Lion: A formally verified RISC-V core (
from to on 08 Jul 2023 04:41

Lion is a formally verified, 5-stage pipeline RISC-V core. Lion targets the VELDT FPGA development board and is written in Haskell using Clash.

This repository contains four parts:

  1. The Lion library: a pipelined RISC-V core.
  2. lion-formal: formally verify the core using riscv-formal.
  3. lion-soc: a System-on-Chip demonstrating usage of the Lion core on the VELDT.
  4. lion-metric: Observe Yosys synthesis metrics on the Lion Core.

In my view, with RISC-V, it is finally within the realm of possibility for every single layer of a machine’s architecture to be open source and formally verified. The development on this seems to have gone mostly dormant (and many of the toughest parts of the process remain).

I am posting this here because this sounds like a great foundation for a cypherpunk machine. My vision is for an end-to-end formally verified machine and OS. 99.9999999999% free of back doors, exploits. That’s sort of impossible but this machine might have less of them. It would obviously require extreme hardening in comparison to a typical Linux machine.

This might be the foundation for something like “trusted hardware”.

applications for such a machine:

I don’t nearly have the skills to approach this. But what I do have is time.

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