De-Google Your Life - Part 2: Ad-Free YouTube! (
from to on 21 Aug 14:59


threaded - newest on 21 Aug 15:18 next collapse

As long as you are still sourcing the content from youtube, you’re not really de-googled. on 21 Aug 15:25 next collapse

This on 21 Aug 15:36 next collapse

The video is available on floatplane as well if you want to watch not on YouTube/invidious on 21 Aug 16:10 collapse

And bilibili on 21 Aug 15:37 next collapse

Sure, but with the critical mass of videos on Youtube, and the sheer impossibility of consensually mirroring them all on another platform, accessing YT videos with Invidious or Newpipe is at least safer than wading unprotected onto Google’s platforms. on 21 Aug 23:51 next collapse

Yeah it’s practically impossible to completely escape GAFAM unless we renounce ‘digital life’ or make a humongous effort or whatever. It’s about reducing / minimizing the amount of shit they know about us, not being the coolest most degoogled guy in the room. I can’t afford to quit my job just because they make me use Microsoft Authenticator. So yeah essentially it’s better to use Newpipe than Youtube, what a great thing that some dude or dudette decided to develop it for free, Peertube? Even better, yay options, end of story. on 22 Aug 00:22 collapse

Baby steps.

<img alt="1000030887" src=""> on 21 Aug 15:27 next collapse

The original video: on 22 Aug 00:16 next collapse

You can remove the ?feature= part

It’s for google to track how the people clicking the link got there. E.g. in this case you clicked the “share” button in the YT app on 21 Aug 15:51 next collapse

Doesn’t even mention Firefox. on 21 Aug 15:53 next collapse

I wonder if the title implies that there are some other videos in the series, perhaps with a number lower than 2? on 22 Aug 00:12 collapse

This is part two. Browsers were discussed in part one. on 21 Aug 15:54 next collapse

some choices mentioned are questionable (e.g. Brave and PIA), some good solutions are omitted (Organic Maps), but otherwise it’s… surpringly not horrible. on 21 Aug 16:07 next collapse

What’s the issue with PIA? I’ve used it for quite a while and am quite happy with it.

The choice that surprised me was them recommending 1Password ($40/year) over Bitwarden ($10/year, solid free plan). on 21 Aug 16:22 next collapse

here’s a nice article about Kape Technologies, the owner of PIA and two other VPN services:…/what-is-kape-technologies-what-you-nee… on 21 Aug 21:28 next collapse

Thanks. on 22 Aug 13:24 collapse

Yea, but also PIA has been independently audited multiple times and their zero logs policy seems to hold up. on 22 Aug 01:17 collapse

Basically any VPN YouTubers shill is not going to result in a net gain in privacy (depending on your threat model) because many of them sell your data themselves, eagerly log traffic and comply with warrants, etc. Also their server IPs are usually known and blocked from various services. on 21 Aug 16:37 next collapse

it’s… surpringly not horrible.

Except for the video thumbnail. on 21 Aug 16:45 next collapse

Linus is on the left, that’s the only reason I watched the video on 22 Aug 12:39 collapse

He’s said that he hates it just as much, but it’s so effective that not doing it is just bad business. on 22 Aug 13:03 collapse

“I know I’m making an idiot of myself but this way I’m making more money” on 22 Aug 13:37 collapse

He runs a business. Many people’s livelihoods rely on the performance of their videos. on 22 Aug 14:23 collapse

Paint it however you like, it doesn’t change the facts. on 22 Aug 14:38 collapse

He makes a fool of himself for money. No one is disputing that. You seem to be painting that as a bad thing. on 22 Aug 14:35 next collapse

yeah, I’m kinda mad that they omitted organic maps, in my experience it is the cleanest osm app available.

(it may not have the most features but it’s easy to use and reliable) on 22 Aug 22:19 next collapse

the only horrible thing about this is how bad some of the alternatives are; somehow, it seems that google maps is the only one that will give you directions using public transit. on 22 Aug 22:38 collapse

if I had to guess, it’s probably somehow related to how everyone uses Google’s standard for public transport feed. I just use a separate transit app that covers bajillion of different cities in my country and lets me buy tickets without using Google Pay.

Organic Maps is testing public transport navigation, by the way, but it’s not available in released builds yet:…/EXPERIMENTAL_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT_SUPPOR… on 22 Aug 22:38 collapse

Out of the loop; what is wrong with PIA?

[deleted] on 21 Aug 17:19 next collapse
. on 21 Aug 18:14 collapse

I wonder how many of the people hating on Brave realize it was founded by one of the co-founders of Mozilla 🤔

we do, we also realise that it was founded only because he got kicked out for being a bigoted piece of shit

[deleted] on 21 Aug 19:26 collapse
. on 21 Aug 19:46 next collapse

The subjectiveness of it being a superior product aside.

Brave is chromium under the hood and therefore contributes to the rendering engine homogeneity that leaves Google in control of web standards.

Iirc they are keeping some support for manifest v2 , for now. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out for them both financially and from a technical upkeep point of view.

I’d guess it doesn’t last long, but haven’t looked at it hard enough to have an informed opinion on it. on 21 Aug 19:55 next collapse

so why would you kneecap yourself by using a sub-par engine?

So I can be free from chromium !!!

And the kneecap argument is really really really debatable. on 21 Aug 21:27 collapse

It’s true that you need extensions on FF to have some of Brave’s more advanced features. However, I consider this to be a good thing because you can skip their Web3/AI/Ads garbage and only get the features that matter like Forgetful Browsing (through Cookie AutoDelete) for a possibly lowered attack surface. Any Chromium fork, no matter how against big tech it claims to be, is still at the mercy of Google at the end of the day. Nobody is going to spend their time or resources patching Manifest V2 back into the browser after it’s completely gone from the upstream. on 21 Aug 21:41 next collapse

I am very confused. Wasn’t Linus the one that said that if you watch YouTube videos from creators using adblockers is like pirating their content? I didn’t watch the video because I can’t stand LTT but I am genuinely confused. Did he change his mind? on 21 Aug 22:00 next collapse

I think if was him he changes that a long time ago, they also have a video about pi-hole.

Edit: Is him yes, he says that in the video around the 14 minute mark. on 22 Aug 09:22 next collapse

he promoted ublock and 2 others on 22 Aug 12:20 collapse

his reasoning is that anyone who cares enough to use an adblocker already is, and if it’s impossible to prevent it it should at least be done properly on 21 Aug 22:29 next collapse

Please stop promoting this creep! on 22 Aug 01:12 collapse

I don’t know a lot about Linus. What makes him a creep? on 22 Aug 13:54 collapse

His workplace has been accused of being a toxic workplace, including sexual harassment. on 22 Aug 13:57 collapse

That, and he steals from companies that send him devices to review after he completely fucks up testing by doing it against all specs. Must be the one Canadian asshole that exists. on 23 Aug 21:13 collapse

Well-kept secret: There are nice people and assholes anywhere. on 23 Aug 22:52 collapse

Lol, pretty sure you’re absolutely right. on 21 Aug 23:40 next collapse

What a fucking joke. on 22 Aug 20:55 next collapse

LTT is the worst channel for privacy. I do like the channel for new tech and all but not for digital privacy. on 07 Sep 23:27 collapse

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