In These Five Social Media Speech Cases, Supreme Court Set Foundational Rules for the Future | Electronic Frontier Foundation (
from to on 18 Aug 07:54


threaded - newest on 18 Aug 22:07 next collapse

Wow positive supreme court news, wild. Tldr might be that users have a right to post and do stuff on the site, site owners have right to moderate and promote as they see fit, governments aren’t not allowed to stomp on free speech on these platforms or coerce the platforms? on 18 Aug 22:18 collapse

A lot of legal detail in this post. Here are three key points I pulled out the aricle:

  • Internet users have a First Amendment right to speak on social media—whether by posting or commenting—and that right may be infringed when the government seeks to  interfere with content moderation, but it will not be infringed  by the independent decisions of the platforms themselves.

  • Underlying these rulings is the Supreme Court’s long-awaited recognition that social media platforms routinely moderate users’ speech

  • This term’s cases also confirm that traditional First Amendment rules apply to social media