Windows Syslog Receiver
from to on 03 Jan 2024 21:54

Hey all, got a quick question!

I want to receive, parse and store syslogs from various devices on my home network on my windows box. I know, I know, its a bit backwards but I’d like to proceed with this sort of setup if possible (not against discussion, of course).

I’ve looked and looked for options but it seems like everything has been bare bones and basically just receives, or is locked behind premium. Surely there’s some sort of solution out there, no? I’d be willing to implement something in Python if I need to but I’m considerably more hesitant when compared to using an open source soln.

Thanks for your time, looking forward to discussing/learning more!


threaded - newest on 03 Jan 2024 23:26 next collapse

I don’t know if an open source solution for windows, but I know of a really cool IDS solution that does syslog. It’s going to be overkill, and there’s a learning curve, but it’s worth it if you’re into this stuff.

Check out Security Onion 2.4

It’s Linux, but the install is kindergarten easy. Just download ISO, pick standalone mode.

It has a web interface. The database is actually elastic search.

If you take the time to play with this thing, it will skill you up. It’s a fully scalable IDS. on 03 Jan 2024 23:52 collapse

Interesting! It rings a bell for sure, and I could really just access the web interface from the windows box as a work around for the soln implementation i’m targetting. Thank you! on 04 Jan 2024 00:31 next collapse

You might be better off using docker to run a Linux based logging system like rsyslogd or loki. Plenty of tutorials out there. on 04 Jan 2024 06:18 next collapse

I would recommemd setting up greylog. It’s pipelines are really mighty and not that hard to learn. You can run it in a VM.

If you really want to you can run filebeat on windows with a file output, so it will write everything in json format to a file. However you will still have to parse ot, make it searchable etc. on 04 Jan 2024 16:12 collapse

Yeah I’m familiar with filebeats and the ELK stack, set one of those up a long while ago to ingest Twitter from api before all that blew out a left kneecap haha.

I’ll check it out as well! on 06 Jan 2024 22:22 collapse

For the elk stack you can replace Logstash and Filebeat with Fluentbit and feed it directly to Elastic Search than use Kibana. I’ve found Logstash to be the resource hog and Fluentbit just runs a lot better imo.

Some docs:…/elasticsearch

EDIT: All three of them can also be run in a docker or several depending on your needs and how you configure. on 08 Jan 2024 23:42 collapse

Sweeet, thank you! on 04 Jan 2024 07:37 next collapse

Your choices are

  • nxlog - it’s awesome.
  • rsyslog built for windows - it’s rsyslog, but built for windows
  • some ridiculously rube-goldbergian mess that requires you set up an entire ecosystem and get a PhD to get properly configured with your 3 new staff members.

Both use code from rsyslog, listen on 514 (configurable) and do logging. I think they’ll even take mqtt and json-format stuff, but I wasn’t needing that yet so I didn’t care

Full disclosure: I first started looking into this at my last post, a mere 600 boxes for windows, which I don’t do and didn’t care about except some log guy was a splunk fanboy dick and I punked him as often as I could because splunk’s absolute inability to cope pissed me off and thus he did by association – thus the mqtt angle as I tried to push that transport idea through because splunk has no clue anymore and can’t cope with mqtt and I liked to see his brain reboot. I’m a Linux/Unix guy so I mainly quote on things that will bring the oddballs into line. My new spot has like 3600 winboxes and I just heard that group’s choice for shipping logs to the central log correlation is …

… Nxlog.

Grain of salt, but good luck. on 04 Jan 2024 16:28 collapse

Yeah so rsyslog is one of those premium products. Seems like I can only practically receive without paying for fuckin parsing capabilities (ew)

But I’ll definitely check out the other! Appreciate it! on 17 Jan 2024 00:10 collapse

Just setup wazuh. on 09 Feb 2024 15:54 collapse

What’s that? How come you prefer that to other solutions? Sorry for the delayed response on 10 Feb 2024 01:24 collapse

Its an open source SIEM with XDR and many rules for free. Its the son of ossec