Linux Foundation has violated my digital rights by not responding to my request to delete my account for a long time...
from to on 06 Aug 2024 21:07

My first request was around June. My second request, followed by an addition support ticket was at the end of July. In both these situations, I’ve been left without any response - no "hi"s, no re-assurances, nothing.

Unfortunately, I am not from the EU region, neither do I live in one, but given how this also affects the citizens of countries under EU, how should I proceed further? Is there a webpage online, where I can just file them? Or is it only possible through the local DPA/court?


threaded - newest on 06 Aug 2024 21:32 next collapse

While I think it’s reasonable of you to expect some kind of response within a month or two, I also think it’s realistic to expect organizations like this to be slow in such areas, since they don’t necessarily have staff dedicated to this or well trained in it. If I were in your position, I think I would start writing to more contacts within the org, in hopes of reaching someone who knows who to talk to.

Good luck. on 06 Aug 2024 22:20 collapse

Gdpr actually specifies an upper limit of one month to reply.…/right-to-erasure/#…. on 06 Aug 2024 21:46 next collapse

Have you checked your spam folder to make sure you didn’t miss a reply? Did you email

Does seem odd they wouldn’t reply within the time frame you listed. on 06 Aug 2024 22:09 collapse would only be suitable for requests made by EU-Citizens no? on 06 Aug 2024 22:17 next collapse

It’s what they list in their privacy document as the contact address. Non EU citizens don’t really have any rights for this sort of thing afaik, so gdpr@ will probably be their only contact point for full data removal. on 06 Aug 2024 22:41 collapse

So what? Just claim you are one on 06 Aug 2024 23:08 collapse

If only they didn’t have their personal data to check that. on 07 Aug 2024 03:41 next collapse

The GDPR applies to both EU and non-EU citizens. What matters is that the organisation has activities in EU countries, but IANAL. on 07 Aug 2024 10:09 collapse

They can’t prove shit. You could very well become a EU citizen at any time on 06 Aug 2024 21:49 next collapse

Email is hard. Its possible it never made it to their inbox. Honestly I would send a follow up from two other email accounts on distinct domains before jumping to conclusions on 07 Aug 2024 09:27 collapse

Yes. Email is also pretty thoroughly broken after years of spam and corruption by Microsoft and Gmail. It was never a reliable system and is even less so today. It’s a good idea to try again and use different systems if you have some. on 07 Aug 2024 05:05 next collapse


Patience is a virtue unless manufacturing a narrative on 07 Aug 2024 06:08 collapse

Unfortunately, I am not from the EU region, neither do I live in one

So, the GDPR doesn’t apply to you. So, you’re probably SOL? on 07 Aug 2024 16:38 collapse

Ode to Joy intensifies