Bank account requiring Google play account, how to bypass ?
from to on 14 Feb 22:11
from to on 14 Feb 22:11
After a recent forced update, I can no longer login to my bank account, the app brings up google play and expects me to login to gplay for what ever reason,I am not logged into that cancer on my phone, so now I am fuming and don’t want to be forced to make a google account on the phone. (by the way I have been using aurora to avoid gplay)
I am hoping someone has a some trick or app to bypass this ? I have talked to the bank but there is nothing they can do for just one weird customer !
Everything is going to shit in this dystopian technocracy
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So I read the comments, and it seems like you don’t really want to switch banks, and the web interface to “too barebone”.
My only suggestion is:
Download Shelter - You can create a separate “work profile” that separates from you normal apps. Create a new google account within the work profile just for this purpose, and intall the app in the work profile. Apps inside the work profile can’t see anything on your normal profile.
Or get a google pixel with GrapheneOS and make a extra user profile for it.
Try to use F-droid.
Nobody should be using a bank which requires a mobile app in the first place. iOS is proprietary closed-source software and FOSS Android-based OSs likely won’t work because of the the SafetyNet lockdown.
We do not currently have decent privacy on mobile, period. If you can’t do everything on the web, change bank.
BTW I did just this myself. Opened a Revolut account and then closed it after discovering that the web app was not fully functional. Here in Europe at least, I believe Revolut is exceptional in its obnoxious attitude to user privacy.
GrapheneOS is both secure and private. It also supports hardware based attestation (No need for SafetyNet). It’s just that mediocre people who develop these apps do not wish to support freedom respecting platforms.
Absolutely. There remains the small issue that Graphene only works on devices made by a certain purveyor of mass-surveillance spyware.
And? Its the only hardware that let’s you relock the bootloader with a custom OS. Blame other hardware manufactures for not supporting that feature.