Akira Toriyama has passed away
from onlooker@lemmy.ml to anime@lemmy.ml on 08 Mar 2024 08:43
from onlooker@lemmy.ml to anime@lemmy.ml on 08 Mar 2024 08:43
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Rest in peace. One of the biggest influences of my childhood. Sad to hear he’s gone, but what a life he’d had. <3
I didn’t grow up with Dragon ball, frankly not a big fan of the art style either, but I recognize the importance he and his work brought to the manga and anime industry. Rest in peace, legend.
Seems like out of the blue. He’s outlived by Goku’s voice actress.
Rip, what a legend. Not too many people can say they touched the hearts and imaginations of so many people across the world.
Yeah. Not every day you get sad news like this and think “His work partly shaped who I am today”.
Legend indeed.
I know. Logically it makes sense but I wasn’t expecting it at all. Felt in my heart like he would outlive me. In many ways Im sure he will.
Really sad to see all these creators of legendary series like Yu-Gi-Oh and Dragon Ball dying. Rest in peace.
I forgot he died snorkeling, what a way to go
Not only that but he died giving his life to help save others. He died a hero.
@ipkpjersi Wait, what?
The creator of Yu-Gi-Oh died a hero: japantimes.co.jp/…/kazuo-takahashi-death-helping-…
Thought he an heroed for a moment
And Berserk
As a fan of DragonBleaPiece, I will miss Akira Toriyama. RIP, you were a true legend.
I never really liked Dragonball but I loved Chrono Trigger. I’m devastated nonetheless to hear he passed.
Absolute legend. RIP sir.
RIP. I’d like to think that he’s training with King Kai right now.