Anyone else hyped for the upcoming Ranma ½ remake?
from to on 02 Sep 2024 09:29
from to on 02 Sep 2024 09:29
I remember watching the OG Ranma ½ on a French anime channel called Mangas, it was a really good and funny anime. People are complaining that Netflix may censor the echi parts of the show, which would be annoying.
Most of the old voice actors are also back for this remake!
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I will probably try it but I am not expecting much. I wasn’t a fan of the old one. Not to offense anyone but I felt like it was dumb.
Still it looks like a lot of people are hyped about it so maybe I will be surprised !
Not precisely hyped, I still need to finish the original (I just saw a handful of episodes as a kid, but really really liked it).
What I am kinda hyped though is that it will be more loyal to the original source, unlike the old adaptation, but not that much as it could be the same case with Shaman King’s Netflix vs the Fox Kids adaptation? While the latter went too different from the manga, the adapted parts were done at a much better pace than the Netflix version.
I was actually surprised Netflix took this on given some themes and scenes can be considered controversial today. So I’m cautiously optimistic because I feel like they might change some of it to tone it down.
What’s the controversy?
I have memory of watching it but I was still in kindergarten all that remains is I know Ranma can fight and change gender (?) If in contact hot water ?
I am excited about it, however I also was sad the original one wasn’t finished. I’m also curious how they handle deploying it for obvious reasons. The one I loved watching over and over was watermelon island, threw me for a loop. Also I love the design of characters from that era.
I remember watching the odd episode of that show when I was a kid. I just recently downloaded 161 episodes of the original show, but it wasn’t really on my watchlist. Now I hear about a remake. Funny. That’s like the frequency illusion or something.