Project 2025 wants to send you to prison for watching porn. Laws requiring ID to access NSFW sites have already made porn hard to access in many states. Your browser is next 👀
from to on 15 Jul 2024 02:23

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threaded - newest on 15 Jul 2024 02:30 next collapse

Which part of “The people who produce or distribute” you don’t understand?? on 15 Jul 2024 03:18 next collapse

What part of “Pornography should be outlawed” don’t you understand. That also entails owning and viewing porn. on 15 Jul 2024 03:24 next collapse

Outlawed isn’t equal to prison, it could be just a penalty fee, so it’s not like if you see pornography you will go to jail like OP make it look.

Wokie sensationalism not too much different than west media propaganda tbh. on 15 Jul 2024 03:33 next collapse

Holy fucking shit how have you not learned to shut your dumb redneck mouth after being downvoted of every one of your last 100 comments. on 15 Jul 2024 05:18 collapse

The dudes a troll mate. His name is BigBrother. on 15 Jul 2024 03:37 next collapse

So, why should people be fined for watching porn? Why does christian puritan views be pushed to everyone? Party of small government my ass.

“It’s not that bad” isn’t good enough. Why is that there, at all? Why should I somehow deserve to be in prison? on 15 Jul 2024 04:03 collapse

I believe it’s not for christian purities why some people are pushing this kind of stuff, I believe it’s more related to psychological effects, social relations and objectivation of people stuff. on 15 Jul 2024 04:40 collapse

It’s not. I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. on 15 Jul 2024 19:16 collapse

He’s not just wrong. He’s a conservative, which means he’s lying. on 16 Jul 2024 00:05 collapse

Oh well in that case it’s completely ok!

How’s that boot taste? on 15 Jul 2024 05:18 collapse

If it actually does entail owning and viewing porn then the quote should match the claim. The document is like 1000 pages, if its in there then it needs to be quoted in the graphic. on 15 Jul 2024 03:34 next collapse

Which part of 3 upvoted and 14 downvotes do you not understand. please click this link and never come back

[deleted] on 15 Jul 2024 04:05 collapse
. on 15 Jul 2024 05:46 next collapse

As a fellow furry porn enjoyer, nice projection m8

[deleted] on 15 Jul 2024 05:46 collapse
. on 15 Jul 2024 06:09 next collapse

dude named The Big Brother defending this is just perfect. on 15 Jul 2024 07:42 collapse

Sending nudes to your partner counts as production and distribution of pornography

This obviously deserves the death penalty on 15 Jul 2024 09:33 next collapse

As someone who has produced and distributed porn, go fuck yourself. on 18 Jul 2024 05:59 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 15 Jul 2024 02:52 next collapse

If you are an American and care about privacy:

  • Write your representatives. Your message can be as simple as “I care about privacy”. It’s important they know you are watching their votes.
  • Participate in elections, particularly downballot elections. Congressional makeup at the federal and state level matters a lot more for these kinds of things than who is president. Many recent laws like “right to repair” etc have happened at the state level since you can bypass federal congressional gridlock.
  • Participate in primaries. Most Americans do not vote, most voters do not vote in primaries. If you don’t like having to choose “the lesser of two evils”, primaries give you much much more choice to express your preferences. As a primary voter, you have an outsized influence on the electoral system and can help determine the options other people get to choose from.
  • Donate to PACs and non-profits working to protect your right to privacy. The EFF is an awesome non-profit. One benefit of donating to PACs is that they keep an eye on races across the country and help find and fund candidates who will advanced privacy legislation.
  • “Vote with your dollar” when you buy things. In many cases, your purchasing power outweighs the political power of your vote. on 15 Jul 2024 06:01 next collapse

arm yourself on 16 Jul 2024 00:38 collapse

Yeah, I’m gonna vote with my bullets. It’s dramatically more effective. Who wants to stop me from seeing naughty bits so bad they’ll put their life on the line trying to come after me? on 15 Jul 2024 10:17 next collapse
  • You’ve left it far too late on 17 Jul 2024 07:17 collapse

I mean, I left but I still have to file taxes, can't use any retirement plans in my current country (yay, PFICs), and otherwise get fucked by the government for daring to want to invest in my retirement. This is mostly why I still also vote. on 15 Jul 2024 16:15 next collapse

Lol on 15 Jul 2024 16:20 collapse

Move to Canada. on 15 Jul 2024 17:40 collapse

Oh don’t worry, we’ve already implemented internet controls federally. They just are using the argument of “promoting Candian content” on 15 Jul 2024 03:26 next collapse

the party of “small government,” once again, wants the government to police everything you do with your own junk on 16 Jul 2024 01:30 collapse

Women: “First time?” on 15 Jul 2024 03:33 next collapse

These laws are made to promote illegal porn sites. on 15 Jul 2024 13:45 collapse

And VPNs on 15 Jul 2024 03:59 next collapse

@makeasnek @bob on 15 Jul 2024 13:37 collapse

You don’t need to mention people when replying to them. on 15 Jul 2024 18:38 collapse

it’s a reply from a Mastodon account, which automatically tags people you’re writing your reply to. on 15 Jul 2024 21:14 collapse

How annoying on 15 Jul 2024 04:04 next collapse

more than half the conservatives would be in jail on 15 Jul 2024 04:50 collapse

Don’t you worry, these laws won’t apply to them. on 15 Jul 2024 05:40 collapse

probably will to some degree, one of the key defining traits of fascism is to make the in-group smaller and smaller on 15 Jul 2024 18:54 collapse

Only the ones that nobody liked anyway. The least useful part of the social group will get purged first. Always does. on 15 Jul 2024 05:02 next collapse
I like the "book 5 | pdf: 37" part it makes it look like you're quoting the Bible. on 15 Jul 2024 16:50 collapse

That’s what got me too. It’s all pretty hilarious when put that way. on 15 Jul 2024 05:34 next collapse

nothing to hide nothing to fear and anti-2A mofos when they read any part of project 2025

<img alt="" src=""> on 15 Jul 2024 16:19 next collapse

Whats anti-2a? on 15 Jul 2024 16:45 next collapse

Anti gun

2A is the second amendment. on 15 Jul 2024 17:13 collapse

Thanks, had no idea

[deleted] on 15 Jul 2024 16:50 collapse
. on 16 Jul 2024 02:12 next collapse

anti-2A mofos when they read any part of project 2025

Its easy to forget how the Blue Lives Matter crowd and the pro-2A crowd have some crazy overlap given how suicidal it is to be seen with anything vaguely shaped like a gun when you’re anywhere near a cop. on 16 Jul 2024 18:52 collapse

go left enough and you get your guns back on 15 Jul 2024 05:59 next collapse

Like the US will shut down a multi billion industry. on 15 Jul 2024 07:23 next collapse

No, like Prohibition, everyone will keep some around, and the laws will only be enforced against non-whites, non-Christians and uppity women. Oh and gays are right out. on 16 Jul 2024 04:39 collapse

They’re already trying. Payment processors and big banks are increasingly refusing to do business with porn companies, and even sites that host nsfw artwork with no actual participants. on 15 Jul 2024 06:18 next collapse

Project 2025 is 100% political and partisan. Due to that, there are false claims being made about Project 2025.

I condem the organization but not all statements are true due to it’s entirely political nature. on 15 Jul 2024 07:51 next collapse

Wdym they literally have a massive PDF hosted on their website that you can download and read. on 15 Jul 2024 08:12 collapse

Politicos hate when you read their own words back to them on 16 Jul 2024 00:03 next collapse

I really don’t get the fearmongering around Project 2025. It’s just a piece the Heritage Foundation released as a giant wishlist. Trump himself said he didnt support it over on Truth Social. And if congress is still split, there will be total gridlock, so even IF this was the official party platform, nothing would get done.

There is a lot of solid ideas in the document, but there is also a lot of hot dogwater.

As for porn, it is protected under the 1st amendment. There has been several court cases about this. If a law was passed, it would be challenged and likely struck down. Having said the most of the rhetoric in the document really points to the availability of books like Gender Queer being freely available in school libraries. This wasn’t explicitly stated in the document, but you can draw conclusions from the context of the rhetoric. But yes one of the authors said they wanted porn banned.

Now, preventing kids from accessing porn is a reasonable ask, but this ask has to come with a measure of privacy. Nobody wants their ID floating around in a PornHub database being tied to the type of porn they watch.

Along the same lines, parents should have a say in what books their child is allowed to consume within reason. I read gender queer out of curiosity after all of the outrage about it. That book should not be free to grab by minors. Perhaps there should be a “restricted section” accessible via permission slip from the parents. That way the books can remain present and accessable to those whose parents say it’s okay. It’s just an idea, but one that I have yet to see floated. on 17 Jul 2024 02:23 collapse

Trump himself said

And he’s got a proven track record of honesty so no reason to doubt that.

There has been several court cases about this.

Have you been living under a rock this year or just pretending to be unaware of how blatantly corrupt SCOTUS is?

Along the same lines, parents should have a say in what books their child is allowed to consume within reason.

Then they should consider spending some time parenting their children instead of shopping for red baseball caps, harassing school librarians, and consuming culture war propaganda. on 16 Jul 2024 00:04 collapse

Perhaps there are some false claims, but this isn’t one of them. This is their proxy for making being openly gay illegal again because they consider any queer representation to be pornographic. on 15 Jul 2024 16:29 next collapse

Nip it in the bud. on 15 Jul 2024 18:43 next collapse

Watching Republicans ban 4chan would be funny. on 15 Jul 2024 18:54 next collapse

Canada will be implementing very similar to this Poilievre gets elected. on 15 Jul 2024 19:31 next collapse

My Phone would be considered nuclear waste in the US apparently… O⁠_⁠o on 15 Jul 2024 20:30 next collapse

Don’t forget that Republicans consider pretty much anything featuring gays as sexual and pornographic. on 16 Jul 2024 00:47 next collapse

Streisand Effect here we… cum? on 16 Jul 2024 01:31 next collapse

To everyone interested: Mullvad and IVPN accept XMR as payments and do not store logs.

Keep your bits going the way you want them lads on 16 Jul 2024 02:11 collapse

There’s a certain special irony in Crypto-Bros like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk bankrolling JD Vance so he can push Project 2025 through Congress and force gooners to kickback a rent to Crypto-Bros in order to jerk it.

Libertarian Dystopia here we come! on 16 Jul 2024 04:37 collapse

I’m pretty sure there’s nearly zero overlap between Monero users/people who actually use cryptocurrency as payment and “crypto bros” (those who use Bitcoin and shitcoins as investments) on 16 Jul 2024 01:37 next collapse

Americans getting dumber and dumber over the years. i thought the “stupid white men” era was the peak, but i stand corrected on 16 Jul 2024 01:48 next collapse

If that legitimately happens and makes it into law in a broadly enforceable way rather than a “this person who I don’t like was caught checks notes watching porn! book em!”, which is definitely what it would be like basically every law that came before it, I guarantee that the government would collapse within about three weeks if less. Which I think is maybe a good rule of thumb, that if your law would collapse society if it were enforced equally, it should not be a law.

Do not underestimate the power of the gooners when they are kept from the goon. on 16 Jul 2024 01:56 next collapse

These laws will never be used against those who are passing them. on 16 Jul 2024 02:06 collapse

I guarantee that the government would collapse within about three weeks if less.

Oh sure. Famously, whenever a worksite implements a blacklist on pornographic websites, the workers immediately begin screaming and flailing and eating each others faces.

Do not underestimate the power of the gooners

Generally speaking, the power of the gooner is to compile 500 TB of questionably legal pornographic data on a PLEX server in their basements and ride out the porn-pocolypse as a bunch of horny hermits.

But the theory that this is going to be the last straw and hordes of angry horny dudes are going to take to the streets in a mass labor action is about as likely as the one where Tech Bros were going to take to the streets over Net Neutrality or women were going to have a sex boycott over the Abortion Ban or the hippies were going to tear down Wall Street over the drug war.

Americans are shockingly pliant and far more prone to simply turn to black market cartels than actively resist policing. on 16 Jul 2024 02:35 collapse

I was being hyperbolic, but, a famous part of the prohibition was the organized crime which was both kind of naturally occurring at the time and was created specifically to traffic booze. Illegal material can’t be protected by legal means, obviously, and so in order to trade it, you basically have to create your own police force, your own privatized military. a gang, a mob. That’s how we got nascar and shit, the rumrunners. If you made porn illegal, I’d imagine it would just be added as kind of another form of valuable property which would be traded around by gangs which would see increased power and are kind of inherently anti-institutional. So, turning to black market cartels is a form of resisting policing, it’s a form of anti-institutional action, I’d say, as it gives more economic power to anti-institutional organizations.

I’d also say, you know, I mean, the hippies did go to wall street in 2008, so that’s something. We had the big liberal feminist pussy hat shit sometime after that, which I’m not as familiar with. More recently we had BLM which was possibly the highest level of street marching we’ve seen basically ever, and then we’ve seen like two riots to try and overturn elections, one of which was successful. We’ve seen more recent campus protests which are still constantly ongoing despite a lack of media attention. I don’t think it’s as absurd as you think, that something kind of stupid like porn getting banned might be the tipping point, especially considering the pretty steady upward trend that we’ve seen with political action concerning other somewhat disconnected issues. on 16 Jul 2024 02:56 collapse

a famous part of the prohibition was the organized crime which was both kind of naturally occurring at the time and was created specifically to traffic booze

Quite a few political families profited handsomely from alcohol prohibition. The Kennedys are probably the most famous, but the political system was rife with corruption. If you’ve ever watched Boardwalk Empire, the story was based on the notorious Atlantic City sheriff Enoch Johnson.

So, turning to black market cartels is a form of resisting policing, it’s a form of anti-institutional action, I’d say, as it gives more economic power to anti-institutional organizations.

The ability to selectively enforce prohibition gives you ample opportunity to profit from the gaps in the system. Sex work has long had a relationship with local politicians and police, and I have no doubt that criminalization of porn would create an huge market for kickbacks to enforcement organizations. on 16 Jul 2024 09:01 collapse

The ability to selectively enforce prohibition gives you ample opportunity to profit from the gaps in the system.

It’s like 12 at night for me so this might be a little bit rambly and stupid, be prepared:

Yeah, that’s pretty true, but I also mentioned that to some extent in my OP, that selective enforcement is the case with basically every law that has ever existed. I’m not really a stranger to the institutional fuckery that happens in the illegal market either, gary webb and allat, but also the classic uncontrollable mexican government drug cartel shenaniganery. I just also think, maybe to the core of what I’m getting at, that people shouldn’t also be like, immediately snap judgement in terms of condemning illegal action on the basis of it’s illegality necessarily. The black panthers collapsed and all the other civil rights organizations that were around at the time. MLK probably got assassinated by the feds, Fred Hampton definitely did, I think Malcolm X probably also did, but those organizations, or so I am told, didn’t dissolve immediately, they just began a long process of ostracization and alienation and probably atomization as suburban poverty increases more recently, until they basically just became normal gangs, as they were engaging in illegal activity before, and selling drugs, or illegal property, is a quick way to make cash to fund ventures. I dunno I still need to find a good place to watch “the bastards of the party”, I think that documentary has something to say about that. Also never heard of boardwalk empire

[deleted] on 16 Jul 2024 03:23 next collapse
. on 16 Jul 2024 05:13 next collapse

Maybe in your silly country. on 16 Jul 2024 18:22 next collapse

How about you stop assuming everyone on the internet lives in the USA? on 17 Jul 2024 07:06 next collapse

VPN into some country that isn’t the US of A. on 25 Jul 2024 17:32 collapse

I can agree with this, at least.