Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM (
from to on 04 Nov 2023 00:29

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The Chrome team says they’re not going to pursue Web Integrity but…

it is piloting a new Android WebView Media Integrity API that’s “narrowly scoped, and only targets WebViews embedded in apps.”

They say its because the team “heard your feedback.” I’m sure that’s true, and I can wildly speculate that all the current anti-trust attention was a factor too.

Many said we couldn’t stop it. We, like many, applied pressure, and they backed the fuck off.

We have no room for complacency now though. Google cannot be allowed to dictate web standards. Firefox needs to eat into that Chromium market share. Never forgive. Never forget.


threaded - newest on 04 Nov 2023 01:00 next collapse


That was too easy. on 04 Nov 2023 01:18 next collapse

That’s because this is at least their second attempt.

They are giving up on this because of bad publicity.

They’ll just rename it, rebrand it and try again. on 04 Nov 2023 01:19 next collapse

But we’ll be ready for it, and we’ll keep driving against it. Even after this, Chromium is something people just need to move away from. They’ve motivated us, and I believe we can make dints, and will. on 04 Nov 2023 01:27 next collapse

Even ignoring the WEI debacle, Firefox supports nested vertical tabs via Tree Style Tab or Sidebery, and chrome doesn’t. on 04 Nov 2023 01:46 collapse

What worries me is that usually people tire of the fight and then the corporation wins.

Fighting this fight everywhere is exhausting. on 04 Nov 2023 03:24 next collapse

What worries me is that usually people tire of the fight and then the corporation wins.

Exactly. Big Tech grinds everybody down into accepting the new dystopian normal they want. on 04 Nov 2023 04:29 next collapse

That’s what happened with encrypted video standards….

Which stopped exactly zero piracy. on 04 Nov 2023 06:06 collapse

which is why i’m completely degoogling on 05 Nov 2023 18:45 collapse

Everything in this world seems to be like that. To make our lives moderately better we have to constantly tell, scream, and fight to get just a sliver. But if we give up at all just for a breather they’ll push all the terrible crap on us on 05 Nov 2023 19:09 collapse

Narcissist folk play the system like it’s a game… to be won. It’s not about having a decent life and leaving the people around you to also have a decent life, I need to be richer or more powerful than the joneses down the street.

You can’t convince them to stop it. They’ve infected all the political parties because “power” is what they’re after. They’ll get it because normal folks aren’t interested in the kinds of sacrifice required to maintain control.

I don’t have a good answer, but to the best I can tell, this is how societies fail, and eventually this one will too.

I don’t think there’s a way to stop it either. No idea. on 05 Nov 2023 21:15 collapse

By definition the only way to gain power in a democracy is to want the power enough to fight for it, and the only people who want that power are the ones who don’t deserve it. That doesn’t mean I’ve lost faith in democracy, but showing a fatal weakness in it that is being exploited right now. on 04 Nov 2023 01:44 collapse

This is why everyone who cares about freedom should use Firefox or other gecko based browser. They wouldn’t push this if they didn’t have control of the vast malory of the browser market.

They are like Microsoft 20 years ago with Internet Explorer. In fact looks like they are working together this time to kill Firefox. on 04 Nov 2023 13:34 collapse on 04 Nov 2023 01:13 next collapse

<img alt="People don’t forget" src=""> on 04 Nov 2023 03:25 collapse

People forget very quickly. And people’s attention span is getting shorter and shorter. on 04 Nov 2023 03:31 collapse

They do and they don’t. We’re all built different. on 04 Nov 2023 01:17 next collapse

Constant vigilance on 04 Nov 2023 01:38 next collapse

So if I understand this correctly, it would be a way for websites to opt in to this tool that allows for the website (and google by proxy) to get a lot of information about you and your browser and if you use privacy tools it potentially will prevent you from using their website?

But doesn’t google use bots to crawl the web? I’m sure those get a pass, but they could shut down competitors doing the same thing, seems like an anti-trust suit waiting to happen. on 04 Nov 2023 01:58 collapse

Well. Officially you can opt out from crawlers of any kind. Just need to put the right code in a .htaccess file (if this is still standard. I didn’t code any production ready since 15 years).

But I have my doubts about that… on 04 Nov 2023 03:22 next collapse

That was just the first salvo. This proposal was a feeler: now Google has learned what they couldn’t get away with and they need to boil us frogs more slowly.

This will come back on the table. Less aggressive, less visible, but they won’t give up on it. on 04 Nov 2023 13:17 collapse

‘…boil us frogs more slowly.’ love that idiom, never heard it before. on 04 Nov 2023 12:17 next collapse

… for now… on 04 Nov 2023 16:25 next collapse

Oh they’ll be proceeding with it, just quietly at some undisclosed soon date in the future. on 04 Nov 2023 20:33 collapse


A few months later: Somehow, the Web Integrity API has returned on 04 Nov 2023 20:34 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

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