How a little-known tool is sweeping the real estate industry by giving instant access to vast amounts of homebuyer data (
from to on 19 Jul 2024 19:49


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[deleted] on 19 Jul 2024 20:01 next collapse
. on 19 Jul 2024 20:31 next collapse

*preventing more people from buying homes on 19 Jul 2024 21:28 next collapse

Forewarn is primarily marketed to and used by the real estate industry, and it has been penetrating that market at a rapid clip. Although some real estate agents say the financial information it returns saves time when finding clients most likely to have the budget for the houses they’re looking at, most agents and associations tout it primarily as a safety tool because it also supplies criminal records.

In addition to those records, the product — owned by the data broker red violet — also supplies a given individual’s address history; phone, vehicle and property records; bankruptcies; and liens and judgements, including foreclosure histories.

Although such data could generally be gleaned from public records, Forewarn delivers it at the press of a button — a function real estate agents say allows them to gather publicly available information without having to visit courthouses and municipal offices, a process which would normally take days. on 19 Jul 2024 21:28 next collapse

at this point everybody should get this tool to screen everybody in their lives! on 19 Jul 2024 22:42 next collapse

Oh look, the next iteration of discrimination tactics.

(de-jure segregation →racist deed restrictions → redlining →real estate agent steering →this) on 19 Jul 2024 22:51 collapse

there is no emails proving any classism or racism, shit lord!

this is totally fair social score background check on 19 Jul 2024 23:56 next collapse

Looks like you can’t even opt out without specific legal reasoning based on their opt out policy on 20 Jul 2024 03:47 next collapse

Its just a people-searching tool similar to Spokeo or Intelius or one of hundreds of others. Nothing new.

Some might be shocked to see what kind of info you could find. Other more knowledgeable people know this is a thing that has existed for a long long time. on 20 Jul 2024 19:43 collapse

Yes, and almost all billion-dollar tech companies are simply taking something that already existed, slapping a new UI on it, and marketing it to a specific group of people. on 20 Jul 2024 04:17 collapse

I tried to sign up for an account but didn’t have any luck. I’m just wondering what this company charges to sell my personal info…

Glad I didn’t use a realtor in my home purchase, but honestly half my neighbors probably looked me up with a tool like this.