Shadows of Doubt - a procedurally-generated cyberpunk detective game that plays like an immersive sim (
from to on 12 Aug 2023 05:16

A few months back, one of my favorite let’s play channels introduced me to Shadows of Doubt, a procedurally-generated cyberpunk detective game that plays like an immersive sim. I find it kind of fascinating, and love the look, the crowded, densely-packed setting, and the depth of the simulation, where it maps out stuff like every NPC’s routine whether they’re relevant to a case or not, where they live, even where they leave fingerprints.

I don’t play many games, mostly for lack of time, and tend to avoid proc-gen stuff that relies on emergent gameplay and emergent storytelling (I guess I have an easier time justifying a story-based game as it’s more like reading a book or watching a show? I don’t know). But I keep thinking back to this one and wanting to give it a shot because the cyberpunk immersive sim thing is very much my jam. I thought I’d see if anyone else has played it, and if you’ve had any good adventures in it.

Here’s an article I stumbled onto while gathering links, in case you want more info:…

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