck, I know functional, working adults, and reasonably smart kids, that don’t really understand the concept of a browser/URLs and just do everything through apps, bar the bare minimum for work. on 24 Feb 14:39 collapse

Or, even worse, they think that the internet is Google and vice versa. on 24 Feb 14:13 next collapse

Selling user profiling data is also worth money, even if you’re not shown ads because of ad-blockers you bring value to the dataset by increasing it’s size with useful demographic data. on 24 Feb 15:13 collapse

But the thing is out of the big companies, basically none of them are in the business of selling the data they have. They are much better off if they don’t allow competitors to grow by keeping all the data to themselves. on 24 Feb 15:17 collapse

that’s why the broligarchs are buddying up to the dictators. the bottom is falling out of the surveillance capitalism market for advertising because it was never as effective as the ad marketplace brokers said it was. so the broligarchs need to sell their spying on us service to someone else and they’ve elected for the police state on 24 Feb 15:27 collapse

It looks like they got that list of tips from the EFF, who created Privacy Badger. So it’s not surprising they only recommended theirs. I agree though that they should include uBO in the list. on 24 Feb 14:07 next collapse

Nice! Just shared this (as a PDF without the domain name lol) with my family! on 24 Feb 15:10 collapse

Coward! on 24 Feb 15:12 collapse

Hey it’s a group chat with my grandma ಠ_ಠ on 24 Feb 15:27 collapse

and now you’ve robbed her of her chance to sell john oliver her collection of valuable rat erotica on 24 Feb 14:11 next collapse

The site doesn’t suggest any alternatives though or am I not seeing that? on 24 Feb 14:19 collapse

The alternatives were suggested briefly in the segment, not the site. Oliver pointed to the site those people who can’t ditch Meta right now. on 24 Feb 14:25 next collapse

I don’t want to get my hopes up but is this Facebook’s MySpace moment? on 24 Feb 14:38 next collapse

My personal MySpace moment for Facebook was 10 years ago. Best choice ever made. on 24 Feb 15:04 next collapse

I don’t think so. There’s no good alternative to Facebook that is worth leaving it for. When MySpace died, there was a significantly better alternative (FB). Even if people quit using Facebook regularly, they’ll need to keep it. on 24 Feb 17:33 next collapse

What do people use Facebook for these days? (I deleted my account about 10 years ago so I’m not sure what it’s for now) on 24 Feb 18:18 collapse

I’ve been gone from FB for about 3 months but for me it was the groups. You could find groups for anything, but I miss my local groups most. Particularly the No-Buy and vegan and political activist groups. Finding an equivalent outside of FB is sub par, if it even exists at all. on 24 Feb 19:16 collapse

Yeah that does actually sound pretty decent. on 24 Feb 17:44 collapse

I’m actually not sure what it is fb offers that people stay on it for. I find that you don’t need it to connect with actual friends. Even just making a Slack for close friends is a far better experience. It’s not great for finding news, it’s terrible for trying to have any sort of discussion. I genuinely don’t understand what purpose it serves. on 24 Feb 15:21 next collapse

There’s literally billions of people on Facebook, so probably not. But maybe it’s a start. on 24 Feb 23:41 collapse

*Billions of accounts. Hard to tell how many are real people and how many are just slop throwing bots. on 24 Feb 15:24 next collapse

Nobody left MySpace because of enshitification on 24 Feb 15:48 next collapse

MySpace was way smaller than Facebook, it wasn’t even available where I am for most of its (meaningful) existence (I never had a MySpace despite being the exact target age range). on 24 Feb 16:29 next collapse

Not immediately or probably for some years. Facebook’s main problem is the fact its got an aging population and no young people joining. That’s why Meta bought Instagram and is desperate to get their grubby paws on TikTok or force it to close down in the West.

I think internally, over the next decade, FB will start to die off organically as Meta put ever increasing focus on retention and young people. on 24 Feb 17:04 next collapse

Even better. It’s the fediverses Facebook moment. on 24 Feb 18:30 collapse

So much of Facebook is just automated accounts responding to automated accounts in order to milk gullible advertisers. If everyone logged off tomorrow, I don’t know if Zuckerberg would notice. on 24 Feb 18:47 next collapse

i have certainly notices a SHARP downturn of new content being added to insta and facebook by people i actually know over the last few years.

All that seems to be left is AI Slop and ragebait. a venn diagram that overlaps considerably on 24 Feb 19:07 collapse

Seems like a win tbh. Meta stops influencing people and collecting their data, while dumbass corps waste money on ads nobody will see. on 24 Feb 20:16 collapse

Meta will still influence people, because a lot of the influence is through news aggregators automatically ingesting what Facebook shows as “Trending” and regurgitates it elsewhere. on 24 Feb 15:04 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 24 Feb 15:10 next collapse

I’ve been wanting to try pixelfed but I haven’t figured out what to do: start my own for friends or join an existing one.

I heard there were some issues with a dev or something so I haven’t signed up for the original instance yet on 24 Feb 15:52 next collapse

Try one of the existing instances. is probably a bad choice right now, as it’s getting overloaded with new members and so importing from Instagram has been curtailed. The others at should be fine. If you later choose to host your own instance you can always move the data from your old one. on 24 Feb 16:11 next collapse

I love the instance I’m on and it’s fairly quiet. Come on in! on 24 Feb 16:29 next collapse

I use as mine. Its active and reliable. Also, not having influencers polluting the timeline makes all of Pixelfed a really nice experience. on 24 Feb 20:39 collapse

Are you able to stop your account from federating but subscribe to people who do federate? In other words, is there a way to create a private account on 24 Feb 20:56 collapse

Honestly, I don’t know. I’d suggest reaching out an admin of one of the instances that has the community guidelines that jive best with you. Their contact info is usually on the instance’s home page. They would definitely know. on 24 Feb 19:01 next collapse

I’ve also been intrigued, but it seems like a harder jump to make than mastodon or lemmy. Like with twitter or Reddit I’m mostly interacting with strangers anyway, but I don’t really want my instagram to be photos of people I don’t know.

Would you try to get your friends to make the switch with you? on 24 Feb 20:07 collapse

Yeah, that’s why I’m considering hosting my own, unfederated instance on 25 Feb 01:23 next collapse

I’ve been using for a year or so. No complaints on 25 Feb 02:15 next collapse

I just do works good enough for me and my cannabis account. on 25 Feb 05:34 collapse

My Instagram is full of fitness content (and good looking people tbh). Nothing comes even remotely close on pixelfed. No offence to federated social media, but we all ain’t good looking :) (or suck at using filters…)

It’s still a very long way off from taking over Instagram. on 24 Feb 16:13 next collapse

Why don’t stories like this EVER mention Lemmy? on 24 Feb 16:23 next collapse

Clean cut kids do not find Lemmy very palatable. on 24 Feb 16:38 next collapse

The tankie bullshit is over blown PR smear.

Some how we manage coexist fine enough. on 24 Feb 17:02 collapse

It’s not just the tankie stuff. Tbf this place at times feels like the far left version of 4chan, and I say that as a very left person. Reddit’s upvote system has always had an issue with brigading/dog piling leading to hostile discussions and echo chambers. In Lemmy, the issue is worse because it feels like most of the people who were drawn here are deeply tied to that culture from Reddit. By contrast, Reddit has a lot more young and innocent people to soften things.

I quit/deleted my Reddit account many years ago, before Lemmy’s rise in popularity. I just come here every once in a while because I like decentralized/fediverse stuff, but the Reddit formula really does turn me off. I can’t imagine the average person having the stomach for this brand of internet discussions, regardless of political leaning. It’s quite hostile and combative. on 24 Feb 17:32 next collapse

I am not sure quite sure what point you're trying to make.

If you people don't care for social media, opt out

However if you want social media there are two choices

  1. psyop bot farms running social media opinion shaping and other propaganda campaigns
  2. uncle Sunzu and tankies going on unhinged rants about capitalism and ruling class abuses.

I think you are saying that most people prefer 1 despite saying they prefer freedom of expression.

If you prefer freedom of expression, you gonna need to hear people duke it out online. That's what's a proper discussion means.

If everyone just following what current psyop is, then sure everyone there agree on the talking points and if they don't get they get censored out. on 24 Feb 17:33 next collapse

Idk, to me the comments on lemmy are generally less toxic and I feel like I see way more nuanced discussion than on reddit. on 24 Feb 21:09 collapse

On Lemmy a comment gets a well thought out reply. On Reddit not even a vote. on 25 Feb 15:03 collapse

You can join an instance that has downvotes disabled like Hexbear, or votes disabled entirely, or disable your ability to view them if that makes you more comfortable. on 25 Feb 15:34 collapse

That doesn’t fix anything due to federation. Dog piling discourages people from critical discussion or from asking questions from fear of having the angry mob turn on them too. It leads to shallow and one sided discussions, especially in posts with a lot of participation. The only productive discussions I’ve ever had either on Lemmy or on Reddit have been one-on-one comment threads in small subs/buried posts.

But Lemmy knows what it wants to be, and I’m not saying it should change. It just isn’t really for me. on 25 Feb 15:37 collapse

I think a large part of that is magnified by being on, rather than a specialized instancd, like Hexbear or slrpnk or dbzer0. The most productive conversations generally tend to be between people who mostly agree but have alternative viewpoints, otherwise it becomes a shouting match. on 24 Feb 17:00 collapse

I don’t find Lemmy very palatable. I’m still here because I like to hear different perspectives. Lemmy as a whole seems to hate different perspectives, it’s like many go out of their way to keep it closer to a hive mind. 80% of the world’s people would not fit in here. I don’t either, but I don’t give a shit. on 24 Feb 18:44 next collapse

Let’s hear your different perspectives on 24 Feb 19:16 collapse

“People who disagree” saying “things you don’t like” energy on 24 Feb 20:00 collapse

Agree. I am not an open socialist and my top 5 issues probably don’t align with the usual stuff I see at the top of Lemmy communities. Still, it is a worthwhile source for some tech/privacy info and some other niche content. on 24 Feb 16:43 next collapse

Well, I get that Lemmy is an alternative social media, but it’s not really an alternative to Facebook. Anonymous usernames, text-based posts, you can’t follow people, Fediverse is somewhat confusing… I’d recommend it as an alternative to Reddit, but probably not the website where boomers want to check up on their neighbors and friends on 24 Feb 16:56 next collapse

you can’t follow people

Challenge accepted on 24 Feb 17:34 collapse


You can on mbin atleast on 24 Feb 17:30 next collapse

you can’t follow people

He said “Lemmy” but probably meant “Threadiverse”, and mbin does support both the Twitter-style following user model and the Reddit-style forum model.

To use as an example:

I dunno about piefed, haven’t used it. on 24 Feb 23:41 collapse

What are the best mbins these days? I’m out of the loop. on 24 Feb 17:34 collapse

That’s what Friendica is for on 24 Feb 17:03 next collapse

Not as many grassroots advocates. Even on the Reddit alternative sub the consensus isn’t lemmy somehow. on 24 Feb 17:25 next collapse

Not a very large userbase. on 24 Feb 20:07 collapse

This is literally the answer lmao why are you getting downvoted. on 24 Feb 18:35 next collapse

Because Lemmy is nowhere near as ready for primetime as other platforms. on 24 Feb 19:09 next collapse

I reckon Lemmy is actually pretty good. I wouldn’t know if the mobile apps are good, because I don’t use those - but for me the core functionality of Lemmy on my computer is smooth and functional. I don’t see any obvious low-hanging-fruit. on 24 Feb 19:40 next collapse

Lemmy is good for the size. It took a while for Lemmy to adjust to its current scale, with major instances having uptime issues.

If we keep the servers up, there is still issues with spam and moderation. We don’t have the tools that Reddit built and I expect further pushes towards defederation as the standard for users hasn’t been developed. on 24 Feb 19:47 next collapse

I ditched reddit for Lemmy during the whole API crackdown bs. I’ve only used Voyager, but it seems quite comparable to RIF, which is the only way I ever viewed reddit. on 24 Feb 20:56 collapse

I used RIF, but ended up using Jerboa for some random reason I can’t remember. Will check out Voyager. on 01 Mar 19:08 collapse

I think Jerboa was being pitched as the best RiF alternative super early on in the exodus. I also found myself on it but it never clicked for me.

I was on Connect for a while but there were some things that were a bit harder than they needed to be with different account/instance/filter management. Moved to Voyager and I’m quite happy with it, very smooth experience. on 25 Feb 08:26 next collapse

Voyager ist amazing on 25 Feb 08:43 next collapse

Boost is great for Android. on 25 Feb 12:21 collapse

Boost on Android works well. It does for me at least. on 26 Feb 01:04 collapse

Eh, Lemmy is way more mature as a platform than PixelFed is, and he mentioned that.

I think the explanation being in relation to what it’s intended to replace is more likely. He doesn’t care as much about getting people off Reddit as he cares about getting people off Zuck and Musk’s platforms. on 24 Feb 18:40 next collapse

I think we’re too weird and niche. on 24 Feb 19:43 next collapse

Lemmy lacks a bit of polish on 25 Feb 00:42 collapse

Yeah but lots of german. on 25 Feb 09:48 collapse

Yes, those too on 24 Feb 19:54 next collapse

I guess the hate for Reddit isn’t as great as for Shitter and Fakebook. (yet) on 24 Feb 22:40 collapse

it’s not an alternative to any meta platform on 24 Feb 17:19 next collapse

John Oliver for president ✊ on 24 Feb 18:30 collapse

He can’t because he wasn’t born here, but we could totally elect his wife and let him do the whole first husband thing while still advising if she needs it. on 24 Feb 19:44 next collapse

Yep after all that’s how musk did it by using trump as the symbolic figurehead on 24 Feb 23:15 collapse

He should have offered the motor coach to Trump instead on 24 Feb 19:51 next collapse

President Kate Norley and First Gentleman John Oliver. on 24 Feb 23:18 collapse

You do know his wife is a Republican right? A proud Bush/Obama era Republican? They literally met at the GOP convention in 2008.

What is with liberals and playing fantasy games with politics? On the one hand liberals will say elections are important and have consequences and on the other they’ll treat it like a game of putting in your celebrity faves without bothering to care about their actual views.

Who knows what Jon himself actually thinks given he married a proud Republican and the fact he’s a TV comedian playing a character. For all you know deep down he could personally be a never-Trump Republican himself. on 24 Feb 23:24 next collapse

All I was doing was correcting a misconception and giving the actual path to what they wanted.

Nowhere did I say it was good or bad or whether I supported it.

Please take your words out of my mouth and keep them in yours. on 25 Feb 05:40 collapse

She isn’t a Republican based on the last 30 seconds… on 25 Feb 14:29 collapse

Hope it’s true. I was fairly disappointed recently when finding out Stephen Colbert returned to catholicism after being atheist. on 25 Feb 15:20 collapse

Death is scarier for some than being associated with an organization that actively protects pedophiles, I guess. on 24 Feb 18:51 next collapse

John Oliver’s show is doing amazing things, including the Drumpfinator addon.

What is that URL, though? I’m guessing I’m know it if I (happily) watch the episode? on 24 Feb 20:24 collapse

it’s an inside joke of the show where he presents himself as a “”“secret”“” furry that loves rat erotica. The content of the link is legit though. on 24 Feb 20:46 next collapse

huh on 24 Feb 21:02 collapse

with the sometimes quite insider-y references, there absolutely is at least one furry on the writing team on 24 Feb 21:07 next collapse

Oh, absolutely! That’s maybe why the jokes feel so pure and not disrespectful. on 25 Feb 04:30 collapse

mildly NSFW?

___ <img alt="" src=""> on 25 Feb 08:22 next collapse

😏🤤 on 25 Feb 09:34 next collapse

Just imagine being a artist, doing furry because you love it or maybe just because it pays your bills. And then someone from HBO contacts you about commissioning a picture of John Oliver as a horny otter in skintight jorts. on 25 Feb 09:59 collapse

My app. Connect for Lemmy on android, switches between hidden text/visible text. I cannot click on the link.

This is one of the reasons Lemmy is not ready. on 25 Feb 13:41 collapse

Or maybe just your app isn’t ready, and you should switch apps (it renders correctly as an image hidden behind a toggle on Voyager). on 24 Feb 20:19 next collapse

Took a long time, but nice to see this topic getting mainstream attention. on 25 Feb 04:59 next collapse

For the masses maybe, but Signal & Bluesky ain’t it for a Privacy forum on 25 Feb 05:04 collapse

How is Signal not privacy-friendly? It’s the most private thing that can be called a “messenger app”. on 25 Feb 07:32 next collapse

I think the main red flag is that they are spending so much money. In 2023 they had 55m monthly active users and they spent $35m. The casual WhatsApp user that might switch to Signal is definitely not gonna pay for this so either Signal fans have to donate more or Signal has to start finding other monetization which if we look at other companies means selling private data.

(Also, half their spending is on hosting and they are not self hosting so a donation to Signal is basically a donation to Amazon and Google.) on 25 Feb 08:02 next collapse

either Signal fans have to donate more or Signal has to start finding other monetization which if we look at other companies means selling private data.

Lo and behold, after RiseUp now Signal is accused of selling data. Well, it is well known (and audited) that Signal keeps so little metadata it is not even useful to the authorities that have subpoeana-ed it.

This is an extra-ordinary claim you have to back with extra-ordinary evidence, in order to save face. on 25 Feb 08:09 collapse

Where did I accuse them of selling data right now? I’m simply noting the risk that they will have to cover the insane costs of their inefficient infrastructure through either becoming a paid app or collecting data to sell. on 25 Feb 08:03 collapse

Signal doesn’t have private data to sell; that’s the whole point. on 25 Feb 08:06 collapse

And my point is that since their costs are so high they will either have to become a paid app or start collecting data to sell. Or become more efficient but you’d think if they knew how they’d already done that. on 25 Feb 09:51 next collapse

The most private thing for messenger app are the messenger applications using the XMPP protocol. on 25 Feb 15:15 collapse

Only if both parties use encrypted extensions. on 26 Feb 13:22 collapse

It is entirely centralized in the US—& there is 100% chance the NSA is tapped in on the metadata they can get a hold of. You can’t self-host. They have been hostile toward alternate clients & are very adamant you use one of the duopoly of Google/Apple mobile OSs as your primary device (screw you if you want to run an alternative OS or no phone I guess). There is a hole in the history for the server that leaves room for conspiracy theories.

Signal is adequate for privacy-focused normies, but does not deserve the pedestal it is put on which is why many folks more serious about the ideals instead of focusing on making concessions are skeptical of Signal. This isn’t a hot take or new stance. on 25 Feb 09:57 next collapse

Correct me if wrong, but isn’t there a law in the us that says, all us companies have to give the government access to all data without disclosing this information? That would rule out any us based companies for privacy concerns as alternatives atm. on 25 Feb 14:21 collapse

You should expect any data hosted on a server to be accessible by the given government…and thanks to NSA you should expect any data that travels through the US to be accessible by their government

Privacy in this case is around the selling to advertisers on 25 Feb 15:18 next collapse

Use Magic Earth or Organic Maps instead of Google Maps too. Neither will track you. on 25 Feb 15:57 collapse

I’ve tried so hard but I don’t think magic earth, organic maps, or osmand likes me on 25 Feb 16:18 next collapse

The problem I see with this is that a Meta employee literally came out on Mastodon recently and revealed that non of these settings do anything and are false flags. on 27 Feb 12:57 collapse

Love it, thanks! Just did it. The chosen domain may be a bit unfortunate though, I think, because it could be punished by many algorithms.