Do you know an alternative to Google Photos for local image search?
from to on 22 May 2024 05:20
from to on 22 May 2024 05:20
I’m looking for a Google Photos search replacement in local, preferable FOSS.
Does anyone know one?
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Synology Photos has a search function. It’s not as good as google’s though.
Unfortunately not FOSS
Immich is a really good self hosted option
This is really the only answer.
this is the way.
Louis Rossman affiliated group FUTO is pitching in to support development of Immich which hopefully will iron out bugs it currently may have.
Thanks, I will try it.
I think Mylio does this, even in its free version. I don’t think it’s FOSS though.
Not really local but selfhosted: Nextcloud + memories
AGPL, self-hosted, high feature parity with GPhotos.
SpaceInvader One channel on YT has several guides on installing the server on UnRaid and migrating your photo library from Google Photos. and
Louis Rossmann recently brought a lot of attention to it by offering the developers a grant via his FUTO org.
Immich has excellent face detection, as well as search capabilities built-in that can be assisted with locally or remote run ML.
I’ve been running it for a couple of months. It’s under active development, but I personally feel that it’s stable and at a good enough place to be a full replacement of Google Photos. In fact, I turned off all uploads to Google in their Photos app, and rely on Immich auto-uploading to my server instead. Of course that means having a robust (preferably off-site) backup and disaster recovery plan.
Photoprism is working great for me.
Both Immich and PhotoPrism are great, personally I prefer Immich because it has official mobile apps. PhotoPrism only has an unofficial Gallery app for Android, but requires you to use a proprietary app called PhotoSync to actually synchronize your photos.