Non toxic mobile privacy community
from to on 13 Aug 2024 09:11

So I’ve been in the rabbit hole of android privacy for some time, last I joined the GrapheneOS community but let’s just say that they doesn’t have a “healthy” opinion about other projects like f-droid.

So I am looking for generic communities that focus on mobile privacy that doesn’t have drama or toxicity or “extreme opinions”. Any suggestions? I prefer chat based communities like matrix or simplex instead of like reddit or lemmy.


threaded - newest on 13 Aug 2024 10:01 next collapse

There are no non-toxic spaces these days. on 13 Aug 2024 10:38 next collapse

Can y9u share some? on 13 Aug 2024 16:24 collapse

They said there are none on 13 Aug 2024 16:28 collapse

Oh shit I missed the “no”

Fuck that’s sad… on 13 Aug 2024 16:53 next collapse

Uggh, I even hate that word.

There are assholes everywhere, always have been, always will be. on 14 Aug 2024 00:50 collapse

Lemmy isn’t bad although there are some far left on 13 Aug 2024 10:36 next collapse

What does a healthy opinion of F-Droid look like though? Lol on 13 Aug 2024 10:37 next collapse

I would like to not delve into infighting and would like to avoid it on 13 Aug 2024 10:41 collapse

As you wish. But maybe open up to some new perspectives. on 13 Aug 2024 11:18 collapse

As long as it doesn’t get dissolved into pure hate. on 13 Aug 2024 11:11 next collapse

Fdroid is introducing another trusted party to your supply chain, which should be a factor in anyone’s threat molding. However, with reproducible builds now a package is built and signed by both fdroid and the original developer, so you get a net security benefit of having a third party attesting they can independently reproduce the binary from source. Problem solved right? Well, yes but mostly no. Most projects and packages don’t have reproducible builds, so if your using fdroid for most packages your still trusting droid.

I think a lot of the online hate comes from people making assumptions that their use case and threat model applies to everyone. That’s why I prefer discourse where we just talk about the attributes and not “you should” on 13 Aug 2024 11:17 next collapse

I completely understand, but this only adversely affects you if f-droid getting hacked is in your threat model. And not everyone have that. on 13 Aug 2024 12:17 collapse

Yeah exactly. So pointing that out is sufficient, and it’s up to every user to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. And I’m sure for most people fdroid is a net positive.

Now, I want to change gears, and talk about annoying personalities also being really beneficial. Crazy principled people drive change in the world. The open BSD founder, RMS, the graphene founder, these are crazy unreasonable uncompromising people which are difficult to get along, but they drive change. Sometimes we need those uncompromising people. I think putting up with them is the cost of a vibrant ecosystem. on 13 Aug 2024 16:45 collapse

I disagree.

If you’re an asshole, people don’t want to work with you, and will actively avoid you.

I’m the IT guru in my family and extended circle. Of the probably 100+ people I advise, none will ever use Graphene now.

They alienate people with their hubris and condescension. Rather than help people understand their perspective, they act like it’s “the only answer”.

That’s never a solution. Discussing pros and cons of different approaches moves us forward, not the Graphene “us VS them” mentality. on 13 Aug 2024 16:58 next collapse

I feel like there’s a lot of FUD around this subject, because people bring it up as if it’s purely a negative without talking about the reasons why it’s done the way it is. The whole point of F-Droid is that it’s a repository (not a store) of free software applications. They have an inclusion policy forbidding proprietary code and dependencies, and in order to enforce this policy they have to build from publicly available source code, and in order to do so they need to sign the builds themselves.

Reproducible builds solves this in a way that preserves the standards of F-Droid, however, “security peoples’” favored “alternatives” (such as Accrescent, Obtainium, and Google Play Store/Aurora Store) forego this entirely, showing they don’t either have a viable solution to offer or that they don’t really care about the problem to begin with. on 13 Aug 2024 17:02 collapse

Really well said! on 13 Aug 2024 19:31 next collapse

Do you know of an equivalent to for Android/F-Droid packages? I’d like to see some public verification of these reproducible builds, especially Signal. on 13 Aug 2024 19:37 next collapse

the public verification is that the developer signed binary matches the fdroid built binary on 13 Aug 2024 20:22 collapse

Yes, but this is often not an option for non-developers on 14 Aug 2024 00:49 collapse

Signal isn’t on F-droid. You need to use Molly for that. on 14 Aug 2024 01:07 collapse

Indeed… I was not trying to imply that it was. on 14 Aug 2024 00:48 collapse

There isn’t anything better than F-droid as far as I can tell on 13 Aug 2024 16:21 collapse

What’s an unhealthy opinion of f-droid? Is something wrong with it? Genuine question. I’m out of the loop. on 13 Aug 2024 16:33 collapse

F-droid acts as a trust for all the apps you download through it, which means if F droid is hacked, hackers can push fake update to all the apps. It is an issue, but not the biggest concern of average joe. Although F-droid should take it pretty seriously.

But I think hating on them is not the solution… on 13 Aug 2024 16:46 next collapse

Oh. Same is true for Google Play and literally every self updating app/program on the planet lmao. on 13 Aug 2024 17:05 collapse

Google has root on play devices which is a separate issue, but the apps are actually signed by their developers and not google. on 13 Aug 2024 19:26 collapse

not google

This is not true… play store now requires you to give up your signing keys to google so they can sign the app themselves after injecting whatever they feel like. F-Droid does the same because they also compile your apps for you. Another reason some don’t trust F-Droid (or Signal, Tor and a bunch of other free/open source software for that matter) is that they received funding from OTF which is funded by the US government and some people don’t like that. And yes I know computers and the internet also came from the government /shrug

I have no skin in this game, I am not intentionally trying to spread any FUD (but I realize some people will still claim so, they are free to do so), just relaying information I have seen elsewhere. Happy to provide sources if anyone likes. on 13 Aug 2024 19:41 collapse…/9842756?hl=en#zip…

Thats a good point, but it looks like they still let you use your own keys if you want to, but they even say 90% of apps let google sign on their behalf. yeah, ok, full trust with google then.

Before 2021 all apps used their own keys it seems on 14 Aug 2024 01:43 collapse

Play App Signing is required for new apps.

Also now required is giving up your government identity document to google in order to keep publishing on the play store. on 14 Aug 2024 00:47 collapse

They have actually made a bunch of security enhancements to there systems and processes. You can look at the blog if you are curious. on 13 Aug 2024 10:58 next collapse

So I am looking for generic communities that focus on mobile privacy that doesn’t have drama or toxicity or “extreme opinions”. Any suggestions?

the excessive and constant noise a limited number of people is making, their rage when it’s not pure hatred against whatever they don’t like or whoever they don’t agree with, is the main reason why, a Linux user worrying about privacy myself, I decided to stop wasting my time online with any such ‘tech’ communities. It has become almost impossible to have an open and calm discussion on any topic without someone jumping in and barking like some crazy dog — because reasons.

No matter what their reasons or motivations are to be angry or hateful, I have zero desire to listen to endless rabid barking. There isn’t much to learn in that, at least when you’re not a dog.

And I have no time for that either: we only have a limited amount of time to live before the game is over and there is no extra life to get, no second chance. I realized that a few years ago and decided I would not waste a second more of my time dealing with those constantly frustrated or hateful people. In tech or elsewhere.

Tech-wise, I have had much more stimulating and enriching discussions in communities that are not tech (or privacy or security or Linux)-related but communities where tech can still be discussed and debated (including by very competent tech people) just always in a broader discussion that don’t focus on tech itself. on 13 Aug 2024 11:16 next collapse

It’s sad that so many good projects is plagued by this crap. Like did we forget about the whole “respect other people’s opinions” thing? on 13 Aug 2024 12:03 collapse

Like did we forget about the whole “respect other people’s opinions” thing?

I cant say if we have forgotten it or not, but it sure looks like we don’t want to hear about it very much.

It’s all turned binary (pun intended): you’re with us or you’re against us, either you’re good or you’re evil (and then, you deserve to be eliminated). Which is as saddening as it is is… stupid. on 14 Aug 2024 04:01 collapse

If you’re interested, I’d be open to DMing about privacy and security. I would like to learn more about your situation and your threat model and what measures you’ve taken on 14 Aug 2024 08:59 collapse

If you’re interested, I’d be open to DMing about privacy and security. I would like to learn more about your situation and your threat model and what measures you’ve taken

Not sure to understand your question, my situation is nothing special. I’m a dude that cares about what I consider a fundamental human right, as essential as is/should be the freedom of expression: privacy. A right I certainly don’t want to see thrown away for a few already very rich people to be able to make even more crazy profit, nor in the name of convenience (including my own) not even for my own ‘security’ or well-being, for that matter.

Is there anything in what I wrote that made you believe my situation was somewhat special?

As for the ‘measures’ I have taken. I try to be careful & lucid when I use any app/services/device and I do as much as I possibly can without using them at all, aka offline and the analog or IRL way, which is not that hard for me as I often work much better using analog tools.

If you have any specific question feel free to PM me, I can’t promise you an answer but at the very least I will let you know I’ve read it and can’t answer it. on 13 Aug 2024 12:49 next collapse

‘Just trust me bro’ hardware, Google Play Integrity API, banned and GrapheneOS is still simping it.

Running away doesn’t fix this. on 13 Aug 2024 16:31 collapse

At least they could like not be paranoid and hostile… on 13 Aug 2024 15:27 next collapse

You can just join XDA. TBH if Graphene is not your thing and Lineage OS isn’t supported on your device, you can just unlock the bootloader and install the patched kernel using KernelSU which will give you the control you want. on 13 Aug 2024 16:30 next collapse

XDA has a chat? on 13 Aug 2024 18:25 collapse

They have a forum on 13 Aug 2024 17:39 next collapse

Any good tutorial?? on 13 Aug 2024 18:26 collapse

Read KernelSU docs on 13 Aug 2024 19:23 collapse

what about DivestOS? on 13 Aug 2024 21:03 next collapse

Device support? on 13 Aug 2024 21:30 next collapse

Best supported devices:

All devices supported: on 14 Aug 2024 03:49 collapse

Most of them older devices. This is not the fault of the Lineage OS devs, but companies just aren’t allowing it anymore. So if you have a new device, Lineage OS is not an option, if you’re in the US on 13 Aug 2024 23:10 collapse

It’s based on Lineage, so lots on 14 Aug 2024 03:48 collapse

Most of them older devices. This is not the fault of the Lineage OS devs, but companies just aren’t allowing it anymore. So if you have a new device, Lineage OS is not an option, if you’re in the US on 14 Aug 2024 08:51 collapse

Yeah, I want all my devices to run LineageOS and that limits me from lots of options to maybe 2 or 3 modern ones at reasonablish price points.

Thankfully I don’t live in the US, it would be even more difficult as you said. on 14 Aug 2024 00:45 collapse

The dev has ties with the Graphene OS project and has had some controversy. Not to say that it is bad but you should be aware of the person who controls it. on 13 Aug 2024 15:41 next collapse

iodéOS has a Matrix server and the people there are pretty friendly, but discussion is mostly focused on bug reporting and features among beta testers and developers. Probably not what you’re after but just throwing it out there anyway. on 13 Aug 2024 16:42 next collapse

Two words: Fuck Graphene

(More words): and the assholes who run it.

I’ve been flashing phones since my OG Droid in 2009. Done probably 200+ flashes across numerous phones.

I’ve been in IT since the early 90’s.

Had an error with the Graphene flash on a clean Pixel. The way they talked to me would’ve gotten me a re-training session with my management, possibly fired, back when I was on a help desk.

Bunch of arrogant, condescending pricks. They need a Red Foreman boot up their ass. on 13 Aug 2024 19:07 collapse

Oh brother tell me about it. They talk like they are the final word on computer security lol on 13 Aug 2024 19:38 next collapse

That ego lol

Main guy got into a pissing match with Louis roassmann lol

Some people got no social skills on 14 Aug 2024 00:44 collapse

To be fair Graphene OS is probably a big part of there personality on 13 Aug 2024 19:26 next collapse

I run graphene on several devices and recommend it. I do not participate in much discussion about it through. You can just use the best we got in android and be fine with that.

Discussion forums are the same all over I think. I don’t see much difference around graphene here on Lemmy or XDA forum. on 13 Aug 2024 20:00 collapse

For the love of God do not ever go to their community in any case… If you need technical help literally ask anywhere else… If you go there, you’ll end up hating GOS you’ve been warned on 13 Aug 2024 21:09 next collapse

Was this recently? It was bad under micay but thought it had improved by now. on 13 Aug 2024 23:08 next collapse

Isn’t he still pretty involved in the project? I only followed the Rossmann story for a bit until I encountered random attacks on microg in the issue for Mozilla Location Services shutting down.

There’s also this random attack on alternative location services by GrapheneOS.

(Some surrounding discussion on the article can be found here (microg issue for MLS retiring))

Overall, Graphene does not seem like a friendly project in my opinion. on 14 Aug 2024 02:51 collapse

Still not great… on 14 Aug 2024 15:24 collapse

I’ve always got help, and the moderators are really nice. on 14 Aug 2024 00:42 next collapse

Be prepared to be assaulted by the Graphene OS community

My suggestion would be the Calyx OS community or even the F-droid forms. on 14 Aug 2024 03:21 next collapse

Doesn’t tick all the boxes as it is on Lemmy, but feel free to join us at ! on 14 Aug 2024 08:22 collapse

I’ve learned a lot about privacy/security from xmpp chatrooms, especially the room for the conversations client and the divestos chatroom. They both are kind of support chatrooms for the chat client/ android rom but privacy is often a topic and the programmers/ rom maintainers are also present and very knowledgeable.