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Oooh I love the artstyle. I would really love to see an anime adaptation of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn or Stormlight series I feel like they would translate really well to anime.
Sanderson has mentioned inspiration from final fantasy X so that tracks
oh neat I had no idea. Yeah they do feel like a novelization of a JRPG
Wooow, looks very interesting!!
Damn, maybe I’ll finally watch a lord of the rings film
Well the animation does look better than the animated Hobbit movie, maybe I’ll give it a shot
Art style is implacable. Sort of resembles the castlevania series? I like it.
That second frame resembles Belmont for sure
I’m hesitant until I see it in motion
threaded - newest
Oooh I love the artstyle. I would really love to see an anime adaptation of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn or Stormlight series I feel like they would translate really well to anime.
Sanderson has mentioned inspiration from final fantasy X so that tracks
oh neat I had no idea. Yeah they do feel like a novelization of a JRPG
Wooow, looks very interesting!!
Damn, maybe I’ll finally watch a lord of the rings film
Well the animation does look better than the animated Hobbit movie, maybe I’ll give it a shot
Art style is implacable. Sort of resembles the castlevania series? I like it.
That second frame resembles Belmont for sure
I’m hesitant until I see it in motion