from to on 02 Mar 12:43
Hello, I recently starting degoogling a motorola razr 50 and I overdid it.
My approach was to use ‘adb’ and uninstall packages. I started with the obvious ones, and then I started going a bit too far. I realise now I should have taken a backup of the apk to restore it after. Well, too late now.
I removed and I thought i would not need them since i installed some Fossify app alternatives. My guess is that they are more libraries than apps, and still needed by the Fossify apps (messages and phone). I’m not able now to send/receive calls/sms, and I’m wondering if I could download the apk from somewhere and restore it.
I tried to get some from the interwebs, but I get the following exception when trying to reinstall them: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Existing package signatures do not match newer version; ignoring!]
The last resort would be to do a factory reset, but I would prefer to avoid it.
Anyone knows how I could fix it?
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the apps aren’t completely uninstalled from your device, only from the current user account. according to this stackexchange thread running
adb shell cmd package install-existing [package_name]
should bring the “removed” package back.
oh… nice. I managed to restore it and it works. Thanks a lot!!
I recommend using App Manager in the future. It has a nice interface for disabling apps, tells you which apps are bloatware, and uses ADB in the backend.
So far I’ve been risking it a bit on my own. I broke a few things already… and then had to restore them. I don’t know if there is an easy way of seeing what can be deleted and what not. I’ll have a look at App Manager, thanks.
There is also Universal Android Debloater Next Generation
At this point, unfortunately, all you’re left with is a factory reset. The way Android is built today just won’t allow you to reinstall modules and libraries unless its6from the official channel.Edit: Apparently the one solution I know about for this is, not only just 1 of the potential “solutions”, but the worst possible one as well. I said this out of ignorance, and I apologize for this.
The apps are still untouched on the phone.
They’re just unavailable for the standard user.
You can reinstall them with adb.
OK, I’ll bite. How?
Dude, seriously? Don’t tell a user to do a factory reset unless you actually know what you’re talking about jfc.
No idea what “jfc” means, but you’re right. Just because I compulsively backup so for me a factory reset is the easiest “fix-all”, it doesn’t mean everyone else functions like me. I spoke out of place, and I’m sorry. Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll be more careful moving forward.
You can be proud of yourself for admitting you were wrong. It doesn’t happen a lot on the web or in the world.
More than pride, I feel great someone took the time to tell me I’m wrong. We’re all growing until the day we die, and we all need others to call us out when needed for us to rethink our ways and then try to make changes for the better.
TheTechnician27 displayed care for others enough to do his part in stopping misinformation, that’s something we sorely need more off in the world.
jfc means Jesus Fucking Christ.
Ah, OK. Thanks. I just learned something new.
Entirely fair; sorry for blowing up.
Nah man. It’s all good. I appreciate how you care about correcting wrong information that might affect others. Your heart is in the right place. Thank you for calling me out.
What commands did you use for removal and reinstall of the package?
To delete this: ./adb shell pm uninstall --user 0… To restore this: ./adb shell cmd package install-existing…