Let's Discuss the Potential for Vulnerability Here: Why you should check your secrets into Git | Warren Parad (55:08) (www.youtube.com)
from cyph3rPunk@infosec.pub to cypherpunk@infosec.pub on 20 Aug 2023 16:37

Slides - https://authress.io/l/codemotion

Conference: Codemotion Madrid 2023 talks.codemotion.com/why-you-

Can someone recommend a more secure method? I’ve been told many times that using git for secret management would present a potential vulnerability.

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kabobglance@infosec.pub on 21 Aug 2023 02:49 collapse

Yeah this sounds like a bad idea, git isn’t encrypted

kabobglance@infosec.pub on 21 Aug 2023 02:54 collapse

You could use a password manager or somewhere safe to store the secret, then just point to that reference. Storing sensitive secrets/passwords/etc in a safe way is still up for debate imo