Xiaomi Bootloader Unlock Service
from __lone_eagle___@lemmy.ml to degoogle@lemmy.ml on 25 Dec 2023 14:18
from __lone_eagle___@lemmy.ml to degoogle@lemmy.ml on 25 Dec 2023 14:18
I don’t know what running up in the minds of Xiaomi but their decision is killing me. Ever Since their New Mobile & Hyper OS showcase many have tried to migrate to use it, may be too many bootloader unlock request during the time was reason made them think that it would affect the sale of their latest mobile (u know the user experience before even releasing the phone worldwide…) May be that is the reason why they shutdown I guess… Just my Personal opinion.
But their decision is simply stopping me from moving to Lineage OS. But I suspect they may bring the service back after couple of months after their phone release.
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Their justification in the past was to ensure the new phones weren’t tampered by resellers before they ended up in the hands of the final user to avoid stuff like this
one more reason why we can’t have nice things 😑
Oh no, who could have foreseen that?! Anyways…
with note3 unlocking was a breeze. i got a poco f1 a couple of months ago and i literally spent a week to find the correct unlocker. this is really getting out of hand. i would buy a fairphone or shiftmq for my next phone but my country has some weird rules in place for iemi’s so it’s really not an option.
How about a pixel?
Same here weird rules and shipping policies end up as huge bill for product especially electronics…