alternatives for searching for local businesses
from to on 10 Nov 2023 21:56

Hi, I am often in unfamiliar locations because of what I do for work and I’m having trouble finding ways to search for businesses that are close by. I’m kind of embarrassed to say that I’ve let myself become pretty dependent, over many years of phone use now, to just use google maps to search for pretty much everything… I’m no longer happy with this method, and I’d like to eliminate my dependency on them.

What are some of your favorite ways to research new locations you’re unfamiliar with? I’m willing to go as far as seeking out phone books if I have to. (I remember the days before the internet, let me tell you…)

Also, I have both organic street maps as well as osmand installed and while I really like using organic street maps it (as well as osmand) is quite lacking in this certain respect.


threaded - newest on 10 Nov 2023 22:15 next collapse

Buy a pack of gum at the gas station/convenience store, as the clerk for recommendations.

Go to a hotel and ask the front desk/concierge.

Ask a librarian or barista!

Everyone has opinions on their environment, most people are happy to give them. on 10 Nov 2023 22:51 collapse

^go full analog with it. Got it.

I know that I can talk to people if I need to, but a lot of times I really don’t want to. Sometimes that isn’t (immediately) an option either. Still solid advice though, I concur. on 11 Nov 2023 00:08 next collapse

but a lot of times I really don’t want to

Me IRL on 11 Nov 2023 01:57 collapse on 11 Nov 2023 00:39 collapse

Weird question. Couldn’t one try calling places like this and asking the same questions? I’m sure it would be a little awkward but I can’t imagine anyone would outright refuse to answer. People tend to like sharing their opinions on 11 Nov 2023 01:58 collapse

Calling the places would certainly be more convenient than actually going in, that’s for sure! on 10 Nov 2023 22:17 next collapse

I don’t think OpenStreetMap is quite there yet. I’d use Google maps if I were you and when I find something I want, I’d make a contribution to OSM.

With that said:

  1. Google maps can be used whilst being signed out (as incognito).
  2. If you’re running a rooted device and have access to a work profile, maybe install MicroG in that profile. Then, install the maps apk.
  3. Run a VPN client in the work profile too, so Google associates your traffic with a different IP. Rotate your VPN box/VPS/Public IP of VPN to keep Google out of the loop. Of course, Google does check for your behavioural patterns so this isn’t exactly foolproof, but it is the closest one can get without modifying source-code.
  4. Note that from Android 14, you no longer cease operation of the work profile when you hit pause. You just suspend the partition. Which is fine, I suppose, but a detriment of this approach is that most apps have network access. Luckily, one can install a firewall and deal with the problem.

I fully support OSM and would like to contribute when and if I go out, but if you’re in a tough spot, I’d rather you use Google maps and be safe rather than using something that may or may not be as reliable and get stuck in a messy situation.

Cheers on 10 Nov 2023 22:48 collapse

One workaround that I have found (though, ultimately I don’t really know if it’s much better and it’s certainly not that convenient) is to use mozilla firefox browser to search with duck duck go which seems to pull from apple maps. This way, I can find the business from looking at the map and copy the name or address and then try and use my preferred app to navigate to it (organicstreetmaps preferably, but I’d use OSMand if I had to).

I definitely like the idea of contributing to the open street maps project which osmand as well as organicstreetmaps both pull from. I just don’t have a lot of time for that right now. Hopefully that will change over time.

I don’t quite understand how to do much of what you mentioned. My technical level with most of that is quite a few steps lower.

My phone isn’t rooted yet, but to me, getting all of this in order to go from steps 2 to 3 is quite a bit of effort. I feel like there should be an easier way, which would be more ideal and also be able to solve this issue.

I would honestly rather cut google out completely and use almost any other method even if that means reaching out to people in real life.

Thank you. on 11 Nov 2023 01:43 collapse

That’s a good idea, thanks for pointing that out. I’m going to start using that myself.

You don’t need to root your mobile for steps 2 and 3. I mentioned it because most people who do this also happen to root their mobiles, but it’s not necessary. You will have to research on how to enable a work profile though.

You will, however, not be able to use a firewall and a VPN at the same time on a device that is not rooted, unless you have a DNS service that blocks malicious domains and other domains which are part of an advertisement network. I believe there are DNS service providers who do this for you for free, might want to take a look.

TBH if you’re running a recently updated Android device which is not rooted and de-bloated, there is very little chance that you’re being successful in de-googling yourself, unless your definition ends at just not using Google apps (which is completely fine, and I’m sure someone will point out that if such a case is presented, one should cease using or any Google-powered servers/services, a quarter of the internet and maybe even Firefox if we stretch the definition, but I digress). Google is listening to you, tracking your movement through Android, tracking your location through their framework installed by default on most android devices, and knows exactly who you are. With that said, this is a great step forward (better than me already since I rely on Google maps most of the time). Kudos to you for taking steps to regain your privacy from Google.

Asking for directions organically by asking people is probably some of the best decisions I have ever made when I went to the countryside for people actually know the place and a chit-chat happens naturally. In the city, me asking someone directions basically ends up with them pulling up their mobile (which I could have done anyway).

Thanks for reading. Cheers! on 10 Nov 2023 22:38 next collapse

Yellow Pages? on 10 Nov 2023 22:53 collapse

Are those still a thing?

Serious question, I haven’t used them in a very long time. Can they be (legitimately) sourced online, or will I need to go to a library/store to source the information?

It’s not a problem either way, but it would be good to know these things anyway. on 10 Nov 2023 23:38 collapse

In my experience, it is riddled with ads to the point where it is hard to find what you’re looking for. I don’t think that print the book anymore. on 11 Nov 2023 00:07 next collapse

There is an app by divested computing group that wraps google maps in a webview. Can be very privacy firendly depending on the browser your system uses as it’s webview. I only use it if other maps don’t work. Organic maps is crazy good. on 11 Nov 2023 02:05 collapse

Organic maps was a really happy find for me. I like it WAY better than osmand (even though I do like that one on principal). The look/functionality of it are damn near top notch. A few refinements here and there and it will be something truly special in my opinion.

‘wraps google maps in a webview. Can be very privacy firendly depending on the browser your system uses as it’s webview’

so it like will contain it or something then? I typically try to use firefox for everything. I’ve run into the webview version of google maps a few times, but I wouldn’t think it was any more secure to use that version. on 11 Nov 2023 13:42 collapse

While true, that’s sumpy becaise the Tor network is used as much as it is. If usage of Lokinet were to pick up, it would just slow down. Knowing the developers of Oxen, they’d then probably cut down on it’s anonymity to increase speed again.

[deleted] on 12 Nov 2023 12:15 collapse

. on 12 Nov 2023 20:20 collapse

See, I’ve been having some issues with OsmAnd+

I’ll give the GMaps WV app a try. Hopefully osmand+ or organicstreetmaps will get so good that even this workaround won’t be necessary anymore.

Thanks for the recommendations.

[deleted] on 12 Nov 2023 22:14 collapse
