Calendar / event / sync / invites
from to on 05 Nov 2023 04:55
from to on 05 Nov 2023 04:55
Recently made the switch to Graphene and am trying to get my main email away from
What’s everyone using for calendar event invites?
I have a mixture of some events that only I need to see, but others I send and receive invites to people using gmail, outlook etc.
Currently trying out free Proton, but it’s a bit limited. For example if I make a recurring event there seems to be no way to edit or remove a single recurrence. Also would like to be able to use say simple calendar widgets with it. Edit, also discovered that invites sent from gmail to proton simply don’t arrive.
Happy for a paid service provided I’m not treated as a product for advertisers to market to.
threaded - newest costs €1 per month and includes mail and a caldav-compatible calendar. It’s no frills. That’s what I use.
This is what I use too and I love it. I use domain when sharing my email address
This is extremely interesting, can I sync my ToDos with Posteo?
Edit: From what I understand, uses CalDav for ToDos which Posteo supports, but (and it sounds silly) do I have checkboxes in my calendar or something like that to know if a certain task is done or some way to see the ToDos in the same way I see them in I hope they don’t look like just an event in the calendar.
As I use myself, I pretty much guarantee that you can. :) However, Posteo has to my knowledge no todo web app so you’ll have to rely on your Phone or PC for ticking off stuff. But if you use the “Add to calendar” option you will definitely see them in the web calendar.
Have just signed up to give it a shot.
Silly question, but is there a way to create an event and invite people from an Android app? (Like outlook)
I’ve currently got k9, davx5. and simple calendar installed.
I created a test event in simple calendar and included my other email addresses in the attendees section. However no invite has been sent by they looks. I checked the posteo webmail page and I can see the event has been synced, but with no one invited.
I also use K-9 and the default calendar and I haven’t found a way to do that. But it’s an Android limitation.
Perhaps something to look forward to when K-9 finally becomes Thunderbird for Android next month?
I hope they can marry IMAP and Caldav together in one app that can handle event invitations.
Not sure that I can live without that ability for my use case.
Guessing other providers with caldav will have the same issue for the time being.
I recommend Zoho. Good privacy policy and very affordable.
if your threat model were ‘encrypt everything at rest’, invitations to people outside your own service would be tricky as they have to be machine-readable text in a specific format. i’m sure it’s possible but you’d have to be specific in looking for that as a feature.
my needs are more modest - don’t store email in GAFAM or particular regimes - and i use runbox, which is bog-standard except for being stored somewhere else, being paid, and having slightly more homely webapps. using ‘evolution’ on linux, a bog-standard email program that’s also a bit more homely than alternatives, invitations go out to whomever i choose and look normal. i make recurring events for myself all the time and remove individual occurrences. i’ve added on ical subscriptions for things like country holidays, which are the first thing you’ll notice missing when you leave outlook.
the mail’s just imap and the calendar’s just caldav. when you get into providers that don’t provide imap or caldav for (valid) security reasons, that’s when you’re more likely to get integration issues with regular people.
I for now settled on, as it has everything I need + some other features like fileshare and video calls.
Posteo are really good. You just need to download davx5 from FDroid to be able to add your calendar and contacts account. Then you’re away.
Get a domain (Cloudflare is where I get mine), open a free zoho account, verify, and that’s that. I have my whole family in our Zoho mail account, and no more Gmail in our home.